What if you could reach beyond the veil and access profound wisdom that will transform your entire life?
Imagine if you had the ability to access Divine wisdom from the Afterlife to navigate life's challenges with crystal-clear guidance.
You wouldn’t be exhausting yourself trying to find all the answers. You would be experiencing profound peace as you discover your true purpose through universal consciousness.
You wouldn’t be sensing that you're capable of making a profound difference in the world, but unsure how to tap into that potential. You would have the ability to transform not just your own existence, but contribute to the evolution of mankind and the natural world.
This isn't just a dream. When you learn to access the wisdom that lies beyond the physical realm, you'll discover that we are all eternally connected – through this life, through the Afterlife, and beyond. You'll understand that every soul is on a journey of growth and evolution, and you'll finally have the tools to play your unique part in this grand cosmic dance.
What if you could reach beyond the veil and access profound wisdom that will transform your entire life?
Imagine if you had the ability to access Divine wisdom from the Afterlife to navigate life's challenges with crystal-clear guidance.
You wouldn’t be exhausting yourself trying to find all the answers. You would be experiencing profound peace as you discover your true purpose through universal consciousness.
You wouldn’t be sensing that you're capable of making a profound difference in the world, but unsure how to tap into that potential. You would have the ability to transform not just your own existence, but contribute to the evolution of mankind and the natural world.
This isn't just a dream. When you learn to access the wisdom that lies beyond the physical realm, you'll discover that we are all eternally connected – through this life, through the Afterlife, and beyond. You'll understand that every soul is on a journey of growth and evolution, and you'll finally have the tools to play your unique part in this grand cosmic dance.
The answer to receiving life-changing guidance from beyond and living in greater harmony with the Universe may not be what you think
Nowadays, most people mistakenly believe that they are limited by the information that is handed down to them and unable to access the incredible wealth of wisdom available to them on the other side.
If this sounds like you, remember that it’s not your fault.
The good news is, receiving guidance from the afterlife that empowers your soul to evolve and transcend limited, Earthly boundaries isn’t just possible, but is something you can learn to do each and every day.
The truth is that you are not a victim of your situation. You no longer have to spend a lifetime feeling limited by the knowledge you’ve received and relying on it to be your sole guide.
Are you ready to go beyond your limited sources of information and experience the wisdom available to you on the other side?
The answer to receiving life-changing guidance from beyond and living in greater harmony with the Universe may not be what you think
Nowadays, most people mistakenly believe that they are limited by the information that is handed down to them and unable to access the incredible wealth of wisdom available to them on the other side.
If this sounds like you, remember that it’s not your fault.
The good news is, receiving guidance from the afterlife that empowers your soul to evolve and transcend limited, Earthly boundaries isn’t just possible, but is something you can learn to do each and every day.
The truth is that you are not a victim of your situation. You no longer have to spend a lifetime feeling limited by the knowledge you’ve received and relying on it to be your sole guide.
Are you ready to go beyond your limited sources of information and experience the wisdom available to you on the other side?
The answer to receiving life-changing guidance from beyond and living in greater harmony with the Universe may not be what you think
Nowadays, most people mistakenly believe that they are limited by the information that is handed down to them and unable to access the incredible wealth of wisdom available to them on the other side.
If this sounds like you, remember that it’s not your fault.
The good news is, receiving guidance from the afterlife that empowers your soul to evolve and transcend limited, Earthly boundaries isn’t just possible, but is something you can learn to do each and every day.
The truth is that you are not a victim of your situation. You no longer have to spend a lifetime feeling limited by the knowledge you’ve received and relying on it to be your sole guide.
Are you ready to go beyond your limited sources of information and experience the wisdom available to you on the other side?
Introducing: The “Unlocking the Intelligence of the Afterlife“ Masterclass
Our self-paced masterclass gives you leading edge spiritual insights and training to access intelligence from beyond to elevate your soul, connect with your spirit guides and loved ones from the afterlife for guidance and information, and learn to access the limitless wisdom available to live in greater harmony with the Universe.
“Unlocking The Intelligence of the Afterlife“ is the culmination of Dr. Eben Alexander’s, Karen Newell’s, and Suzanne Giesemann’s decades of experience in spiritual and scientific fields of study.
In this program, you will learn to:
Introducing: “Unlocking the Intelligence of the Afterlife“
Our self-paced masterclass gives you leading edge spiritual insights and training to access intelligence from beyond to elevate your soul, connect with your spirit guides and loved ones from the afterlife for guidance and information, and learn to access the limitless wisdom available to live in greater harmony with the Universe.
“Unlocking The Intelligence of the Afterlife“ is the culmination of Dr. Eben Alexander’s, Karen Newell’s, and Suzanne Giesemann’s decades of experience in spiritual and scientific fields of study.
