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Empowering Our Transformational Journey to  Whole-Being & Belonging

with cosmologist,

award-winning author

& planetary healer

Jude Currivan, Ph.D.

Our Universe is a single unfolding whole of which we are each a part, unfolding in our own lives as conscious microcosms of that ever-expanding unity.

It is our implicit mission as extensions of that Universoul to explore and extend our reach and influence in alignment with its foundational intention – to continue that unfolding. 

Scientific breakthroughs and wide-ranging evidence at all scales are now converging with universal wisdom teachings to reveal our Universe as an innately conscious and unified entity, and ourselves as its purposeful micro-cosmic co-creators.

And while each of us are on our own path of inner and outer discovery, at this pivotal time in the evolutionary arc of the whole of humanity, this is a journey that none of us can undertake alone.

It is important that we embed this vital perception within ourselves and progressively expand our experiential and embodied circle of compassion to include beyond the Me, the We and the All.

If we can do this as we engage in our personal (r)evolutionary journey, we will have the potential to transform our awareness and heal our individual and collective whole-being.

In the “Our Conscious (R)evolution” 8-Week Online Masterclass, with our brilliant and entertaining futurist Jude Currivan, you will experience a home-coming to a re-membered belonging — to ourselves, each other, Gaia our planetary home, along with the entire Universe and our infinite and eternal Cosmos.


In the “Our Conscious (R)evolution” 8-Week Online Masterclass, you will discover…

How our Universe began not in the implied chaos of a big bang 13.8 billion years ago, but as the first moment of an exquisitely fine-tuned, ordered and ongoing Big Breath

The evolutionary story of the Earth is one of collaborative relationships where each evolutionary leap has embodied multi-level cooperation

How perceiving ourselves as Gaians can enrich our everyday lives and our conscious (r)evolution by naturalizing multidimensional awareness and communication

How revolutionary new scientific discoveries at all scales of existence and across numerous fields of research are deepening our awareness of the whole world and our place in its evolutionary flow

How intuitive “knowing,” telepathy, remote cognition, and synchronicities are natural expressions of how mind and consciousness actually function

How you can attune and align with the Universoul’s unfolding emergence to consciously evolve, transcending egoic perspectives and balancing mind, heart and purpose with universal evolutionary purpose

How to integrate both feminine and masculine qualities to help facilitate the birth, activation and embodiment of the compassionate wonder and creativity of the divine child within us

Why “acting locally” matters, and what each of us might do to link up and lift up together, recognizing that “the genius of us all is greater than the genius of any one of us.”

Why “feeling globally” also matters and is a vital part of healing our relationship with each other and our planetary home

How realizing that we’re inseparable can inspire and empower us to embody the golden rule to ‘Treat others and Gaia as you would wish to be treated’ in your thoughts, words and actions

And so much more…


In the “Our Conscious (R)evolution” 8-Week Online Masterclass, you will discover…  

  • How our Universe began not in the implied chaos of a big bang 13.8 billion years ago, but as the first moment of an exquisitely fine-tuned, ordered and ongoing Big Breath
  • The evolutionary story of the Earth is one of collaborative relationships where each evolutionary leap has embodied multi-level cooperation
  • How perceiving ourselves as Gaians can enrich our everyday lives and our conscious (r)evolution by naturalizing multidimensional awareness and communication
  • How revolutionary new scientific discoveries at all scales of existence and across numerous fields of research are deepening our awareness of the whole world and our place in its evolutionary flow
  • How intuitive “knowing,” telepathy, remote cognition, and synchronicities are natural expressions of how mind and consciousness actually function
  • How you can attune and align with the Universoul’s unfolding emergence to consciously evolve, transcending egoic perspectives and balancing mind, heart and purpose with universal evolutionary purpose
  • How to integrate both feminine and masculine qualities to help facilitate the birth, activation and embodiment of the compassionate wonder and creativity of the divine child within us
  • Why “acting locally” matters, and what each of us might do to link up and lift up together, recognizing that “the genius of us all is greater than the genius of any one of us.”
  • Why “feeling globally” also matters and is a vital part of healing our relationship with each other and our planetary home
  • How realizing that we’re inseparable can inspire and empower us to embody the golden rule to ‘Treat others and Gaia as you would wish to be treated’ in your thoughts, words and actions

  • And so much more…

Here’s What You Will Receive With Your Registration:

During the 8-week Masterclass, you will receive 16 Video Modules from Jude Currivan.

