with New York Times bestselling author Neale Donald Walsch
& Humanity’s Team co-founder & executive director Steve Farrell
with New York Times bestselling author Neale Donald Walsch
& Humanity’s Team co-founder & executive director Steve Farrell
with New York Times bestselling author Neale Donald Walsch
& Humanity’s Team co-founder & executive director Steve Farrell
Despite the chaos humanity is experiencing right now, this time in history unfolding is the perfect time for us to make this critical leap forward, both as individuals and as a whole.
The state of ideological, political, and cultural unrest we find ourselves in at the moment makes this kind of radical change not only possible but imminent if enough of us can come together to be advocates, activists, ambassadors, and midwives of this beautiful possibility.
Imagine for a moment
that a fire breaks out in the building you’re in and you’ve been trained in firefighting and have the skills and tools to help put that fire out...
Would you stand idly by, doing nothing, and simply allow the fire to burn? Of course not! You’d jump right in and get to work, quickly guiding others in how to help you extinguish the fire until it was out and everyone was safe.
Well, the bad news – as you’ve probably noticed – is that the world is on fire, and there aren’t yet enough of us who are conscious and trained to put that fire out, much less train others to be able to help, too.
In the “The Art & Science of Living Consciously” 8-Week Masterclass with Neale Donald Walsch and Steve Farrell, you will receive the training you need to become one of those conscious firefighters, and to then train those around you to become conscious firefighters, too.
This is what is needed in our world more than anything else at this moment in history unfolding. In coming together with this common goal, we will elevate conscious living as “the thing” that sets us on our individual and collective paths to a sustainable and flourishing future.
It is time for all of us who are willing and able to step forward, to become trained and to then train others so we may lead the rest of us to the better future that is possible for the whole of humanity.
In the “The Art & Science of Living Consciously” Masterclass, you’ll discover…
Why the mission to save the planet we all share is inseparable from your own personal spiritual journey
How to fully align yourself in thought, word and deed, through awareness, honesty and responsibility, raising your energetic vibration to its highest level
Why the best way to fully awaken yourself is to help awaken another
How to literally access to the whole of the limitless power of God/the Universe
How to shift the way you think, speak and act in your day-to-day experience, sharing your process, your successes and your challenges truthfully and humbly
Why the feelings of separation and division in our world are the foundational cause of our obsession with violence, and how once we move away from our deep belief in separation, the violence will end
How the concept of ownership is the cause of so many of the problems in our world, and how to engage the practices of sharing and stewardship instead
How God empowers you to achieve anything you wish, and how you can experience the power of the Divine as part of the omnipresence, omniscience and the omnipotence of all things
Why when you awaken to the pure truth of your Oneness you are no longer drawn to compete against others in any way
Why it’s important for you to have compassion for yourself, the Earth, the Universe, and everything, and why you must move beyond experiences that keep you at a lower level of awareness
How accelerating our conscious journey leads to less stress and worry, and more grace and ease in your life
How to avoid entertaining unproductive negative thoughts and quickly expel those negative thoughts from your mind anytime they do happen to arise
Why we should not mourn the deaths of others or fear our own deaths, understanding that our foundational nature as part of the Oneness that is the Universe means we never really die
In the “The Art & Science of Living Consciously” Masterclass, you’ll discover…
A Whole New Way of Inhabiting the Earth
In the “The Art & Science of Living Consciously” Masterclass, you’ll spend time working with Neale Donald Walsch in Modules 2 - 8, and with Steve Farrell in Modules 9 - 15, while Modules 1 and 16 feature both Neale and Steve together.
