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Free Online Video Program

Communicating with the Spirit World

How to Ask, Listen, Pay Attention, and Release the Outcome

With World-Renowned Spiritual Medium Suzanne Giesemann

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Free Online Video Program

Communicating with

the Spirit World

How to Ask, Listen, Pay Attention, and Release the Outcome

With World-Renowned Spiritual Medium Suzanne Giesemann

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Free Online Video Program

Communicating with the Spirit World

How to Ask, Listen, Pay Attention, and Release the Outcome

With World-Renowned

Spiritual Medium

Suzanne Giesemann

You’re probably well aware that the question of whether there’s a spirit world beyond the world we experience in our daily lives has been definitively answered…

And the answer from all the recent research is a resounding “Yes!”

The only remaining question is just how much better might your life be once you’re able to contact and receive guidance from that spirit world anytime you need it.

Imagine being able to ask questions about any challenges or decisions you’re facing in your life, and then receiving answers from entities and energies that have a perspective far wider than any we could hope to have while we are immersed in our earthly experience.

During the 30-minute “Communicating with the Spirit World” FREE Video Program, you will learn how to…

  • Confidently engage in this relationship with the other side, regardless of whether you’ve had previous encounters with the spirit world
  • Master the techniques you’ll need to use to open a channel and receive guidance anytime you want loving assistance from spirits on the other side
  • Take full advantage of the incredible benefits you can receive from communicating with that other world beyond the veil
  • Easily avoid any of the dangers that can arise when you’re communicating with the spirit world

  • Play your part in helping humanity come through the challenging time we’re in right now

You’ll also hear a little about four of Suzanne’s amazing online programs that are available on HumanityStream+.

YES, Give Me Free Access to this Online Video Program!


To help you learn how to confidently communicate with that world, renowned spiritual medium Suzanne Giesemann has collaborated with Humanity’s Team to create a brand-new FREE Online Video Program “Communicating With The Spirit World: How to Ask, Pay Attention, and Release the Outcome.”

This transformative program will provide you with techniques you can practice on your own that will open up those channels of communication within you and fine tune your ability to communicate with the “other side.”


About Your Instructor

Neale Donald Walsch

About Suzanne Giesemann

Suzanne Giesemann is a spiritual teacher, author, and verified medium who has been recognized on the Watkins’ list of the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People. A former Navy Commander with a master’s degree in National Security Affairs, she served as a commanding officer and aide to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. She now shares The Awakened Way™, a path to living a consciously connected and divinely guided life. Suzanne has authored 15 books, 6 bestselling Hemi-Sync recordings and hosts a YouTube channel with over 90,000 subscribers and millions of views each year. She produces the Daily Way inspirational messages, the Awakened Way app, and hosts the top-ranking Messages of Hope podcast.


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