You will also be invited to participate in 1 LIVE Mentoring Session with Jude during those 8 weeks. During this session, you’ll be face-to-face with her, live on Zoom, and  she will be able to answer your questions and offer specific guidance to you on your journey.

All of this programming can be streamed or downloaded to watch on-the-go through your subscription to the Humanity Stream+ app.

Available on your Smart Phone, Tablet, TV, and Laptop with Humanity Stream+

Available on your Smart Phone, Tablet, TV, and Laptop with Humanity Stream+


Embodying an Evolutionary Impulse:

Our Universe, Our Planet, and Us (Modules 2-4)

Our Conscious (R)Evolution Module 01



An introduction and summary of the four-part structure and content of the Masterclass, examining the wonder-full potential of our conscious (r)evolution, and its fundamental steps.

In this module, Jude will explore how this (r)evolution empowers and guides our transformational journey to the whole-being of our multidimensional consciousness, along with a felt experience and a progressive embodiment of belonging with each other, our planetary home Gaia, and the whole world.

Our Conscious (R)Evolution Module 02


Embodying a Universal Impulse to Evolve

Scientific breakthroughs are converging with universal wisdom teachings to reveal that our entire Universe is a conscious, evolving, and nonlocally unified entity, and vitally, that it meaningfully and purposefully embodies an impulse to evolve, from simplicity to complexity and with its unity expressed in ever-greater levels of individuated and diverse awareness and conscious interdependence and interbeing.

In this module, Jude will share how our Universe, beginning not in the implied chaos of a Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago but as the first moment of an exquisitely fine-tuned, ordered and ongoing Big Breath, exists and evolves as a multi-dimensional, conscious and nonlocally unified entity; the Universoul. She will also show you how our Universe has meaningfully and purposefully evolved over its immense arc of time to our now being at the here and now of its bow wave of future evolutionary potential and possibility.

Our Conscious (R)Evolution Module 03


Embodying a Planetary Impulse to Evolve

Leading-edge science is also showing that our planetary home, Gaia, is a conscious and multi-dimensional entity and how her evolutionary story throughout the collaborative relationships throughout her entire “gaiasphere,” and each evolutionary leap has embodied multi-level cooperation, leading over more than four billion years, to us.

In this module, Jude will share how the multidimensional Universoul consciousness is embodied in the archetypal sentience of our “Soular” System and the physical and elemental realms of our planetary home as her entire “gaiasphere” of life, showing that we are more than her human children; we are Gaians. Jude will show how on a planetary scale, Gaia’s continuing emergence is embodied in collaborative and synergistic relationships and dynamic coevolutionary partnerships. And where, now, the conscious (r)evolution of humanity may be realized as an integral part of Gaia’s own evolutionary progress and purpose - empowering us to become her co-evolutionary partners.

Our Conscious (R)Evolution Module 04


Embodying a Human Impulse to Evolve

Our conscious evolution, has brought us to a pivotal moment of choice, here and now, and our opportunity to further evolve our personal consciousness to transpersonal awareness and embodiment. By activating the Universoul Heart (8th chakra) and deeper connection with the sentience of Gaia through the Earthstar (9th chakra), we can thereby expand our perception of Me to include We and All. .

In this module, Jude will share how we are co-creative microcosms of our living Universoul’s evolutionary impulse and emergent flow, and how it is embodied in humanity on personal, collective and archetypal levels. She will show how perceiving ourselves as Gaians can enrich our everyday lives and our conscious (r)evolution by naturalizing multidimensional awareness and communication, all while helping us attune to and align with Gaia’s sentience through activation of the transpersonal chakras of the Universoul Heart and Earthstar.


A WholeWorld-View:

The Emergent Cosmology of a Conscious and Evolutionary Universe (Modules 5 - 8)

Our Conscious (R)Evolution Module 05


Convergence with Universal Wisdom Teachings

The complementary perspectives of ancient, Interspiritual and Indigenous wisdom teachings and leading-edge science are now converging with their most profound and universal insights, into-greating and progressing with an emergent and evolutionary understanding of a conscious Universe

In this module, Jude will share how, while underpinned by perennial wisdom traditions, revolutionary new scientific discoveries at all scales of existence and across numerous fields of research are deepening our awareness of the whole world and our place in its evolutionary flow, and can now support and empower such a journey to wholeness for everyone.