In this program, you will learn to:
Eben Alexander III, M.D. was an academic neurosurgeon for over 25 years, including 15 years at the Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Children’s Hospital, and Harvard Medical School in Boston. In 2008, he experienced a transcendental Near-Death Experience (NDE) during a week-long coma from an inexplicable brain infection that completely transformed his worldview. A pioneering scientist and modern thought leader in the emerging science that acknowledges the primacy of consciousness in the universe, he is the author of the
New York Times
#1 bestseller
Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife, The Map of Heaven: How Science, Religion, and Ordinary People Are Proving the Afterlife, and
Living in a Mindful Universe: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Heart of Consciousness, co-authored with Sacred Acoustics co-founder Karen Newell.
Karen Newell is an author and specialist in personal development with a diverse body of work that rests upon the foundation of heart-centered consciousness. As an innovator in the emerging field of brainwave entrainment audio meditation, Karen empowers others in their journeys of self-discovery by demonstrating how to connect to inner guidance, achieve inspiration, improve wellness and develop intuition. She is co-founder of Sacred Acoustics, and co-author with Eben Alexander III, M.D. of Living in a Mindful Universe: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Heart of Consciousness.
Suzanne Giesemann is a spiritual teacher, author, and verified medium who has been recognized on the Watkins’ list of the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People. A former Navy Commander with a master’s degree in National Security Affairs, she served as a commanding officer and aide to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. She now shares The Awakened Way™, a path to living a consciously connected and divinely guided life. Suzanne has authored 15 books, 6 bestselling Hemi-Sync recordings and hosts a YouTube channel with over 90,000 subscribers and millions of views each year. She produces the Daily Way inspirational messages, the Awakened Way app, and hosts the top-ranking Messages of Hope podcast.
Here’s what others have to say about
Eben, Karen and Suzanne…
The Curriculum
Part 1 with DR. EBEN ALEXANDER -
Unlocking the Mysteries of Consciousness
Eternity of Soul
A prominent cultural belief is that science and spirituality are at odds with each other, whereas the deeper truth is that the scientific study of consciousness fully supports a synthesis of modern science and spirituality. Eben’s deep near-death experience (NDE), that occurred during a week-long coma in November 2008 due to severe bacterial meningitis, completely changed his personal and scientific world view, from materialism (or physicalism, the basis of our current conventional scientific paradigm) toward philosophical positions that honor the mental and spiritual aspects of our existence as dominating over the physical. In this video module, Eben will explore the most important medical and spiritual features of his NDE, including the challenges the medical details of his case present to modern neuroscience in any attempt to come to a more complete understanding of consciousness as revealed through his experience. He will also examine some of the extraordinary support for primacy of mind that was initiated in the 20th century with the advent of quantum mechanics, where the primacy of consciousness was first taken seriously by world leaders in quantum physics.
We are Sharing One Mind
The Bigelow Institute Essay Contest of 2021, in which 29 essays from global thought leaders with at least 5 years of experience scientifically studying afterlife phenomena are available to the public, basically makes the case beyond any reasonable doubt that, from a scientific perspective, the afterlife is very real. Additionally, Eben’s own NDE provides some of the strongest evidence that the brain is not the producer of phenomenal consciousness. In this video module, Eben will explore the scientific study of psychedelic substances (such as psilocybin, or “magic” mushrooms, LSD and DMT, the active principle in ayahuasca) through a series of scientific studies over the last decade that all conclude that these substances dissolve the major networks of the brain responsible for a sense of self in the here and now. In these circumstances, the brain seems to be “getting out of the way” to allow these transformative experiences to unfold, fully supporting the notion of the primacy of mind over the material world. Eben will also examine the astonishing findings of quantum physics, and the evidence for non-local consciousness that has been identified through parapsychology (telepathy, remote viewing, out of body experiences, distance healing, past life memories in children indicative of reincarnation, etc.).
Your Soul’s Journey
One of the strongest scientific arguments for the primacy of consciousness and the reality of the soul is the study of terminal (or “paradoxical”) lucidity in patients who end their lives in coma due to their terminal medical circumstances, and within days or hours of bodily death, they experience an inexplicable awakening with access to memories and the renewed ability to communicate with loved ones. The dying patient, having thus shocked medical caregivers and family alike with their lucidity, often dies with a smile. In this video module,
Eben will explore this phenomenon, and explain the reasons for that smile. He will also examine the phenomenon of one’s “life flashing before their eyes” that occurs during many near-death experiences and are usually more of a re-living than just ordinary memories, and often include the emotional perspectives of others who were present, effectively dissolving the boundaries of the self, and he will also share some of the extensive scientific research done over the last century that supports the idea of reincarnation, including the thousands of children who have provided uncanny details of their past lives.
