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New York Times
Bestselling Author & Scientist
Gregg Braden
and World-Renowned Physicist and Researcher
Nassim Haramein
From the origin of the Universe, to the emergence of the first humans on Earth, the conventional theories taught in our classrooms and textbooks have led us to believe that…
The truth is that hundreds of scientific and archaeological discoveries over the past 50 years have revealed a very different story for the Universe and humanity’s place within it…
And while these discoveries are being ignored and suppressed by the scientific establishment in order to preserve the status quo, they prove that the story we’ve been told is not only incomplete, but in many cases completely inaccurate, cutting us off from the immense power we have access to by our very nature.
These discoveries not only prove that the Universe is alive and intelligent, they prove we are not the result of random mutations and luck, and that we are part of — rather than separate from — the Universe and everything that happens in it.
They also reveal that our bodies are “wired” to interact with the intelligent field that underlies our existence, opening up almost infinite possibilities for healing, communication, and the sharing of information and energy.
In order to fulfill our destiny and become who we are meant to become, we must embrace these new discoveries and the new evidence, along with the story they tell and the healing and possibility they can bring to our lives.
From climate change to social change, from the shock of the global pandemic to the slow collapse of the global economy, your choices, policies, politics and solutions are based on the way you view the story of who we are and why we are here.
World-renowned scientists and researchers
Gregg Braden and
Nassim Haramein have partnered with Humanity’s Team to create this
first-of-its-kind, self-paced Masterclass to set the story straight and share the forbidden truth about our origins — and our future.
These new truths will not only empower you to make choices that will help you create the best, most powerful version of yourself, they will help all of us to work together to solve the biggest challenges in our world as we move into the next chapter of our evolution and step forward into the destiny we were born to fulfill.
In this self-paced Masterclass, you will learn how to…
Here's What You Will Receive With Your Registration
When you join Humanity Stream+, you’ll get instant access to the entire “Forbidden Science” Masterclass, including:
Cosmology Matters
Cosmology is the story of the Universe and how it (and eventually we) got here. It’s important because the story we accept regarding our origins has a profound effect on how we live our daily lives. In this first module,
Gregg and
Nassim will examine some of the breakthrough discoveries in Cosmology, Physics and Biology that could be transforming our entire view of the world and our place in it but continue to be suppressed by the scientific establishment. They’ll also explore our ability to consciously interact with the universal “Field” that underlies all of existence, and discuss the implications and potential applications for these new discoveries in areas that include energy, space travel, medicine, healing of trauma, environment, and self-regulation of our own biology.
Your Story is Your Life
We’ve all grown up being told that the behavior of the Universe is random, and that we and it are merely the product of a one-in-a-trillion lucky chance happening of physics and biology. In this module, Gregg will explore the overwhelming evidence that various forms of cooperation are the foundation of our success as a species rather than random mutations and competition as we’ve been taught. He’ll also take a deeper dive into the ways the “old” accepted story of our origin has affected the way we’ve lived our lives and all the ways the new emerging story opens up whole new possibilities for a greatly enhanced and expanded human experience.
We Are The Unified Field!
The Unified Field is everywhere. Literally. And it contains an infinite amount of energy and the potentiality of all possible outcomes, which means we — as part of the Field ourselves — have the power to access and direct it to bring about the kind of experiences and outcomes we desire. In this module, Gregg will explore what he experienced in his visit to the CERN Superconducting Supercollider in Geneva, Switzerland, where the Universal Field was recently confirmed, as well as evidence of an even deeper source for the Field. He will also examine the nature of the Field and our remarkable relationship to it, as well as how the holographic, entangled and fractal elements of the Field are revealed in the patterns of our lives, relationships, and experiences, giving us deep insights into how we can apply these principles in our everyday lives.
Fractal Space and Fractal Time
Fractal patterns are one of the universal principles of nature that make our world, and our lives, as they are. The fractal relationships that play out at the sub-microscopic atomic level of matter, are the same patterns that play out on larger visible scales in living systems, human relationships and even the peace between nations. In this module,
Gregg will examine these foundational patterns that appear in every aspect of our lives. He will then illustrate how we can use them to calculate and predict where we can reasonably expect the patterns of past experiences and relationships to repeat, so we can recognize the pattern and use it to our advantage, or change the pattern and create a new one that is more aligned with the trajectory we want our lives to follow. He will also explore how these fractal patterns are found repeating in the flow of events in time that become clear when we evaluate our history through this same lens.