Our Conscious (R)Evolution Module 06


Our “Perfect” Universe

Scientific breakthroughs are revealing how the cosmic mind creates our “perfect” Universe as a meaningfully in-formed, holographically manifested, and nonlocally unified entity that exists to evolve – and how we are its purposeful micro-cosmic co-creators.

In this module, Jude will share how the appearance of our Universe arises from deeper non-physical realms of causation, as digitized and vitally, meaningful, in-formation, pixelated at the most minute scale of existence. She will also show how the in-formed reality of our “perfect” Universe – able to evolve from protons to planets and plants and people – manifests holographically, with its innate wholeness expressed in the nested and relational complexity of its differentiated and diverse parts.

Our Conscious (R)Evolution Module 07


Supernormal Attributes

The nonlocal and multidimensional wholeness of our Universe naturally embodies phenomena such as intuitive “knowing,” telepathy and remote cognition – supernormal attributes that are our universal heritage.

In this module, Jude will continue to share how they and other nonlocal occurrences such as synchronicities, while not violating any of the laws of our manifest Universe or the inherent causality within its space-time, are also natural expressions of how fundamentally, mind and consciousness are not something we have but rather, what we and the whole world really are.

Our Conscious (R)Evolution Module 08


A New and Unitive Narrative

As humans, we’ve always shared narratives to make sense and give meaning to ourselves and the world around us. A new and unitive narrative based on the scientific evidence of the emergent cosmology of a conscious, evolutionary and unified Universe – and its embodiment of its unity expressed in radical and emergent diversity – can now underpin, frame and empower our conscious (r)evolution.

In this module, Jude will share how the breakthrough scientific evidence and the unitive narrative it supports, can be a transformational game-changer in healing our collective worldview from the illusion of separation to a perspective of unity in diversity. She will also show how this revelatory unitive narrative guides us to a wholeness of both the inner being and outer doing in our lives, and helps us to integrate our innate health and wholeness.


Integral Paths to Conscious (R)evolution and Whole-Being:

Sage, Shaman, and Seer  (Modules 9 - 12)

Our Conscious (R)Evolution Module 09


The Path of the Mind: Sage

By expanding our consciousness from a personal, 7-based chakra in-formational field to a unity-aware 12-based chakra in-formational field, we can embody and fulfill the potential of our conscious (r)evolution. The achievement of such enlightenment has been the basis of the personal quests and inspiration of great teachers and esoteric wisdom throughout the ages.

In this module, Jude will share the commonality of teachings that illuminate the path of the Sage and their relevance to our conscious (r)evolution at this pivotal time. She will also guide an attunement in the transpersonal awareness of the 8th chakra of the Universal Heart and to ground such unconditionally loving awareness, though the 9th Earthstar chakra with the sentient heart of Gaia.

Our Conscious (R)Evolution Module 10


The Path of the Heart: Shaman

Expanding our awareness to an experientially and lovingly felt sense of a deeper relationship and reciprocal partnership with Gaia’s multi-dimensional sentience, as is the path of the shaman, her entire “gaiasphere” enables us to more clearly hear and listen inwardly to the wisdom of our hearts, healing our relationship with our planetary home and realize our co-evolutionary potential as Gaians.

In this module, Jude shares how such a profound rapport can be experienced by connecting with her Elemental realms, comprising the rocks and minerals of her geosphere (elemental Earth), the rivers, seas and oceans of her hydrosphere (elemental Water), the air of her atmosphere (elemental Air), and her inner and outer heat gifted by our Sun (elemental Fire).

Our Conscious (R)Evolution Module 11


The Path of Revelation: Seer

Enhancing our natural intuitive and supernormal abilities, such as telepathy, remote sensing, and engaging with discarnate and archetypal intelligences, we can deepen our perceptions of the multi-dimensional and ultimately unified nature of reality. In the past, such heightened awareness has often been known as the revelatory path of the mystic, or seer, as it opens our consciousness to multidimensional ways of knowing, guidance and sense of higher purpose.

In this module, Jude will share how embodying such abilities are supernormal, rather than being supernatural or paranormal, when understood with the underpinning and framing of a unitive narrative, itself based on the science of unity and a wholeworld-view. She will show you how to attune and align with the Universoul’s unfolding emergence to consciously evolve and by transcending egoic perspectives, balancing mind, heart and purpose to attune to, empower and align with universal evolutionary purpose and expand our multidimensional awareness and nonlocal insights.