Addressing the Universal Wound of Separation
As we assimilate all of the evidence, it becomes clear that we are spiritual beings in a spiritual universe, experiencing what can be called “programmed forgetting,” as the past life memories of children usually fade by age 6 or 7, preventing most adults from having easy access to such memories. This suggests that each of us carries a deep wound from having separated from the spiritual realm when we came into our physical bodies. In this video module, Eben will explore that universal wound of separation, and how we can all come into healing and wholeness by recognizing it and recovering the deeper nature of our spiritual connection with each other and with the mind of the universe-at-large. He will also examine the power of our personal wounds and addictions and the roles they play in our life journeys. Eben then examines the scientific use of psychedelic substances as a surprisingly effective means for overcoming some of the most challenging addictions such as nicotine, opioids, and alcohol, serving as powerful catalysts for accessing higher soul and managing challenging disorders of the ego. He then dives into the ways meditation can be a highly effective substitute for these substances in seeking wholeness and healing, and going beyond just resolution of ego toxicities in seeking physical, mental and emotional health – all ultimately delivered as true spiritual healing and health, harvesting the overall wholeness and healing that results from this expansive mindset.
Achieving Spiritual Health Here and Now
As a pioneer in stimulating the brains of awake patients to examine the mind-brain connection, Wilder Penfield, an esteemed Canadian neurosurgeon who worked mainly in the mid 20th century, was in a unique position to comment on the nature of consciousness. The views presented in his career-summarizing 1975 book, Mystery of the Mind, are fully concurrent with the line of scientific interpretation presented in these modules. In this video module, Eben will explore those views in relation to the medical case report on his own weeklong coma that was written by three physicians who were not involved in his care but were fascinated by his miraculous recovery, stating that it was the NDE itself that had allowed for such an unexpected outcome. He will also examine other recoveries in NDE cases that went far beyond anything expected by modern medicine, including several well-known cases, such as those of Anita Moorjani and Dr. Mary C. Neal. And he will look at spiritual healing beyond miraculous NDE cases, such as a detailed series of spontaneous remissions of advanced cancers and infections beyond medical intervention from an Institute of Noetic Sciences database.
The Binding Force of Love
NDEs are often associated with extraordinary and unexpected healing, whether it be physical, emotional, or mental, because ultimately, all true healing is spiritual, related to our sense of a loving connection and shared purpose with the universe. At the very core of NDEs across all cultures, millennia and belief systems, it is the deep Love experienced at the spiritual depths of the journey that yields the great benefit of liberation from the fear of death, and proof of ongoing spiritual relations with all members of one’s soul group, living and deceased, that yields such comfort and healing around the dying process. In this video module,
Eben will explore how despite the similarities between shared death experiences (SDEs) and NDEs in their qualities and ingredients, SDEs usually happen to people who are quite healthy – either healthcare workers, family and friends at the bedside, or loved ones thousands of miles away. He will highlight some of these amazing experiences, beginning with famed physicist and engineer Nikola Tesla, then expanding into the modern scientific study of such experiences by the father of the field of near-death experience studies, Raymond Moody, and other pioneers in the field.
will also examine the amazingly transformative possibilities that emerge from all of these afterlife phenomena, as well as the synchronicities that often arise around them – those amazing coincidences that reveal a connection we all share with the universe that is far deeper than the obvious causal chains involved in our normal, largely materialist thinking.
Resonance of the Soul
How do we recognize our soul group members in the spiritual realm? How do psychic mediums, taking as little information as a first name, somehow obtain meaningful psychic information from the spiritual realm? The principle of resonance, or information pattern matching, seems to play a deep role in allowing these meaningful connections to manifest. In this video module, Eben will explore the pioneering work of Julie Beischel, PhD and the Windbridge Research Center in their quintuply-blinded protocols studying the work of psychic mediums, and how this work helps us expand our understanding and our ability to personally examine many of these spiritual phenomena. He will also dive into a more advanced scientific discussion of the theoretical and fundamental systems that might underlie empirical observations, as much evidence strongly supports actual soul survival, a position bolstered by the common observation by mediums of the difference between material obtained from the living, and that from clearly discarnate entities or spirits. He will also explore the phenomenon of altruism, spontaneous examples of people risking their lives to come to the aid of fellow beings, even complete strangers, in life-threatening situations, as well as the many documented examples of animals assisting animals of other species (including humans) at great risk to themselves. Altruism is a very practical demonstration of the natural expression of Oneness, viewing others as extensions of ourselves, and thus inspiring us to risk so much to help them.