We Are The Technology We've Been Waiting For
An emerging world view from the scientific community suggests that consciousness informs itself through its creations. This means that the “things” we build in our external world — the books we write, the Hollywood movies we create, the art we’re inspired to share, and the advanced technology that is sweeping the world — are more than simply diversions and distractions. It suggests that we’re creating things outside of us to remind us of who we are within: our superpowers of “soft” technology made of neurons, cells and crystalline structures that allow us to thrive in times of chaos. In this module, Gregg will explore the ways we can awaken, and self-regulate our soft technology that gives us access to a vast array of extraordinary potentials, including super immune response, super resilience to change, super memory, super recall, super cognition and much more. He will also take a deeper dive into how we can self-regulate our relationship to the Field, as well as the tremendous benefits we can reap when we gain access to the extraordinary abilities that are latent within us.
Awakening Deep Intuition
There seems to be no limit to our capacities to pull physical energy and emotional information from the Universal Field, and the key to that process has to do with trusting not only our connection to the Field, but the information we receive from it. In this module, Gregg will explore how to do just that: the step-by-step process of accessing, on-demand, the intelligence of the universal field using the recently-recognized neural network in your heart. The goal of this module is for you to learn a repeatable and reliable link you can trust and then know how to tell whether the information you’re receiving originates from the Field itself, or from you and your conscious or subconscious ego-based desires and needs. He will also examine the scientific discoveries that confirm the human heart has specialized cells that think, feel, remember and process independently of the brain or the body, and make deep levels of healing and higher levels of awareness possible through greater heart/brain harmony within the Field.
Forbidden Biology
As humans, we have remarkable abilities that we are only beginning to fully understand and gain access to, but the question is: where do these abilities come from, since there is much evidence to suggest they do not originate within our brains or bodies? In this module,
Gregg will share scientific discoveries confirming that, while evolution is a fact for many forms of life on the Earth, the process of evolution itself breaks down when it comes to humans. From the lack of physical evidence linking modern humans to the primitive forms of life we see on the traditional evolutionary tree, to the fossilized DNA that we can now extract from ancient forms of life to compare to our genome today, the evidence is clear: we are not what we've been told, and more than we've ever imagined. The undeniable evidence of chromosome fusions, gene deletions, and genetic “tweaking” 200,000 years before present reveal that our biology is the result of an ancient and mysterious intervention that cannot be explained by traditional thinking. These discoveries open the door to new insights and give new meaning to the extraordinary potential that is revealed in the new human story.
Forbidden Cosmology
While the true story of our origin has been written about and depicted by ancient cultures throughout the world, this evidence has been deliberately ignored and ridiculed for so long that as a whole, most of the human species are only now beginning to wake up to that story and realizing the implications of our connection to the cosmic intervention at some point in our past that has had a profound effect on our development and our future. In this module, Gregg will examine the cultural and physical evidence of those origins from ancient Hopi, Navajo, Mayan, Andean, and Egyptian texts and images. He will also discuss the ancient artifacts recently discovered in Mesoamerican caves that clearly illustrate and speak to those very origins, as well as exploring the possibility that we can use this information to transcend the limits of time and space, giving us greater freedom and power within the Universe that is our home.
Space is Not Empty: Planck Plasma and Ancient Knowledge
Since the beginning of time, ancient knowledge from cultures all around the world has held that a fundamental “Field” of electromagnetic energy and information is present in the structure of space, and that it permeates all of creation. In this module, Nassim will discuss the nature of that Field and examine the ways the various interpretations of the Field from those ancient cultures relate to our modern understanding of it. He will also explore the significance of the discoveries of German physicist Max Planck in regard to the structure and behavior of space, which reveal the fact that we humans are 99.999% made up of that electromagnetically charged space, and what that means for your ability to access and channel that energy at will.
Re-thinking Black Holes: The Source of Creation
Einstein’s theory of general relativity predicted that space can curve to a point (a singularity) with such gravitational force that even the escape velocity of light is not strong enough to emanate from it, and thus the modern concept of black holes was born. In this module,
Nassim will explore the deeper history of ideas about the singularity and black holes that have been present throughout the ages and their relationship to quantum theory. He will explore the fact that our Universe appears to be a holographic structure in which each point contains the whole, and will examine the probability that black holes exist not only at the center of every galaxy, but also inside the atom itself, and the remarkable possibilities that this newfound realization would open for our lives.
