These Action Steps are distilled from the plan God has suggested we follow in the Conversations with God book series by modern-day spiritual messenger, Neale Donald Walsch.
While millions of people around the world have read one or more of those books, God tells us in them that the books were never meant to be simply the latest “hot read” but are best used as a catalyst in helping us accelerate the shift to conscious living throughout the planet, allowing us to create a new and glorious way to live on the Earth.
Together, we can bring this new way of living into reality by embracing these Action Steps in our daily lives.
1. Love yourself fully just as you are, love others fully just as they are, and love life fully just as it is, without judgment. Everyone and everything is an emanation of the Divine evolving, so just allow life to unfold.
2. Know that everything, including you, is energy. You are part of one energy field that encompasses all things in the Universe and Cosmos. Each of us in our physical manifestation must work to keep our energy vibration high by consciously choosing the things we think, say, watch, read, eat, etc., because our vibration is constantly impacting our own well-being and the energy of the whole.
3. The soul is God. It is the part of God that resides in us, so when we connect with the soul, we connect with God. Follow the impulses of your soul in every moment, embody your uniquely personal calling, and then model that behavior for others to see and encourage them to follow their own inner guidance as well.
4. Self-identify as an awake human expression of God's wisdom and Love, and listen to the still, quiet voice that is God guiding you from within.
5. Openly and authentically, share your struggles and process on the path to full awakening with those whose lives you touch.
6. Be a steward of the Earth, making conscious decisions that protect the environment and all forms of life.
7. Be the steward of your own body, making conscious decisions about everything that goes into or comes into contact with your body.
8. Focus on working toward the greatest benefit for all rather than competing to "win." Since we are all One, the competition mentality is counterproductive.
9. Work toward an understanding of unconditional love by practicing sending love as often as possible to everyone who comes into your physical presence or mental awareness during the day. Picture them in your mind’s eye and say, "I send you love, health, and happiness," and mean it. Feel the energy emanating from your heart as though you were speaking to your own child, and make a habit of sharing this energy of love with everyone as often as possible.
10. Never linger on negative thoughts. As soon as you become aware that you are thinking negatively or judgmentally, consciously choose to shift your attention to a more positive, loving thought, or to something else entirely.
11. Express gratitude. This is the most powerful tool you have, as gratitude can be a deliberate outpouring of positive and generative energy rather than just a reflexive response.
12. Go with the soul. You most often respond to whatever is happening in your life – whether it is an illness, a disappointment, a happy surprise, or whatever it might be – from the logic center in your mind, but it is advantageous for you to cultivate the ability to respond from the wisdom center in your soul instead.
13. Do not spend time mourning the death of another (even though you may mourn the loss of them being in your physical presence). Instead, know that there is no death, only the leaving of the body to return to a purely energetic form, and celebrate the fact that they continue to exist elsewhere.
14. Adopt the mindset that everything we need is already available to us, and it is our limited awareness, beliefs, and programs that keep us from experiencing this. To bring this into your life, spend time meditating and doing gratitude exercises to envision and experience the joy and relief of already having all you need.
15. Consciously create the best possible life for yourself and all others by feeling the relief and joy of its existence in advance. Each day, practice feeling love, goodness, mercy, compassion, healing, health, and well-being for yourself, your family, and the whole of humanity and the Earth. Your thoughts are creative, and this is how you can heal the chaos and division in the world while at the same time bringing good things into your own life.
When you have fully awakened yourself, you will know, at last, what your true purpose is, your reason for being alive, and the reason for all of life. Then you can decide to express and experience that, and this will encourage others around you to work on themselves in the same way.
You will understand that there is nothing of value to you except life itself. You will know that life never ends and you can create anything you wish to experience, and that you have till eternity to create it or recreate it.
You will live in the knowing that you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by being good and kind and caring and compassionate and unselfish, and by giving and accepting and unconditionally loving in every instant of every moment of every circumstance or situation. You will know you can’t “lose” your life for any reason or in any way, nor can you lose anything else of value to you, because nothing is of value to you but life itself.
You will know that life is eternal, that there is no separation in the Universe – of anything from anything – and this awareness will be a pillar in your own way of life, and the foundation of civilization.
All it takes is to self-identify and then commit to joining in a global undertaking to fully awaken the human species.
Those who commit to their own self-awakening, and to helping their fellow travelers on the planet do the same, have already self-identified. They know that humanity is one decision away from changing its future for the better forever through the process of each person evolving to the next level, by embracing and demonstrating who they really are.
You will know the power and the glory of being Divine through the decision to behave from that Divinity. This is Divinity expressed, not simply bestowed. This is Godliness experienced, and that has been God’s purpose for creating life itself all along.
In Conversations with God Book 4: Awaken the Species, God shares that we can create a whole new way of living on the Earth in this generation, and that it’s actually going to get easier as we move forward if we are open with those around us about our transformative experiences.
“By all of you allowing your personal evolutionary process to be observed by others, it can become a means by which the evolutionary process of all humanity is advanced.”