Our Conscious (R)Evolution Module 12


Into-Greating the Three Paths of Sage, Shaman, and Seer

The sage, the shaman, and the seer are complementary paths of understanding, experiencing, and embodying, and they empower us to into-great into the wholeness of our divine selves and the realization of our conscious (r)evolution. Understanding the universal principles and complementarities of polarity-based relationships enables us to more deeply appreciate the attributes of feminine and masculine qualities and authentically embody them within ourselves.

In this module, Jude will share how to integrate and so into-great their attributes to facilitate the birth, activation and embodiment of the compassionate wonder and creativity of the divine child within us. She will also show you how to further experientially expand your persona-based awareness beyond the Universoul Heart and Earthstar chakras, to higher vibrational transpersonal perception along a twelve-fold evolutionary path to unitive and fully embodied divinity.


Conscious (R)evolution Here and Now:

Act Local, Feel Global, Think Cosmic  (Modules 13-16)

Our Conscious (R)Evolution Module 13


Embodying Whole-Being and Belonging:

Act Local

By expanding our circle of compassion from the “Me” to encompass the “We” of our communities, and in listening with the ears of our hearts to respond to the question of “what is mine to do,” we can each choose to make a positive difference, however small it might appear. In doing so we can find a deeper sense of relating and purpose.

In this module, Jude shares why “acting local” matters and provides examples of what each of us might do to link up and lift up together. She will also explore the critical realization we must come to recognize, which is that the genius of us all is greater than the genius of any one of us alone.

Our Conscious (R)Evolution Module 14


Embodying Whole-Being and Belonging:

Feel Global

We naturally look after what we care about and we care for what we relate to. Acknowledging ourselves as Gaians, we can progressively come to experience and embody kinship with Gaia’s multidimensional sentience and realize our conscious (r)evolutionary potential to become Gaia’s co-evolutionary partners.

In this module, Jude will share why “feeling global” matters, how it is a vital part of healing our relationship with each other and our planetary home, and she provides suggestions for how we might feel called to do so. She shows that as we extend a spiral of compassion to encompass and embody “me” with “we” and “all” that beyond unity in inclusive diversity is re-membering that we always have and always will belong; to ourselves, each other, Gaia, and the entire Universoul.

Our Conscious (R)Evolution Module 15


Embodying Whole-Being and Belonging: Think Cosmic

In understanding that our entire Universe meaningfully exists and purposefully evolves as a nonlocally unified entity – and perceiving ourselves as micro-cosmic co-creators of the Universoul’s manifest reality and evolutionary impulse, we can “think cosmically” and perceive the extraordinary in the ordinary and the ordinary in the extraordinary.

In this module, Jude will share how realizing we’re inseparable from one another and from the entire Universe itself can lead to us being inspired and empowered to embody the golden rule, which is to “Treat others and Gaia as you would wish to be treated” in our thoughts, words and actions. She will also show you how to step more fully into that co-creative relationship with the Universe and use it to evolve yourself and those around you.

Our Conscious (R)Evolution Module 14



The transformational journey of our conscious (r)evolution is one of progressive whole-being and belonging with each other and the whole world. It offers us an experienced realization that, “in the commonality of our humanity, we’re all ordinary, and in the commonality of our divinity we’re all extraordinary,” and invites us to embody the whole-beingness of our lives. It invites us to optimize and synergize our co-creative relationships with others and the multidimensional sentience of Gaia and the Universoul, and including leading by serving and going from being a role model to an embodied soul model.

In this module, Jude shares how this offers a profound and practical initiatory path to serve the potential of our conscious (r)evolution in rebirthing ourselves, a new humanity and a new world. She will also show you how living such a divinely embodied life is a sacred life, based on and all-pervaded by universal love of innate interbeing and inherent interspirituality, and that for each and all of us, the journey of homecoming continues.


    About Jude Currivan

Dr. Jude Currivan is a cosmologist, planetary healer, futurist, and author. Previously one of the most senior international businesswomen based in the UK, and co-founder of WholeWorld-View, she is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders circle. She has experienced multidimensional realities since early childhood, holds a Ph.D. in Anthropological Archaeology from the University of Reading in the UK researching ancient cosmologies. and a Master’s Degree in Physics from Oxford University, specializing in cosmology and quantum physics. 