Generating Personal Experience
The purpose of the personal and scientific evidence presented in the first seven modules of this Masterclass is to help you generate your own personal experiences concerning the reality of your soul and your spiritual connection to the universe, and to observe the evidence that arises for yourself. In this video module, Eben will explore other significant elements of his personal story, including meeting his life partner Karen Newell in 2011, and how her focus on heart consciousness and idealism helped him come to his own rich sense of the primacy of mind. He will also examine the history of binaural beat brainwave entrainment technology’s ability to engender deep transcendental states of conscious awareness, including out-of-body experiences and remote-viewing. And he will share details about his first encounter with his adoptive father’s soul just over two years after awakening from his coma, a landmark in his journey of spiritual enlightenment that provided the next major catalyst after his NDE in 2008. The synchronicity of information surrounding this life-changing set of events is a reminder of the importance of staying attuned to these nudge-winks from the universe about the deeper aspects of our connection, and ultimately proof of our spiritual nature.
Part 2 with KAREN NEWELL - The Power of Sacred Sound to Guide, Inspire & Heal
Know Yourself as an Eternal Soul
The intelligence of the afterlife lies deep within you as an integral part of your eternal soul’s journey. Feeling a resonance with your soul’s perspective provides a foundation for connecting to something greater and fulfilling your purpose in this lifetime. In this video module, Karen will explore how, as spiritual beings, our awareness does not end when our body dies. Instead, the death process serves to reconnect us with loved ones who have already died, reminding us that loving bonds are the most vital part of living. She will show you how the process of dying is a metamorphosis into spirit form and an expansion of awareness, so coming close to death and realizing your consciousness will not die results in a greater desire to live here and now, as knowing firsthand that you are a spiritual being, transforms your approach to living. She will also examine the nature of end-of-life dreams and visions that often take place in a sleep-awake state that is flooded with lifelike events, a reliving of early-life memories, and a sense of preparing for a journey. She will also play a Sacred Acoustics brainwave entrainment audio and guide you through a meditation that will allow you to experience yourself as an eternal soul.
Using Sound to Explore Consciousness
Sound is a highly effective tool for exploring non-physical realms. Many techniques exist, but most require an ability to effectively manage racing thoughts and reactive emotions. Using binaural beat audio technology, it becomes easier to quiet the mind and to identify the inner observer, the part of you that exists behind your thoughts and is known as your soul’s perspective. In this video module, Karen will explore the way theta frequencies delivered to the brain support the hypnagogic state – the space between awake and asleep. Most listeners experience a reduction of distracting thoughts and increased imagery, and others might have unexpected emotional responses. Regular practice can increase extrasensory perceptions or abilities such as lucid dreaming, out-of-body experiences, or kundalini activation. She will also examine how each of us receives information in different ways, similar to but different from the information we take in through our five physical senses, so you can learn to distinguish between states of thinking, feeling, and being, in order to find your soul’s true perspective. Since awareness of the heart’s electromagnetic field helps to manage your emotional responses, especially through a regular practice of generating feelings of gratitude, she will look at how doing this routinely serves as the ultimate golden rule because the resonance of gratitude held in your heart influences both you and those around you in positive ways.
Becoming the Love that You Are
Those who come close to death report a loving universe filled with joy, peace and harmony. These commonly experienced emotional descriptions are among the sixteen features that make up the Near-Death-Experience (NDE) Scale. In this video module,
Karen will explore the additional cognitive effects of NDEs related to time and comprehension, more vivid senses, expanded awareness, an unearthly world, mystical beings, and encountering the souls of departed loved ones. She will share the ways such experiences can be consciously generated using various methods without having to almost die. She will also examine the phenomenon that while feelings of joy and harmony are possible in deep meditative experiences, ironically, a stage of spiritual growth that some encounter is what is called “the dark night of the soul,” and that experience is essentially a shift in perspective from our ego to our soul. She will show you how to approach this process of release and challenge with grace by tuning to the perspective of your soul. Then she will share a highly effective way to experience unconditional love by generating gratitude from within and then inviting the love of the universe into your heart. She will also guide you through another Sacred Acoustics brainwave entrainment audio meditation to resonate the loving force that lies deep within you, connecting you directly to Source and allowing you to fully become the love that you -- at a foundational level --already are.