In the "The Art & Science of Living Consciously" Masterclass, you’ll spend time working with Neale Donald Walsch in Modules 2 - 8, and with Steve Farrell in Modules 9 - 15, while Modules 1 and 16 feature both Neale and Steve together.
with Neale Donald Walsch
& Steve Farrell
In this video module, Neale and Steve will explore why this time in history is the perfect time for advancement of ourselves and of our species, and how we are only one decision away from changing our future for the better forever. They will also examine the power each of us has within us to evolve ourselves to the next level by embracing and demonstrating who we really are, and why the best way to fully awaken yourself is to help awaken another.
with Neale Donald Walsch
In this video module, Neale will explore some essential truths about humanity and the Universe that are rarely discussed but are the foundations of thinking and acting consciously. He will also examine the mistaken idea that life is a kind of school where we learn to be better humans, and is instead a place where we simply need to be reminded of who we truly are at our core—embodiments of God/the Universe with access to the whole of that limitless power once we discover how to fully embrace and focus it.
with Neale Donald Walsch
In this video module, Neale will explore the powerful creation process that you have access to when you fully align yourself in thought, word and deed, through awareness, honesty and responsibility, raising your energetic vibration to its highest level. As an energetic being with your own vibrational resonance, he will show you how to elevate your personal vibration by living more deliberately, harmoniously and beneficially inside of a foundational connection the Oneness of all things and in service at all times to the whole.
with Neale Donald Walsch
In this video module, Neale will explore the reasons why the mission to save the planet we all share is inseparable from your own personal spiritual journey. We are here on Earth to grow and to evolve to the next level for our species and become a fully awakened expression of God's love and wisdom, and God/the Universe is communicating with you and guiding you toward that transformation in every moment of your life. Neale will share how almost everything you see or hear or touch or taste or smell, and even many of the feelings and thoughts you have on a daily basis are connected to that guidance, and he will teach you how to recognize those communications and act upon them.
with Neale Donald Walsch
In this video module, Neale will explore the nature of God’s role in your life, which is to fully empower you to live on-purpose. While you have absolute freedom to create whatever you wish, and to become whoever you wish, much of what you do is probably disengaged and reflexive rather than actively using the power that is at your fingertips and in your very breath. Neale will show you how to shift the way you think, speak and act in your day-to-day experience, sharing your process, your successes and your challenges truthfully and humbly, demonstrating to others what it looks like when someone is allowing themselves to be led by the still small voice within, seeking to be beneficial to yourself and others.
with Neale Donald Walsch
In this video module, Neale will explore the power of modeling in our world, and the ways negative modeling, especially regarding violence in films, video games, and the news adversely affects children of all ages. He will also examine why the feelings of separation and division in our world are the foundational cause of our obsession with violence, and how once we move away from our deep belief in separation, the violence will end. Non-separation is the foundation of the civilization of highly evolved beings we are here to become, and Neale will share how to adopt the perspectives and practices of the highly evolved.
with Neale Donald Walsch
In this video module, Neale will explore the ineffectiveness of the concepts of justice and punishment, and why they have no place in the world we are evolving toward. True justice is actually proactive, meaning honestly assessing situations and acknowledging all pertinent issues, and then doing what works best for all humanity to solve them. Neale will teach you the “art” of seeing both problems and solutions clearly, without bias or agenda, and then implement those solutions without the conscientiousness that accompanies so many big decisions in the world as it is now. He will also examine the incredible power of avoiding the perception of insufficiency and always seeing the glass as half full instead of half empty.
with Neale Donald Walsch
In this video module, Neale will explore the failings and folly of the principle of ownership, and the staggering number of problems it has created in our current world. In the better world we are working toward, the practices of sharing and stewardship will be foundational outgrowths of the Oneness we will all feel and see everywhere around us, and as a result, we will feel no need to own or protect things, and Neale will show you how to reach this state on your own and help model it for others. He will also examine the need for maintaining a balance between technology and nature, never sacrificing the latter for the progress of the former.
with Steve Farrell
In this video module,
Steve will explore how God empowers us to achieve anything we wish, and how we are able to experience the power of the Divine as part of the omnipresence, omniscience and the omnipotence of all things. As we are waking up to all possibilities that are within our reach, we must stop waiting to make a change and begin reaching for the probabilities that lie before us. If we can feel our wholeness in connection to the Earth and the Universe, and choose loving service to the world around us, then the Divine will guide us to the presence, the wisdom and the power of Oneness that we can embody in every moment of our lives.
