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Check out the resources below for informative and inspiring content to support your journey as we work together to Change Humanity's Future.

Selected Articles from the Blog of Humanity's Team Co-Founder and Worldwide Executive Director, Steve Farrell

Selected Articles from the Blog of Humanity's Team Executive Director, Steve Farrell

The Galileo Moment: It Happened in the 1600s and It’s Happening Again Right Now
By Steve Farrell January 29, 2024
In the early 1600s, the scientific consensus still held that the Earth was the center of the Universe. Galileo discovered this was not true and when he shared his discovery with the rest of the scientific community, he profoundly changed the world. We live under the weight of a similar false reality today that is far more crippling and destructive — the belief that we are separate from each other, the Universe, and the God of our understanding.
By Steve Farrell February 7, 2023
In this post you will learn how to be One, or experience Oneness, with everything and incredible personal and planetary benefits that come from living in connection and harmony.
The Amazon River
By Steve Farrell January 24, 2023
In this blog post, you will explore what Oneness is, understand some of the most powerful demonstrations of Oneness in action, and gain resources for harnessing the power of Oneness in your life.
Community Gathering
By Steve Farrell January 13, 2023
Learn more about the habits and practices of living consciously that you can add into your daily life.
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