Transforming to a Broader Perspective
Touching some aspect of the spiritual realm often results in transformative after-effects that cannot be matched by medications and other therapies. Whether the experiences are reported as pleasant or unpleasant, the transformation is the same. Even after near-death experiences, people report changes that include a strengthened belief in an afterlife, greater appreciation for life as a whole, a renewed sense of purpose, greater compassion for others, and a decreased interest in material possessions. In this video module,
Karen will explore this phenomenon, including with the way psychic medium readings can provide similar opportunities for transformation, allowing contact with deceased loved ones that can potentially resolve childhood traumas that have been left unprocessed. Likewise, the life reviews that occur during near-death experiences often show you how your actions have affected others by allowing you to experience others’ points of view, providing you with a broader perspective of events, and clarity about how you might have behaved differently to affect a better outcome.
will show you how to gain this same benefit by practicing a “daily review” from the soul’s perspective, a neutral point of view that serves to bring a broader understanding by uncovering patterns of behavior and an opportunity to change them.
Creating with the Soul’s Resonance
Hypnotic regression by trained therapists is another way to achieve a sleep-awake hypnagogic state in order to facilitate a connection with the soul’s perspective to gain deeper knowledge. To test the reliability of hypnosis, studies show that subjects are not simply prone to suggestion and actively resist being encouraged in a specific direction. In this video module, Karen will explore the specific data gathered from subjects about their memories of previous lifetimes that reveals that their collective memories are in line with historical fact, and not due to fantasy or delusion. She will then examine the transformative effects that often follow a hypnosis session, especially when related to reliving memories of the death process from a previous lifetime, which can often resolve phobias and anxieties in the current lifetime. She will also share how hypnosis can be used to recover memories of encounters in the spiritual realm that happen during cardiac arrest, as people recall making plans to create situations and challenges to address their personal goals for growth and learning. Finally, in this module, she will guide you through another Sacred Acoustics brainwave entrainment audio meditation to help you set intentions that are tuned more clearly to the resonance of your soul, so you can become a more conscious creator of the unfolding events in your life.
Finding Purpose in Compassion
Spiritually transformative experiences are described as intensely beautiful and filled with unity, love and joy, but integrating such events into the mundane routine of living is not necessarily smooth and easy. The five stages in integrating a near-death experience can take an average of seven years, and can include shock or surprise, a need for validation, interpersonal implications, active exploration, and finally, integration. In this video module, Karen will explore the stories of those who have died and come back more empathic and emotionally vulnerable, often with an obvious blurring of boundaries between the self and others. She will also examine how increased compassion seems to infuse people with an abiding sense of purpose following a near-death experience. They desire to help others, bring positive change in the world, and “become their own loving light.” Karen will show you how to allow your natural resonance to reflect your purpose, creating a resonance of feeling fulfilled, authentic, and content, which will serve to align you more fully with your soul’s perspective, and set the stage for pivotal events in your life.
Living in Harmony with All That Is
Exploring consciousness through meditation and other practices provides an opportunity to more fully understand the connections we share. Paying attention to meaningful synchronicities can provide comfort and validation that we are on the right path. The more in touch you are with your spiritual nature, the more you can see the bigger picture of your soul’s journey to manage challenges and opportunities for growth in your life here and now. In this video module, Karen will explore how the use of binaural beats can achieve the theta state of awareness, which provides an excellent foundation for addressing anxieties, emotional release, and limiting beliefs. Inner guidance, creativity, out-of-body experiences, and lucid dreaming might also be enhanced with a regular routine over several months or years. Being in harmony with your soul might involve clearing past traumas, to find your way from feeling separated to connection with support and guidance. She will also examine the ways every soul is unique and must find the combination of methods and techniques that work best, and using Sacred Acoustics brainwave entrainment audio, she will guide you in a meditation through the heart to come into harmony with your soul and all souls on Earth.
Spontaneous Contact with Deceased Loved Ones
Because we live in a spiritual universe as eternal souls, it should be no surprise that contact with deceased loved ones is not unusual. Most people are hesitant to share their experience due to fear of ridicule or disbelief, but acceptance of these encounters as natural occurrences is an important step in truly knowing that our loving relationships do not necessarily end at death. In this video module, Karen will explore various after-death communications, including sensing a presence, hearing a voice, feeling physical contact, or seeing the deceased. She will examine the transformative effects that often follow such an experience: an increase in spiritual or religious beliefs, and an increase in belief in life after death, showing how these kinds of interactions with the spiritual realm seem to offer an opportunity for a fuller understanding and appreciation of your place in the universe. Karen will also share a practice for approaching life that invokes the binding force of love through an ongoing connection to nature, animals, and your fellow human souls. Setting this foundation of knowing yourself from your soul’s perspective will prepare you for even deeper connections.
Part 3 with SUZANNE GIESEMANN - Practical Mediumship
Foundations of Living the Awakened Way
You are one part of the boundless web of all life, both human and a soul at the same time. When you directly experience this for yourself, you will find that you can connect with and experience the non-physical realms, your personal helpers, and your loved-ones-in-spirit in a way that will bring to you a new peace and ease in living. In this video module,
Suzanne will explore how the “no other explanation” evidence of a greater reality, as well as the cosmic origins of the three principles that embody “The Awakened Way” of living fully connected to spirit, offer both a promise and a roadmap to living from the heart.