Protons Don't Lie: Revealing The Cosmic Constants
In 2012, Nassim published a scientific paper describing protons as mini black holes, revealing their holographic nature, and proving the existence of "Cosmic Constants," otherwise stated as consistencies present throughout the Universe. His research was later confirmed by experiments in the CERN particle accelerators in Switzerland and his findings were officially adopted in 2018 as The Holographic Mass Solution. In this module, Nassim will tell the story of the experiments that led to his groundbreaking unification theories, exploring the real, verifiable results he’s had during his research, and what these results mean for us and how they will change everything about our understanding of why we are here and how we should approach living our lives.
Size Doesn't Matter: Scaling The Constants From Particle to Universe
From the smallest subatomic particle to the multiverse, the fractal nature of creation, including our place in it, is foundational to every aspect of existence. In this module, Nassim will discuss the ancient recognition of the scaling of those fractal patterns, as well as the scaling of his Holographic Mass Solution from the proton to the electron and ultimately to the whole Universe. He will also explain the nature of dark matter and dark energy in that context, along with the reality that the Universe as we experience it is the result of relationships and cooperation, while also exploring the laws that govern the scaling of fractal patterns.
The Power of Resonance: Solving The Mystery Of Ancient Civilizations
Resonance is the vibrational connection that exists between everything in the Universe. Throughout the world, various ancient cultures were able to perform feats of engineering and construction that still defy our current capacities to recreate them with all our modern technologies, so we have no easy explanation for them. In this module,
Nassim will explore some of these feats and the more likely explanation that our ancestors were aided either directly by more advanced extraterrestrial civilizations or through access to extraterrestrial technologies that used resonance as a foundational element. He will also examine the wealth of evidence of those interactions and technologies, along with the statistical probabilities for advanced life and civilization being present everywhere in our Universe.
The Resonance Key: The Secret to Engineering The Vacuum
Our deeper understanding of resonance, as well our discoveries about the structure of space, have vast implications for the creation of advanced technologies that will eventually emerge in our world. In this module, Nassim will explore the nature of some of those future technologies and the imminent changes they will have on our society. He will also examine the role the vacuum (the absence of matter but where the infinite possibilities for matter exist) plays in the development of those technologies and what he calls the “Resonant Antennas” that will allow such technologies to be developed in harmony with both the civilized and the natural worlds.
A Shift In Thinking: Applying Resonance In Everyday Life
Changes you make in your daily life are usually the result of shifts in your knowledge and understanding of the mechanics of the structure of space and your interaction with it. In this module, Nassim will explore the ways practices such as meditation techniques and a deeper understanding of the nature of consciousness and biology, can help you to more productively apply this knowledge to your everyday life. He will also discuss the “Ark” resonant crystals he created in his lab that can profoundly harness our biological energy and help to focus our own resonance into aligned harmony with the rest of the Universe.
Ancient Artifacts: The Missing Link In Our Ancient Story
There’s no question that there is a missing link in the story of humanity’s development, but this missing link is not the common evolutionary ancestor archaeologists have been trying to find for decades on end; it is the proof that our development is intimately linked to intervention from an ancient intelligence. In this final module, Gregg and Nassim will examine the physical artifacts that have been discovered in a series of excavations in Mesoamerica that not only upend the currently accepted story of human development but also depict in mind-blowingly accurate pictographic detail the very story of that extraterrestrial intervention. They will also review the biggest takeaways from the Masterclass and discuss how you can put them to use in your own life as you prepare to play your part in our transition to the next level of human development we are destined to reach.
You will have access to 6 Mentoring Sessions that Gregg and Nassim recorded for previous live instruction sessions for this program.
In these sessions, our mentors answer questions from attendees, many of which you may have asked yourself. You’ll get incredible insights and an intimate peek into our mentors' minds!
Gregg Braden is a five-time New York Times bestselling author, scientist, international educator and pioneer in the emerging paradigm bridging science, social policy and human potential.
His research resulted in the 2003 discovery of intelligent information encoded into the human genome, and the 2010 application of fractal time to predict future occurrences of past events. Gregg’s work has led to 15 film credits, 12 award-winning books now published in over 40 languages, and he was a 2020 nominee for the prestigious Templeton Prize. He has presented his discoveries in over 34 countries on six continents, and has been invited to speak to The United Nations, Fortune 500 companies, and the U. S. military.
Gregg is a member of scientific and visionary organizations, including the
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS),
Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research,
The Galileo Society, the Institute of HeartMath’s
Global Coherence Initiative,
The Arlington Institute, as well as an original signatory of the
2017 Fuji Declaration, the international call to collectively catalyze a timely shift in the course of human history.
Nassim Haramein has spent the past 30 years researching connections in physics, mathematics, geometry, cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology and chemistry, anthropology, and archeology, leading him to groundbreaking theories, published papers, and patented inventions in the field of unified physics, which are now gaining worldwide recognition and acceptance.