International author of seven non-fiction books currently available in 16 languages and 26 countries. The Cosmic Hologram- In-formation at the Center of Creationwas the first book of her Transformation trilogy and won a silver Nautilus Book Award for 2017. Book two of the trilogy, The Story of GAIA: The Big Breath and the Evolutionary Journey of our Conscious Planetwas published in October 2022. Her work integrates leading-edge science and universal wisdom teachings, aiming to serve humanity’s understanding, experiencing, and embodying of unitive consciousness.


What People Are Saying About Jude Currivan

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The Future of Transformational Education is

Humanity Stream+

If you’d like to commit even more fully to your conscious journey, for not much more than the tuition for this single Masterclass, we want to offer you unlimited access to hundreds of transformational education programs, including all our other Masterclasses, through our Humanity Stream+ online platform.

Whether you seek to deepen your understanding of human potential, heal from past traumas, or discover your soul's true purpose, with our annual subscription you'll have unlimited access to transformative content from some of the most inspirational leaders, visionaries, authors and teachers of our time, including:

Gregg Braden, Bruce H. Lipton, Lynne McTaggart, Michael Beckwith, Neale Donald Walsch, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Thomas Hübl, Joan Borysenko, Nassim Haramein, Katherine Woodward Thomas, Dr. Laura Berman, Mark Nepo, Kris Carr, Matthew Fox, Patricia Cota-Robles, Sister Jenna, and so many more!

Over the past couple of years, many in our community have shared with us how serious they are about their spiritual and personal development, and they’ve expressed their wish that there was a single place they could go to access inspiring training and content, and where they might also connect directly with others to have conversations that are not fueled and gaslit by the daily newscycle.

To fill this need, we created our Humanity Stream+ subscription service with its access to extensive streaming content and a private online community where members are already engaging in deep discussions around conscious evolution and the planetary awakening we are all collectively working toward.

You'll also have access to BRAND-NEW Masterclasses as they are released, LIVE and recorded mentoring programs with faculty, free upgrades, VIP programs, virtual forums, and so much more!

Humanity’s Team’s ENTIRE curriculum for personal evolution and conscious living is all available to you during your yearly subscription, and you’ll receive a Certificate of Completion for every Masterclasses you decide to explore.

As a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization dedicated to making conscious living pervasive worldwide by 2040, we are always looking for new ways to get our life-changing transformative content into the hands of those who might never have access to it otherwise. When you subscribe to Humanity Stream+, your purchase provides one subscription to an underprivileged and under-served individual, providing tools, hope, and support.

All of Humanity's Team Masterclasses + Hundreds of Additional Transformational Education Programming

With our ONE-FOR-ONE Program, your subscription provides one subscription to an underprivileged and under-served individual

LIVE Watch Parties so you can interact with others in the class and share ideas

The ability to Stream or Download to watch on-the-go on ANY device

Whether you seek to deepen your understanding of human potential, heal from past traumas, or discover your soul's true purpose, with our annual subscription you'll have unlimited access to transformative content from some of the most inspirational leaders, visionaries, authors and teachers of our time, including:

Gregg Braden, Bruce H. Lipton, Lynne McTaggart, Michael Beckwith, Neale Donald Walsch, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Thomas Hübl, Joan Borysenko, Nassim Haramein, Katherine Woodward Thomas, Dr. Laura Berman, Mark Nepo, Kris Carr, Matthew Fox, Patricia Cota-Robles, Sister Jenna, and so many more!

Over the past couple of years, many in our community have shared with us how serious they are about their spiritual and personal development, and they’ve expressed their wish that there was a single place they could go to access inspiring training and content, and where they might also connect directly with others to have conversations that are not fueled and gaslit by the daily newscycle.

To fill this need, we created our Humanity Stream+ subscription service with its access to extensive streaming content and a private online community where members are already engaging in deep discussions around conscious evolution and the planetary awakening we are all collectively working toward.

You'll also have access to BRAND-NEW Masterclasses as they are released, LIVE and recorded mentoring programs with faculty, free upgrades, VIP programs, virtual forums, and so much more!

Humanity’s Team’s ENTIRE curriculum for personal evolution and conscious living is all available to you during your yearly subscription, and you’ll receive a Certificate of Completion for every Masterclasses you decide to explore.

As a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization dedicated to making conscious living pervasive worldwide by 2040, we are always looking for new ways to get our life-changing transformative content into the hands of those who might never have access to it otherwise. When you subscribe to Humanity Stream+, your purchase provides one subscription to an underprivileged and under-served individual, providing tools, hope, and support.