Suzanne will share highly effective methods and tools to help you make your own connection with the highest consciousness – the very Source of all being, and the Source of
you. She will also examine how through the direct experience of this greater reality you will be able to discover who you
really are: both a human and a soul, created of love and an embodiment of love, and you will come to know that this is what truly matters, not only in this life but also what comes next.
The Importance of Energy Alignment and Balance
How can we know with certainty that there is an afterlife? And how important is it for us to maintain an unobstructed flow in our human energy field? In this video module, Suzanne will explore examples of real, evidence-based communications with beings in spirit. This evidence will provide a solid foundation of understanding which alone can further your personal connection with higher consciousness. She will also examine the human energy field and the necessity for it to stay in flow and balance if it is to positively rather than negatively impact your connection with the elevated frequencies of the spirit realm. Tension and constriction, so often a part of the human experience, can reduce or cut off this flow between soul awareness and human consciousness, but these very human states can be effectively managed with the tools you’ll learn in this module. Living in a state of peace and soul awareness at any time is possible if we learn how to remain open, maintain harmony, and keep ourselves balanced.
The Keys to Connecting – Balance and Brainwave States
The key to unlocking the intelligence of the afterlife is realizing that you are already connected to what Suzanne refers to as the Everlife. Your connection is ever-present in your very being as a soul. In this video module, Suzanne will explore the ways you can recognize the difference between the spacious awareness of your soul versus the limited awareness of your human aspect. You will learn practices to stop the chatter of the brain and to focus on simply being -- the state where your soul’s innate knowing and higher guidance will more easily arise. She will also examine the vagus nerve all humans have, and its importance in developing soul-level insights, as well as sharing a surprisingly short, simple and effective way to quickly transition from beta to alpha brainwaves and create the quiet field of presence in which you will come to recognize your personal connection with higher frequencies. As a result of mastering these practices, you’ll be able to ask questions and receive answers from higher consciousness, and you’ll begin living in balance between your right and left brain, the head and the heart, guided and aware that you are not alone.
Seven Steps to Connecting with Higher Consciousness
with the Bless Me Method®
All realities, dimensions, and levels of life are completely interpenetrating. You are a multidimensional being right now, flowing throughout all the levels, but the filter of your human brain blocks your awareness of this reality. Your body is perfectly designed for the human experience and it is attuned to this world in the same way a radio, a television, or a cell phone are attuned to specific frequencies. And yet you are not limited to this experience! In this video module,
Suzanne will teach you the seven simple and flexible steps designed to allow you to flow easily through the process of exchanging your tuned-in human frequency for that of the spirit realm. With intention, repetition, and practice, you will learn to easily shift your focus to a different frequency, and thus to different realities. There is a frequency band where you can meet loved ones who’ve passed, another where you can connect with your guides, and yet another where you can meet with the angels and masters. Suzanne will guide you following this step-by-step flow from normal waking human consciousness to an expanded state where you will come to know that you are part of ALL of this, and that your connection with higher consciousness is a natural ability always available to you.
Connecting with Loved Ones Who Have Passed
Hearing stories of others’ powerful connections with spirit opens your heart and mind, and increases the likelihood of you having those experiences yourself. In this video module, Suzanne will share the story of a young woman whose parents deeply grieved her passing, and the remarkable evidence provided by her in-spirit interactions with them, assuring us that spirit connections are very real, and can provide us with incredible gifts. Suzanne will also explore other undeniable evidence of the afterlife, including the proof that our relationships with loved ones (and, as you will hear in subsequent modules, our guides, angels, masters, and even our beloved pets) continue after death in infinitely creative ways. She will then guide you through the process of tapping in to your own direct, ever-present connection with the other side and with the higher intelligence that is available to all. And while increasing your conscious awareness of it requires some dedication, once you learn and practice the process on your own, you will eventually be able to easily access for yourself the guidance, support, and love that is ready and waiting for you.
Working with Guides and the Angelic Realm
You can train yourself to tune in to the frequencies of the higher realms, where each one is like a different channel in one big network of consciousness. And because you are foundationally a part of that network, you can never be separated from it. We are all aspects of this One Field, eternally connected, and yet each of us is also an individuated expression of this Source. In this video module, Suzanne will expand on what you learned in the previous modules as Suzanne teaches you specific techniques to connect not only with your loved ones but with spirit guides, angels, and archangels. She will lead you through an exercise that will allow you to profoundly sense the presence of your main spirit guide. She will also explore the reality that since we are all Source (or God, or the Field) in expression, at a deeper level, you are not only part of every other human being you encounter in your daily life, your spirit guides are also a part of you, and you of them. This understanding is the key to moving beyond hope and belief and into knowing that connection with those in non-physical states is possible. Suzanne will show you how to simply change the channel, to shift from your human awareness to a different frequency, in order to experience this more expansive reality.