Haramein serves as President of Torus Tech, ARK Crystal, and Resonance Science Foundation, established for the research, development, and distribution of his technology. Resonance Science Foundation launched the Resonance Academy in 2014, an online learning platform offering the Unified Science Course, a 7-module exploration of Haramein's work and other courses reflecting the unified view. The Academy curriculum is offered in multiple languages with +100,000 students enrolled from more than 80 countries.
“The Connected Universe,” a feature length documentary film, released in 2016 and narrated by Sir Patrick Stewart, was produced based on Haramein’s discoveries and their potential impact on generations to come. Haramein speaks regularly to audiences worldwide, and continues to pursue his groundbreaking research...
What others have to say about Gregg and Nassim...
When you register for the “Forbidden Science” Masterclass,
you’ll also receive access to our entire Humanity Stream+ service featuring hundreds of other transformational programs with the most respected scientists, spiritual teachers, and healers in the world, all at no additional cost to you.
As a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to making conscious living prevalent worldwide by 2040, we want to support you at every stage of your personal journey, and including this yearlong subscription to Humanity Stream+ with your registration for Iyanla’s Masterclass is our way of doing exactly that.
You'll get unlimited access to transformative content from some of the most inspirational leaders, visionaries, authors and teachers of our time, including:
Gregg Braden, Bruce H. Lipton, Lynne McTaggart, Michael Beckwith, Neale Donald Walsch, Ken Honda, Raymond Moody, Thomas Hübl, Joan Borysenko, Nassim Haramein, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Patricia Cota Robles, and so many more!
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Here's what your path to higher consciousness could look like...
Get ready to rediscover who you were truly meant to be in this collection of powerful scientific programming with Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., and Gregg Braden on Humanity Stream+
First Up...
First Up...
In this 8-week Masterclass, world-renowned scientists and researchers Gregg Braden and Nassim Haramein will share with you the scientific and archeological discoveries that are being ignored and suppressed by the scientific establishment, and which prove that the Universe is alive and intelligent, and that we are not the result of random mutations and luck but are instead “wired” to interact with the intelligent field that underlies our existence as we move into the next chapter of our evolution.
In the newly expanded Masterclass, Technology, Consciousness, and Evolution, Gregg Braden, Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D, and Lynne McTaggart reveal the scientific discoveries that are proving the current teachings of human evolution wrong, and teach you how to tap into your own innate gifts all humans possess to improve your health and raise your state of consciousness.
In this 8-week Masterclass, Gregg Braden, Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D, and HeartMath leaders Howard Martin and Deborah Rozman, reveal recent scientific discoveries that prove our deep connection to everything in the world around us, along with the fact that our human capacities are far more extensive than most of us have even imagined possible. They will train you in practices that will allow you to become an integral member of a growing movement to create a New World where deeper levels of harmony, cooperation, and expanding consciousness are the normal conditions of being human.
In this 8-week Masterclass, world-renowned scientists and researchers Gregg Braden and Nassim Haramein will share with you the scientific and archeological discoveries that are being ignored and suppressed by the scientific establishment, and which prove that the Universe is alive and intelligent, and that we are not the result of random mutations and luck but are instead “wired” to interact with the intelligent field that underlies our existence as we move into the next chapter of our evolution.
In the newly expanded Masterclass, Technology, Consciousness, and Evolution, Gregg Braden, Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D, and Lynne McTaggart reveal the scientific discoveries that are proving the current teachings of human evolution wrong, and teach you how to tap into your own innate gifts all humans possess to improve your health and raise your state of consciousness.
In this 8-week Masterclass, Gregg Braden, Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D, and HeartMath leaders Howard Martin and Deborah Rozman, reveal recent scientific discoveries that prove our deep connection to everything in the world around us, along with the fact that our human capacities are far more extensive than most of us have even imagined possible. They will train you in practices that will allow you to become an integral member of a growing movement to create a New World where deeper levels of harmony, cooperation, and expanding consciousness are the normal conditions of being human.
Explore hundreds of transformational education programs with world-renowned instructors, on content spanning everything from SCIENCE and PSYCHIC MEDIUMSHIP, TO CONSCIOUS LIVING, HEALTH & WELNESS, SOUND HEALING, and more!
One for One
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to making conscious living pervasive worldwide by 2040, our ONE FOR ONE Program ensures your paid subscription also provides a one-year subscription to an underprivileged or under-served individual somewhere in the world.
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