All of Humanity's Team Masterclasses + Hundreds of Additional Transformational Education Programming

With our ONE-FOR-ONE Program, your subscription provides one subscription to an underprivileged and under-served individual

LIVE Watch Parties so you can interact with others in the class and share ideas

The ability to Stream or Download to watch on-the-go on ANY device

Here's what your path to higher consciousness could

look like...

Get ready to rediscover who you were truly meant to be in this collection of powerful conscious creativity programming on Humanity Stream+

First up...

The Sacred Journey of Conscious Evolution

In the “Our Conscious (R)evolution” 8-Week Online Masterclass, with our brilliant and entertaining futurist Jude Currivan, you will experience a home-coming to a re-membered belonging — to ourselves, each other, Gaia our planetary home, along with the entire Universe and our infinite and eternal Cosmos.


Cosmic Forces with Suzanne Giesemann and Patricia Cota-Robles

In “The Sacred Journey of Conscious Evolution: Regenerating Yourself and the World Through Science and Divinity” 8-Week Online Masterclass, brilliant and entertaining futurists Andrew Harvey and Jude Currivan will show you how to begin raising your own consciousness and engaging the evolutionary process within yourself every single day. They will also provide you with new mindsets and practices that will transform your own life and the lives of those around you in positive and uplifting ways.


Deep Self Evolution with Barbara Marx Hubbard

In this 8-week Masterclass, acclaimed spiritual teachers Suzanne Giesemann and Patricia Cotá-Robles will not only explore the most important messages the higher beings in our universe have shared to help humanity evolve toward our own highest potential, they will also teach you how to develop your abilities to interact with these higher beings and radically expand your own consciousness.



Pair your learning with hundreds of additional transformational education programs with world-renowned instructors, on content spanning everything from

meditation and psychic mediumship, to conscious business practices, to sound healing and acupressure, and more!

Pair your learning with hundreds of additional transformational education programs with world-renowned instructors, on content spanning everything from meditation and psychic mediumship, to conscious business practices, to sound healing and acupressure, and more!

Choose from one of our Categories below

Choose from one of our Categories below

One for One

We are pleased to give you the opportunity to serve an audience that would typically never have access to Conscious Living material. "One-for-One" is our way of offering a full Stream+ scholarship for every paid subscription to an underprivileged and under-served individual, providing tools, hope, and support.

One for One

We are pleased to give you the opportunity to serve an audience that would typically never have access to Conscious Living material. "One-for-One" is our way of offering a full Stream+ scholarship for every paid subscription to an underprivileged and under-served individual, providing tools, hope, and support.

Here's what our Stream+ Members have to say...

Here's what our Stream+ Members have to say...

Become a Humanity Stream+ Member today and join a global movement to elevate consciousness

Here is everything you’ll get with your Humanity Stream+ annual subscription:

Become a Humanity Stream+ Member today and join a global movement to elevate consciousness

What's included with your Humanity Stream+ annual subscription:

  • Immediate access to all the modules and materials in this Masterclass as well as to our entire library of Transformational Educational Masterclasses and programs presented by the top leaders in Science, Spirituality, Healing, and more, so you can become a change agent for yourself, your loved ones, your community, and the planet.
  • Automatic enrollment in every new Masterclass and program we offer.
  • Exclusive invitations and VIP access to our weekly Live Events, Watch Parties, and Special Events.
  • Regular live sessions on everything from meditation and sound healing to intentionality and community leadership.
  • Complete recordings of sessions from the past 10 Global Oneness Summits, as well as access to recordings from upcoming Summits as they happen.
  • Watch from any device, 24/7, via Apple, Google, Amazon Fire, and Roku platforms.
  • Finding your Conscious Global Tribe and joining our community of people all over the world working to help humanity survive, evolve, and thrive, so we can all enjoy the abundance this planet and the Universe have to offer.

Plus You Get These 3 Exclusive Bonuses:

  • An invitation to your exclusive New Members Welcome Party and ongoing technical support – Value $149
  • Free Certificates of Completion for every Masterclass and program you take – Value $50 per program
  • VIP Access to our annual Global Oneness Summit and FREE Upgrade to our Global Oneness Summit Collections – Value $247

Immediate access to all the modules and materials in this Masterclass as well as to our entire library of Transformational Educational Masterclasses and programs presented by the top leaders in Science, Spirituality, Healing, and more, so you can become a change agent for yourself, your loved ones, your community, and the planet.