Using Inspired Writing to Connect with Pets and Famous People
Do you want to connect with the historical masters of our planet, or with famous people, as Suzanne has done? Do you miss a beloved pet and wish to continue to interact with them even after death? In this video module, Suzanne will teach you a new process to go beyond just connecting with loved ones, guides, and angels to reach two other levels of consciousness. This is possible because, as you’ve learned in the previous modules, all that arises does so from the One Mind, and you are an aspect of that Oneness. Suzanne will explore her joyful experience of communicating with her beloved dogs as they crossed over, as well as the “no other explanation” evidence from a cat in spirit who remains fully connected to her living human companion. The process you will learn here can also lead you to a conversation with Buddha, Jesus, or any other famous or historic public figure you wish to communicate with. Suzanne will detail her own experience of conversing with Albert Einstein, and share the evidence that confirmed it was really him. Once you can recognize that all possibilities exist within the One Mind, you will know that you, too, can connect with any beings you choose as long as it serves the greater good in some way.
Harmonizing with the Universe by Understanding Who You Are
What if you could learn to experience the world with a fully open heart and mind, radiating love to all the beings you encounter throughout your day? Love is the lack of separation, and it’s important to learn how to disconnect from your human mindset and experience the joy that is your birthright. In this video module, Suzanne will explore the spaciousness of the soul and its capacity for knowing that what one person experiences, any other can vicariously enjoy as well. She will lead you through an exercise in experiencing the lack of separation that reflects your deepest nature, and show you how you can use this to resolve difficult interactions, change your point of view, and uplevel to your soul’s perspective at any time. She will teach you how to adopt an entirely different point of view, thus shifting your awareness from your human state to the eternal connection you have to all beings in every realm. She will then show you how to build on the first exercise to experience yourself as a limitless being within a field of all possibilities, within the All that is God, which will result in a greater sense of connection and unity to what is eternal.
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We know that $299 is a significant investment in yourself and your future without knowing whether this program will work for you or what makes it different from other things you may have tried in the past...
And we’re so sure this will be the single best investment you can make in yourself and your potential right now, that we offer you our 14-Day Money-back guarantee.
If within 14 days of your purchase of your Humanity Stream+ subscription, you don't feel it’s the right program for you, just let us know and you’ll receive a full refund.
There are no tricks or hidden cancellations pages; just email our team at [email protected] and we’ll immediately arrange for you to receive your refund.
Here’s What You Will Receive With Your Registration:
During the online Masterclass, you will receive:

Total Value: $1,345
Humanity Stream+
12-Month Membership 
Get access to the “Unlocking the Intelligence“ Masterclass plus everything on Humanity Stream+.
The entire streaming platform is yours for less than $1/day.
Total Value: $21,044
Your Cost: $499/year
Now: $299/year
Humanity Stream+ 12-Month
Membership -
Monthly Payment Plan
Get the “Unlocking the Intelligence“ Masterclass and the same Full-Year Stream+ membership for $29.99/month.
Full-year contract not cancellable until the end of 12 months with monthly credit card auto-pay. See details in checkout.
Total Value: $21,044
Original Cost: $39.99/month
Now: $29.99/month for 12 months
The Future of Transformational Education is
Humanity Stream+
If you’d like to commit even more fully to your conscious journey, for not much more than the tuition for this single Masterclass, we want to offer you unlimited access to hundreds of transformational education programs, including all our other Masterclasses, through our Humanity Stream+ online platform.
When you register for the “Unlocking the Intelligence of the Afterlife” Masterclass,
you’ll also receive access to our entire Humanity Stream+ service featuring hundreds of other transformational programs with the most respected scientists, spiritual teachers, and healers in the world, all at no additional cost to you.
As a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to making conscious living prevalent worldwide by 2040, we want to support you at every stage of your personal journey, and including this yearlong subscription to Humanity Stream+ with your registration for this Masterclass is our way of doing exactly that.
You'll get unlimited access to transformative content from some of the most inspirational leaders, visionaries, authors and teachers of our time, including:
Gregg Braden, Bruce H. Lipton, Lynne McTaggart, Michael Beckwith, Neale Donald Walsch, Ken Honda, Raymond Moody, Thomas Hübl, Joan Borysenko, Nassim Haramein, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Patricia Cota Robles, and so many more!