with Steve Farrell
In this video module, Steve will explore the reality that humans in an unawakened state often engage in fierce competition with each other, but that when we awaken to the pure truth of our Oneness, we are no longer drawn to compete against each other in any way. In short, this means we do not engage in activities where someone wins and someone loses because we find no value in such interactions or outcomes and seek only to uplift and elevate the whole through what we can do as individuals and in collaboration with others. Our diversity in Oneness is foundational in the cosmos, and when we awaken, it is immediately clear there is a single essential source of all there is, and that it is the deeper truth of who we are and have always been.
with Steve Farrell
In this video module, Steve will explore one of the most important aspects of the Masterclass, which is what is actually involved in living consciously. Consciousness develops at an elemental level, at a cellular level, meaning that every bit of the Universe is imbued with this foundational intelligence. As a result, the Universe cannot be whole without us because we are an inseparable part of the whole. He will examine why this makes it critical that we hold space to have compassion for ourselves, the Earth, the Universe, and every living being on it and in it, and why we must move beyond any sadness, low energy, victimhood or disempowerment that holds us back at a lower level of awareness.
with Steve Farrell
In this video module, Steve will explore the value of accelerating our conscious journey, while simultaneously generating real, whole-life prosperity for ourselves, and contributing to planetary awakening. He will examine how doing so leads to less stress and worry and more grace and ease, and how this can become our new norm. No more ignoring or resisting our inner calling, we must now embrace our true calling as embodiments of the Universe itself, living in love and seeking the best for everyone, the animal kingdom, and our Earth. Once we do this, any sense of separation will be released and universal wisdom will be held within us at all times.
with Steve Farrell
In this video module,
Steve will explore his own experience with being on the conscious journey, from his pursuit of the American Dream in his Silicon Valley days in the 1990s, to leaving that life behind and shifting into the creation of the Humanity’s Team organization nearly 20 years ago. He examines how his perspective and his daily life have evolved during that time, and how being in flow as he is now requires so much less effort than his life did before he fully engaged in living more consciously, even though he’s still as productive as ever. Steve will also explore Gandhi's spiritually based stake in peace and non-violence, as well as Nelson Mandela’s practice of Ubuntu – I am because we are – and the lessons we can learn from these two great men and others like them.
with Steve Farrell
In this video module, Steve will explore two important teachings from Conversations with God, Book 4: Awaken the Species, including how to avoid entertaining negative thoughts (that carry unproductive energy), and how to quickly expel those negative thoughts from your mind anytime they do happen to arise. He will also examine why we often dwell on the past (with regret) and the future (with worry), rather than staying focused in the present moment, which is the only place we have the power to change our own lives and the world for the better. He will share the process he uses to dispel distress or uneasiness about the past and future, and provide you with ideas about how to train your thoughts to be harmoniously aligned with the Universe at all times.
with Steve Farrell
In this video module,
Steve will explore more teachings from
Awaken the Species, including the reasons we should not waste energy on mourning the deaths others, and instead focus on the times of love and joy we experienced while they were with us, and how even in their passing from this world, they continue to exist in connection to us and in the wondrous expression of their evolutionary process. He will also examine why we, as awakened and conscious beings, should not fear or dread our own deaths for the very same reason, understanding our foundational nature as part of the Oneness that is the Universe and as a result can never really die. He will explore some of the messages those who have had Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) have shared, with depictions of an afterlife enfolded in the deep sensation of universal love.
with Neale Donald Walsch
& Steve Farrell
In this video module,
Neale and Steve will explore the two habits of the Master. The first is that understanding replaces forgiveness in the mind of the Master, as understanding leads to the realization that it is impossible for someone to truly hurt you, so there’s no need to forgive them. The second is that the Master only does things out of unconditional love, as conditional love inevitably causes pain.
About Neale Donald Walsch
Neale Donald Walsch is the author of GodTalk: Experiences of Humanity’s Connections with a Higher Power, a book in the Common Sentience book series. A modern day spiritual messenger who has written 40 books on contemporary spirituality and its practical application in everyday life, including seven of the nine books in the Conversations with God series that all made the New York Times bestseller list, with Book One remaining on that list for 134 weeks.
With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally yet searching for spiritual meaning before experiencing his now famous first conversation with God. The
Conversations with God
series of books that emerged from those encounters has now been translated into 37 languages, touching millions and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives.