Automatic enrollment in every new Masterclass and program we offer.

Exclusive invitations and VIP access to our weekly Live Events, Watch Parties, and Special Events.

Regular live sessions on everything from meditation and sound healing to intentionality and community leadership.

Complete recordings of sessions from the past 10 Global Oneness Summits, as well as access to recordings from upcoming Summits as they happen.

Watch from any device, 24/7, via Apple, Google, Amazon Fire, and Roku platforms.

Finding your Conscious Global Tribe and joining our community of people all over the world working to help humanity survive, evolve, and thrive, so we can all enjoy the abundance this planet and the Universe have to offer.

Plus You Get These 3 Exclusive Bonuses:

An invitation to your exclusive New Members Welcome Party and ongoing technical support – Value $149

Free Certificates of Completion for every Masterclass and program you take – Value $50 per program

VIP Access to our annual Global Oneness Summit and FREE Upgrade to our Global Oneness Summit Collections – Value $247

Humanity Stream+

12-Month Membership - Monthly Payment Plan

Get access to this Program and full access to everything else on Humanity Stream+ for 12 months using this optional monthly payment plan of $29.99/month (contract is not cancellable until the end of the 12th month, at the end of a full year).

In the check-out, enter your debit or credit card information. Your first payment is charged when the order is processed, and the remaining 11 installments are automatically charged every month. Contract will auto-renew after two emailed notifications beginning at 2 weeks from the end of the agreement. 

I understand this is a non-cancellable annual contract with a monthly payment of $29.99/month, not cancellable

until the end of the 12th month.

Total Value: $21,044

Original Cost: $39.99/month

Now: $29.99/month for 12 months

Join Humanity Stream+ Payment Plan Offer

Humanity Stream+

12-Month Membership

 (100+ Programs)

Get access to this Program and full access to everything else on Humanity Stream+.  The entire streaming platform is yours for less than $1/day.

Total Value: $21,044

Your Cost: $499/year

Now: $299/year

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Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!

Our Cancellation Policy

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE this Masterclass, simply contact our Support Team within 14 days of the Masterclass start date, and we will gladly issue you a full refund.

Common Questions:

  • Can I still get benefits from the program if I miss the Live Sessions?

    Yes, you can play back the videos, audios or download the audio recordings of both the Program Sessions and the recorded mentoring sessions, and you’ll still receive the full benefit from the teachings. And you can engage with your fellow students anytime on our private Facebook page and conscious social network to discuss any aspect of what has been shared in the sessions.

  • Can you tell me more about the Facebook Private Community Group?

    We have a private Facebook community group for all program participants that will provide you the opportunity to make connections with others, share insights, participate in discussions and exchange information about events and other activities that will complement your conscious journey. You’ll have the capacity to contribute your intentions, wisdom, experiences, projects, and growth there throughout the program.

  • When are the mentoring sessions and will they be recorded?

    Two previously recorded mentoring sessions are available to program subscribers.

  • Are the modules live teachings?

    The 16 modules are recorded videos and available to watch at your convenience.

  • What is the program schedule?

    You will receive 2 recorded modules per week for 8 weeks.

  • What is your refund policy?

    We are so confident that this program will be enriching, rewarding and lots of fun that we offer a full (100%) refund if for any reason you choose to withdraw from the program within 14 days from the Masterclass purchase date. Your refund will be processed unconditionally, and we’ll send you an email confirming your refund. If you do not hear from us after you send your request, please write to us again.

    If you have any questions about our refund policy or wish to withdraw and request a refund, please notify Ephraim on our Support Team by email at [email protected]. To request a refund, please include the program title in the Subject Line. We also hope you’ll share with us your reasons for wishing to withdraw.

    Optimally we would love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first, so if there is something we can assist you with, please email us at [email protected], and we’ll be happy to help.

    No refund requests can be accepted more than 14 days after the subscription purchase date.

  • How can I reach Customer Support?

    Please write to [email protected]

  • What is the certificate of completion?

    This is a document you can print after completing the course. It is something you can share to illustrate your understanding of this masterclass's teachings. It may help to include on a resume, or to include in your own personal "Teacher Portfolio" to highlight a specific area of expertise.

  • Are there scholarships available?

    We award a limited set of half-scholarships for this program. 

    To apply, please fill out this form.

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