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A 501(c)(3)  Nonprofit


This is urgent now. Please join us.

The challenges in our world are mounting, from isolation, anxiety and depression to devastating climate change, dangerous weather patterns, escalating war, and social and political unrest… 


And while things seem to be getting worse on many fronts, the reality is that there is a solution to all of the world’s problems that isn’t yet being talked about in the media, by government and corporate think-tanks, or even much in the public or on social media. 


That solution is our Changing Humanity’s Future Initiative, a joint undertaking by Humanity’s Team, Neale Donald Walsch, the Conversations with God Foundation, and many other global leaders who have joined with us to bring more attention to the powerful and effective foundational solutions we are offering.

The remedy to the world‘s problems is right here, right now. It is to live consciously, seeing the Unity and Oneness in the Universe at every level and living this way, both individually and collectively.

Many are already living this way now, and we only need to get to about 10% of the population before we create a tipping point that affects dramatic positive global change.


When you live consciously, you experience being part of something sacred and larger than yourself.


You also endeavor to create a more fulfilling life, both for yourself as an individual, and for everyone on the planet, generating momentum toward manifesting a flourishing world for everyone for generations to come.

We invite you to consider these quotes from Albert Einstein: 

“A human being is part of a whole, called by us the Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest—a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”

"The greatest illusion in this world is the illusion of separation."

And this one, where he shares that we must elevate consciousness if we are to heal individual and collective challenges in the world:

As part of our effort to elevate consciousness worldwide, we have created a conscious streaming platform called Humanity Stream+. With your assistance, this initiative will offer Humanity Stream+ to every home on the planet, translated and at a reasonable price, or even for free when there is no budget.

Our mission is to establish conscious living as the most productive and sustainable way of inhabiting the Earth, and to set a path for humanity to make conscious living pervasive by 2040...

And with your support, together we can absolutely make it happen! 

In the Conversations with God books by Neale Donald Walsch, God makes it clear that if we want to create a sustainable and flourishing world, now is the time to act, and even provides action steps we can take to make the dream of a better world our reality.

Modern science is now affirming much of this very same wisdom, along with the fact that we are a single organism living in a non-dual universe, and are wise to live in ways that nurture the whole of life on our planet.

Even if you’re not familiar with the Conversations with God books, don’t believe in God, and haven’t kept up with the current science, we invite you to take in the wisdom here on our CONFIRMATIONS OF A CONSCIOUS REALITY page and sit with it for a while to see if that wisdom resonates for you as it does for us and so many others.

If it does, we invite you to join us in being part of our vital global undertaking.

With your support we have reached 25% of our $3 million goal for the Changing Humanity's Future Initiative.

With $2.3 million yet to go, we encourage you to take advantage of the nearly $395,000 in matching funds available now.  Yes, every dollar of your donation will be matched 100% due to the generosity of a single matching donation.

For more information on how these funds will be put to use, please see our budget near the bottom of this page.

And since the Conversations with God books inspired the “Changing Humanity’s Future” Initiative, here are a couple of the messages from those books that galvanized us to get to work:

“This is the most important matter facing the human race if you truly want to take advantage of this being the Perfect Time for Advancement within your species, allowing it to continue to exist in a wonderful and pleasant version of physicality.”

Conversations with God, Book 4, Awaken the Species

by Neale Donald Walsch

“I can assure you ALL OF YOU WILL AWAKEN. This is part of the process of evolution…the process of rejoining the inseparable. Knowing again that separation never occurred. Each of you will awaken because no part of God can be deserted by God.”

Tomorrow’s God by Neale Donald Walsch


We believe we can make conscious living pervasive worldwide by 2040 if we have the support to do it.

While there are efforts underway elsewhere to support interplanetary living that will require billions and perhaps hundreds of billions of dollars to implement, the Changing Humanity’s Future Initiative requires a small fraction of this investment and stands to make a much larger impact.

To get up and running toward that goal, we just need to raise the 3 million dollars it will take to successfully launch this life-changing initiative into the world.

Humanity’s Team was founded by Neale Donald Walsch and Steve Farrell in 2003. Under Steve’s leadership, Humanity’s Team has become the #1 global Non-Profit 501(c)(3) in transformational education, with 1.4 million in revenue in 2021 and 674,000 friends on its largest Facebook page.

Humanity’s Team has created a revolutionary conscious streaming platform called Humanity Stream+ which features hundreds of transformational education programs, including 55 new programs added in 2022 alone. This is a true streaming platform accessible anytime on any device -- desktop, TV or mobile -- currently in English, with Spanish, French, and German subscription services available soon. With our One-for-One program, every paid subscription provides a free year’s subscription to an underprivileged or under-served person somewhere in the world. It is our goal to be able to make the Stream+ service available economically to every home on the planet.