Your Humanity Stream+ membership gives you access to BRAND-NEW Masterclasses as they are released, LIVE and recorded mentoring programs with faculty, and VIP programs!
In addition, Humanity’s Team’s ENTIRE transformational education library is available to as long as you remain a member and you’ll receive a Certificate of Completion for every Masterclass you decide to explore.
All of Humanity's Team Masterclasses + Hundreds of Additional Transformational Education Programming
With our ONE-FOR-ONE Program, your subscription provides one subscription to an underprivileged and under-served individual
LIVE Watch Parties so you can interact with others in the class and share ideas
The ability to Stream or Download to watch on-the-go on ANY device
Here’s what your path to higher consciousness could look like...
Get ready to rediscover who you were truly meant to be in this collection of inspiring conscious content on Humanity Stream+
First Up...
First Up...
In Unlocking The Intelligence, Eben Alexander, Karen Newell, and Suzanne Giesemann, will help you discover how to elevate your soul by exploring non-physical realms, communicating with your spirit guides, and living in greater harmony with the Universe.
In Cosmic Forces, acclaimed spiritual teachers Suzanne Giesemann and Patricia Cotá-Robles will not only explore the most important messages the higher beings in our universe have shared to help humanity evolve toward our own highest potential, they will also teach you how to develop your abilities to interact with these higher beings and radically expand your own consciousness.
Explore hundreds of transformational education programs with world-renowned instructors, on content spanning everything from SCIENCE and PSYCHIC MEDIUMSHIP, TO CONSCIOUS LIVING, HEALTH & WELNESS, SOUND HEALING, and more!
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
dedicated to making conscious living prevalent worldwide by 2040, our
Program ensures your paid subscription also provides a one-year subscription to an underprivileged or under-served individual somewhere in the world.
Here’s what our Stream+ Members have to say...
Become a Humanity Stream+ Member today and join a global movement to elevate consciousness

Included with your Humanity Stream+ annual subscription:
Immediate access to all the modules and materials in this Masterclass as well as to our entire library of Transformational Educational Masterclasses and programs presented by the top leaders in Science, Spirituality, Healing, and more, so you can become a change agent for yourself, your loved ones, your community, and the planet.
Automatic enrollment in every new Masterclass and program we offer.
Exclusive invitations and VIP access to our weekly Live Events, Watch Parties, and Special Events.
Regular live sessions on everything from meditation and sound healing to intentionality and community leadership.
Complete recordings of sessions from the past 10 Global Oneness Summits, as well as access to recordings from upcoming Summits as they happen.
Watch from any device, 24/7, via Apple, Google, and Amazon Fire.
Finding your Conscious Global Tribe and joining our community of people all over the world working to help humanity survive, evolve, and thrive, so we can all enjoy the abundance this planet and the Universe have to offer.
PLUS, You‘ll Get These 3 Exclusive Bonuses:
An invitation to your exclusive New Members Welcome Party and ongoing technical support – Value $149
Free Certificates of Completion for every Masterclass and program you take – Value $50 per program
VIP Access to our annual Global Oneness Summit and FREE Upgrade to our Global Oneness Summit Collections – Value $247
Humanity Stream+
12-Month Membership 
Get access to the “Unlocking the Intelligence“ Masterclass plus everything on Humanity Stream+.
The entire streaming platform is yours for less than $1/day.
Total Value: $21,044
Your Cost: $499/year
Now: $299/year
Humanity Stream+ 12-Month
Membership -
Monthly Payment Plan
Get the “Unlocking the Intelligence“ Masterclass and the same Full-Year Stream+ membership for $29.99/month.
Full-year contract not cancellable until the end of 12 months with monthly credit card auto-pay. See details in checkout.
Total Value: $21,044
Original Cost: $39.99/month
Now: $29.99/month for 12 months
Common Questions:
We have a private Facebook community group for all program participants that provides an opportunity for you to make connections with others, share insights, participate in discussions, and exchange information to support your conscious journey.
All of the modules are recorded and immediately available to Stream+ members.
We know that once you delve into everything Humanity Stream+ has to offer, you’ll absolutely love it and never want to give it up.
But to make sure you have a chance to explore our revolutionary streaming platform and find out for yourself, we offer a 14-Day Money Back Guarantee. If you’re not completely satisfied within the first 14 days, we’ll give you a full refund, no questions asked.
Contact Customer Support at [email protected]
The Certificate of Completion is a printable certificate that documents your completion of a course. You may wish to include it in a personal "Teacher Portfolio" to highlight your specific areas of study.
Yes, if you are facing financial stress at this time, please reach out to [email protected] and we will see how we can help you.