About Steve Farrell
Steve Farrell is co-founder and Worldwide Executive Director of Humanity’s Team, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Boulder, Colorado, focused on helping people awaken to their deeper self and the interconnectedness of everything in the Universe.
Steve recently published his acclaimed memoir A New Universal Dream: My Journey from Silicon Valley to a Life in Service to Humanity, an inspiring story of finding his true life’s calling and the lessons he gathered along the way.
A member of the Evolutionary Leadership Council, he lives in Boulder, Colorado, with his wife Stephanie, their two young adult children, and their dog Sadie.
About Neale Donald Walsch
Neale Donald Walsch is a modern-day spiritual messenger who has published 33 books in the past 20 years, including the Conversations with God series, which have been translated into 37 languages and read by millions.
He has lectured on every continent and facilitated extended personal renewal retreats across the globe, creating, as well, both short-form and year-long online programs, with every outreach designed to assist people in applying a revolutionary spiritual approach to life that he has termed “beingism,” arising out of the messages of Conversations with God.
Neale’s most recent book is The God Solution.
About Steve Farrell
Steve Farrell is co-founder and Worldwide Executive Director of Humanity's Team, a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit organization based in Boulder, Colorado. The organization is focused on helping people throughout the world awaken to their deeper Self and the interconnectedness of everything in the Universe.
In the 1990s, years before Steve became involved with Humanity's Team, he co-founded and led two high-growth technology companies based in Silicon Valley that were featured in the INC 500 and spanned the United States and Europe. During this period of his life, he was an officer in the Young Entrepreneurs' Organization and the Young Presidents’ Organization.
By all accounts, Steve was living the "good life." But when he felt a calling to play an active role in creating a consciousness movement that could help people across the globe connect more deeply with the Divine Truth of Oneness, and also consciously participate in creating a flourishing and awakened world, Steve followed his heart and left the "American Dream" behind.
What he found is the story of Humanity's Team. Steve is a member of the Evolutionary Leadership Council and lives in Boulder, Colorado, with his wife Stephanie, their two young adult children, and their dog Sadie.
Steve recently published
his acclaimed memoir
A New Universal Dream: My Journey from Silicon Valley to a Life in Service to Humanity,
an inspiring story of finding his true life’s calling and the lessons he gathered along the way.
Here’s what others have to say about Neale and Steve…
There are Two Ways to Join Us
This Masterclass is just as robust and valuable as any other Masterclass being offered today, but since our primary goal is for it to be accessible to as many people in the world as possible, we’ve created two ways for you to participate in the program.
Our first inclination was to simply offer it entirely for free, but the problem with this is that many people will assume the program isn’t really of much value if we’re not charging anything for it, and even if they register, they will often do so with low expectations and a low level of commitment to going through the modules.
We also have a large team that has put in many hours in helping develop the program, and we want to honor their hard work. As a nonprofit, covering our production costs is why we typically charge a comparably low tuition of $399 for our standalone Masterclasses.
So… we’ve decided to have it both ways by allowing you to register for the standalone program by choosing for yourself how much your tuition will be or to register for our Humanity Stream+ streaming platform, where you’ll not only have full access to “The Art & Science of Living Consciously” Masterclass and all our other Masterclasses, but also the hundreds of other transformational programs we’ve made available there.
If you decide to register for the standalone program, this allows you to select an amount that feels right to you when you consider these factors:
If you simply can’t afford much or even anything right now, then you are welcome to choose a very small amount or even zero.
There are Two Ways to Join Us
This Masterclass is just as robust and valuable as any other Masterclass being offered today, but since our primary goal is for it to be accessible to as many people in the world as possible, we’ve created two ways for you to participate in the program.

Our first inclination was to simply offer it entirely for free, but the problem with this is that many people will assume the program isn’t really of much value if we’re not charging anything for it, and even if they register, they will often do so with low expectations and a low level of commitment to going through the modules.
We also have a large team that has put in many hours in helping develop the program, and we want to honor their hard work. As a nonprofit, covering our production costs is why we typically charge a comparably low tuition of $399 for our standalone Masterclasses.