Neale Donald Walsch is a modern-day spiritual messenger and author of the New York Times bestselling Conversations with God book series, many of which have been translated into 34 different languages, profoundly touching and influencing millions of people and enabling them to live more fulfilled, connected, and conscious lives.

The Conversations with God Foundation has been supporting Neale’s work throughout the world since 1996.

There is also a third partner in this initiative, comprising the collective of all of the brilliant and talented thought leaders who have partnered with Humanity’s Team to create our industry-leading transformational education programs.

This long list of esteemed luminaries, who all invest considerable time and expertise in developing their online courses and participating in our live events and summits, includes Gregg Braden, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Bruce H. Lipton, Lynne McTaggart, Thomas Hübl, Joan Borysenko, and many others.

When you search names and topics on Humanity Stream+ you will see offerings from many of the most prominent names in the transformational education industry.

God has made it clear that if we as a species wish to create individual and collective well-being for humanity, now is the time to elevate conscious living as the key organizing principle for human life on Earth.

The approach to life we’ve been pursuing for the past several centuries has brought us to a precipice where our future looks bleak.

Covid, the Ukraine war, social injustice, and climate change affecting our Earth ecosystems have only deepened our sense of concern and dissatisfaction with ways of living that lack meaning and purpose. Because of this, many are wisely turning inward and choosing a more conscious path.

If we as a species wish to create individual and collective well-being, now is the time to elevate conscious living as the key organizing principle for human life on Earth.

The carnal approach to life we’ve been pursuing for the past several centuries has brought us to a precipice where our future looks very bleak.

Covid, the Ukraine war, social injustice, and climate change affecting our Earth ecosystems have only deepened our sense of concern and dissatisfaction with ways of living that lack meaning and purpose. Because of this, many are turning to inner contemplation.

When we live consciously, we clearly see the underlying unity in all of life, and we feel the inner harmony present in all things.

As Neale Donald Walsch’s Conversations with God messages (along with others) have been slowly changing the landscape to this awareness since the mid-1990s when the first of the books was published, there is now growing recognition in the world that all of life is deeply connected and that the nature of life is benevolent, not malevolent as has historically been taught.

Modern science, along with spiritual teachers and sacred religious texts throughout history, have echoed these sentiments and ideas, and because of this, we believe now is the ideal time to extend an invitation to the world at large for us to pivot individually and collectively to a new way of living on the Earth.

In the Conversations with God books, God makes it clear that we can create the changes we seek within a single generation.

Of course, this will require that we focus on ourselves first and then on the larger changes in the world that will follow, but due to the current state of society, there is obviously no time to waste. The sooner we are able to launch this paradigm-shifting initiative, the better. 

At the present time, there is a great deal of concern about humanity’s future. There is a sense that we may soon pass a point of no return where humanity and the Earth will enter an existential crisis we cannot recover from before life as we know it is dramatically altered in devastating ways.

In Conversations with God Book 4, Awaken the Species, God says, “These conditions presenting themselves in such an unavoidably visible, dramatically obvious way are what make this the Perfect Time for Advancement.”

“These conditions presenting themselves in such an unavoidably visible, dramatically obvious way are what make this the Perfect Time for Advancement.

We believe there is a solution available to us right here, right now. It is to live consciously. When we live consciously, the sacred world we see requires that we live with different priorities.

Our first priority is to serve life first—that is to say, to serve all of life around us. When we do this, our own lives become more fruitful and we experience true prosperity.

In a very real sense, living consciously is the “first domino” that gets world-changing transformation going. In Conversations with God Book 4: Awaken the Species, God shares that we can create a whole new way of living on the Earth in this generation, and it’s actually going to get easier as we move forward. God says, “The biggest part of the mountain, the toughest climb, is behind you.” And, “The awakening of others will not happen by chance, or as a nice-but-not-specifically-focused-on result, but as an intended effect of the personal evolution of all those who self-select to accept the invitation that has been extended here.”

The entire Conversations with God series is a call to action to live consciously so that we might create the healthy and fulfilling lives we’ve always known were possible.

What does “living consciously” actually mean?

From the very first Conversations with God book, it affirms that God’s basic nature is pure love.

The books assert again and again that God is not vengeful, judging or condemning, and that We Are All One with God, each other, and all of Life.

This means we share a Oneness with God and thus share the same nature.

In the books, God says we are invited to go within or go without; we are invited to not ignore our interior life. And while there are many important messages in the books, these are three of the most important of them.

This is obviously not new wisdom, yet 27 years after the arrival of the first Conversations with God book, this wisdom resonates deeply with many all over the world but has yet to be embraced as a central organizing principle by the majority of humanity.

While mystics have shared over millennia that we are all One with the Divine and Life, and that the Divine’s basic nature—and our own basic nature—is to be loving and nurturing, the majority of people have not organized their lives in this way.

Conversations with God also maintains that the terms “God” and “Universe” are interchangeable, and when scientists, including leading unified physicist Nassim Haramein, speak of the Universe, they affirm a living, loving and conscious cosmos.

Haramein’s research goes further and shares that everything from quantum scale objects to large cosmological objects share a unity, a Oneness. Haramein says humankind and everything in the Universe are sovereign to one body. He says we are designed this way.

And when we live in this place of connection, our being-state is altered such that we look at the world in new ways, and we have new priorities that are born of our awareness of this unity.

Education is always central to social change, and in Tomorrow’s God, God says, “In the months and years just ahead, people will be joining together in a grassroots movement, not of proselytizing, but of education; not of changing people’s minds, but of expanding them.”  

And, then it shares that “If large numbers of people get together, create a team, and choose to experience conscious evolution, humanity can reach critical mass within a very short period. Decades, not centuries. Perhaps not even decades but years.

Humanity’s Team’s conscious streaming platform called Humanity Stream+ was designed exactly for this purpose.

The platform can stream to every home on the planet, and soon in every major language, on almost every device.

Some of our Masterclasses, including Neale Donald Walsch’s and Steve Farrell’s, train participants explicitly in the Conversations with God material, and all of the streaming content is aligned with those foundational teachings.

As previously stated, Humanity’s Team partners with thought leaders all over the world to develop and stream the highest-quality transformational education at an affordable price, and for those who cannot afford the platform at any price, Humanity’s Team has created a One-for-One program that gifts an underprivileged or under-served individual with a free year-long subscription for every paid subscriber.

An economical conscious streaming platform is just what is needed if we are to accelerate conscious evolution on the planet. The first thing you’ll notice upon “entering” and browsing the Humanity Stream+ platform is the scope of the subject matter.

If you want to learn about the latest breakthroughs in science, archaeology, healing, yoga, a healthier diet, sacred weaving, or meditation, there’s a host of healing modalities offered. You’ll also find remarkable stories about life after death, and training to become a psychic medium, along with uplifting and inspiring feature-length films and documentaries.

With its current annual subscription price of $299, Humanity Stream+ has a strong subscriber base that is growing rapidly as more people become aware of it.

Later in the Changing Humanity’s Future Initiative, we will introduce social-change programs supporting the conscious journey and sacred activism on the ground in every city and community globally. 

Our Fundraising Invitation

Humanity’s Team is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, and we are creating an “A” round of fundraising to invite you to help us raise $3 million in charitable donations so we can get off to a fast start and create some real momentum during the 2022/2023 calendar years. 

This is our starting point as we seek to raise the funds to allow us to touch the whole planet. Future fundraising rounds will include more extensive details about our plans as they develop.

Currently, Humanity’s Team and the Conversations with God Foundation — also a 501(c)(3) non-profit — are cash-flowing growth through classes, subscription programs, and retreats.

We offer significant services to our demographics, but we are in no position to aggressively reach out to the whole of the planet with an invitation to live consciously and make conscious living pervasive by 2040, just 18 short years from now. This will require a plan, operational capacity, and growth on a much larger scale.


Many people have written in to tell us we’re doing a great job and to encourage us to keep up the good work, but what most don’t realize is that our work truly is a worldwide team effort, with over half of the Humanity’s Team staff being unpaid volunteers, and our paid staff compensated below market. We are all passionate about the message and the mission, and we’re doing what we do because we see clearly the better world we’ll be able to create together if we can help enough people awaken to their Divine nature and join us in living more consciously. 

With your support we can begin the big pivot toward that goal, and 18 years from now we’ll be inhabiting the Earth in a whole new way, with a legacy of hope and possibility we will leave to future generations. If we’re not successful in reaching our initial fundraising goal right now, we know the mission is far too important to not succeed, so we will wait as long as we must to raise the funding—6 months, 12 months, or even 24 months if we have to before we can begin the work of the Initiative in earnest, but there is an urgency for humanity and the planet, and to have to delay the launch of this global undertaking could have tragic consequences.

This is why we’re inviting you to participate now and to reach out to friends, family, coworkers, and others who are vision aligned with our mission, to encourage them to support the Initiative.


By contributing to the “Changing Humanity’s Future” campaign, you will literally be giving birth to a whole new way of living on the Earth.


With minimal assistance, we’ve put the Conversations with God books, other books written by Neale Donald Walsch, and other conscious messages out in the world, and we’ve created the leading conscious streaming platform on the planet.

Now, with donor assistance, we will accelerate our reach and impact toward creating a whole new way of living on the Earth.

Our conscious streaming platform, Humanity Stream+ is a revolutionary, one-click, conscious streaming platform. There is nothing else like it in the Transformational Education industry. 


We’ve reduced the price by $200 a year already, and will continue to reduce it as we are able. 


Spanish, French and German versions are in the works, and we’ve created a One-for-One program that gifts a free subscription to an underprivileged or underserved individual for every paid subscription.


Education is always at the center of social change, and the Humanity Stream+ platform can be made available to all 8 billion people on the planet cost effectively as we reach out to every home on the planet in every major language.

In order to do this, we will create a massive awareness-building campaign so people all over the world can discover the “Changing Humanity’s Future” Initiative and the Humanity Stream+ platform. 

We receive wonderful feedback and testimonials regularly from those already in our community, but awareness of our mission is still very limited. 

The good news is that we see signs that people everywhere are hungry for support to live more fulfilling and meaningful lives, and for a community of like-minded others, dedicated to creating a sustainable planet for all.

Our online programs provide instruction in hundreds of ways to live more consciously and we will be adding more and more exceptional content every month—content that is being co-developed with thought leaders from all over the world.

Central to our strategy for making conscious living pervasive just 18 short years from now, we will invite everyone who joins us to be involved in regular conscious practices wherever they are in the world. 


We envision that these will be developed at a city-level globally in the future, but for now, there are numerous practices we will engage in together that will allow us to be more intentional, follow the impulses of our soul, embody a conscious state, and be truthful with others about what is working and what is not as we migrate to new levels of conscious attainment, and so much more. 

Humanity’s Team is a tax-exempt organization in the United States under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Federal Tax ID: 86-1088741. Your donation is tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

You can send checks to us at:
Humanity's Team 2735B Iris Ave. Suite 3
Boulder, Colorado 80304 United States

The “Changing Humanity’s Future” Initiative Budget

Here’s how the initial $3,000,000 will be spent:


Awareness-Building: 50% $1,500,000

We will uplevel our content, text, graphics and video to a more professional level across all global social media platforms, and then we’ll develop a comprehensive social-media campaign to educate people about our “Changing Humanity’s Future” Initiative and make them aware of the Humanity Stream+ platform and community. Within a conscious demographic we’re already getting incredible testimonials and feedback, so we plan to leverage our message through the international social media campaign, which will dramatically expand our global presence and impact so we can reach every home, in every region of the world, in every major language. 

Resource development: 15% $450,000

We will put a team together that will be involved in strategy, planning and implementation as we begin our expansion. This team will create a plan that we can unfold through each of our stages of development, addressing our changing human-resources needs. One area that will be extremely strategic are our live and community-based programs that will be focused on encouraging conscious practices in everyday activities such as gardening, cooking, exercising, shopping, and interacting with friends, family and coworkers.

Conversations with God program development: 10% $300,000

This will support the creation of more Conversations with God programs, including a program bringing in important messages from Conversations with God Book 4, Awaken the Species. It will also support the expansion of retreats, seminars and other CwG learning programs worldwide.


Digital Architecture development: 10% $300,000

This slice of the funds will be channeled to expand our development team to support and develop our digital backend, including properly connecting the mailing platform with our website. We will upgrade our digital architecture and streaming platform to include single sitewide login (SSO) across all our platforms (Humanity Stream+, the Humanitys.Team social network, and general web-page preferences), developmental backend to more reliably monitor data metrics and customize our user experience, and more robust automation to maintain a lean team. We will also significantly improve our strategy development to scale across all key functional areas.

Humanity Stream+ programming development: 10% $300,000

We’re getting incredible testimonials about the HumanityStream+ transformational education programs that are on our platform now, and we will use these funds to increase the quantity and reach of the platform content, including more Conversation with God materials and other best-of-breed transformational education.

Currently, our physical infrastructure is very limited. We will expand our infrastructure to support human resources, a recording/filming studio, social media, and donor partnership activities.

Once again, these actions are just the beginning. We’ll obviously be doing much more over the 18-year timeline!

“This is not just about saving the world. This is about your personal spiritual journey; it is about your individual evolution. It can be the most exciting, enthralling time you’ve experienced since your birth.”

Conversations with God, Book 4, Awaken the Species

 by Neale Donald Walsch


This is possibly the most important invitation I’ve ever received. Nothing among all the spiritual and self-development work I’ve done compares with the life-changing impact this work has had on me. This feels like what my soul has been yearning and waiting for.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   - Dr. Judith H.

There’s no time to waste. See you on the 7th.


- Mike J.     

We look forward to working closely with you once you decide to support this whole new way of living on the Earth!

Please give generously if you can. We are all in this together, and we can’t accomplish our goals without you. Only with your financial support will the Initiative be in a position to help humanity create thriving lives for all, along with a flourishing and sustainable planet for us to share.

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