So… we’ve decided to have it both ways by allowing you to register for the standalone program by choosing for yourself how much your tuition will be or to register for our Humanity Stream+ streaming platform, where you’ll not only have full access to “The Art & Science of Living Consciously” Masterclass and all our other Masterclasses, but also the hundreds of other transformational programs we’ve made available there.
If you decide to register for the standalone program, this allows you to select an amount that feels right to you when you consider these factors:
If you simply can’t afford much or even anything right now, then you are welcome to choose a very small amount or even zero.
When you register for “The Art & Science of Living Consciously” Masterclass,
you’ll also receive access to our entire Humanity Stream+ service featuring hundreds of other transformational programs with the most respected scientists, spiritual teachers, and healers in the world, all at no additional cost to you.
As a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to making conscious living prevalent worldwide by 2040, we want to support you at every stage of your personal journey, and including this yearlong subscription to Humanity Stream+ with your registration for Iyanla’s Masterclass is our way of doing exactly that.
You'll get unlimited access to transformative content from some of the most inspirational leaders, visionaries, authors and teachers of our time, including:
Gregg Braden, Bruce H. Lipton, Lynne McTaggart, Michael Beckwith, Neale Donald Walsch, Ken Honda, Raymond Moody, Thomas Hübl, Joan Borysenko, Nassim Haramein, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Patricia Cota Robles, and so many more!
Your Humanity Stream+ membership gives you access to BRAND-NEW Masterclasses as they are released, LIVE and recorded mentoring programs with faculty, and VIP programs!
In addition, Humanity’s Team’s ENTIRE transformational education library is available to as long as you remain a member and you’ll receive a Certificate of Completion for every Masterclass you decide to explore.
All of Humanity's Team Masterclasses + Hundreds of Additional Transformational Education Programming
With our ONE-FOR-ONE Program, your subscription provides one subscription to an underprivileged and under-served individual
LIVE Watch Parties so you can interact with others in the class and share ideas
The ability to Stream or Download to watch on-the-go on ANY device
Here's what your path to higher consciousness could look like...
Get ready to rediscover who you were truly meant to be in this collection of powerful conscious creativity programming on Humanity Stream+
First up...
In the “The Art & Science of Living Consciously” 8-Week Masterclass with Neale Donald Walsch and Steve Farrell, you will receive the training you need to become one of those conscious firefighters, and to then train those around you to become conscious firefighters, too.
In this 8-Week Masterclass with bestselling author Neale Donald Walsch, he will show you how to develop a relationship with the Divine that fills the “hole” in your life that can cause feelings of sadness, loneliness and uncertainty. This deeper sense of connection with the Divine will provide you with the kind of comfort and guidance that will allow you to face every challenge your life or the world presents to you with calm confidence and a profound spiritual joy.
In this 8-Week Masterclass, evolutionary pioneer Steve Farrell, along with an incredible roster of luminary guests, will share the unique insights and wisdom they’ve gleaned on their own journeys to reach where they are now. They will also guide you towards an increased understanding of the deeper nature of reality and our connection to one another, allowing you to become a guide to others as you step into roles of greater leadership and influence in your family, your community, and in the larger world.
Here's what your path to higher consciousness could look like...
Get ready to rediscover who you were truly meant to be in this collection of powerful conscious creativity programming on Humanity Stream+
First Up...
In this 8-Week Masterclass with bestselling author Neale Donald Walsch, he will show you how to develop a relationship with the Divine that fills the “hole” in your life that can cause feelings of sadness, loneliness and uncertainty. This deeper sense of connection with the Divine will provide you with the kind of comfort and guidance that will allow you to face every challenge your life or the world presents to you with calm confidence and a profound spiritual joy.
In this 8-Week Masterclass, evolutionary pioneer Steve Farrell, along with an incredible roster of luminary guests, will share the unique insights and wisdom they’ve gleaned on their own journeys to reach where they are now. They will also guide you towards an increased understanding of the deeper nature of reality and our connection to one another, allowing you to become a guide to others as you step into roles of greater leadership and influence in your family, your community, and in the larger world.
Explore hundreds of transformational education programs with world-renowned instructors, on content spanning everything from SCIENCE and PSYCHIC MEDIUMSHIP, TO CONSCIOUS LIVING, HEALTH & WELNESS, SOUND HEALING, and more!
One for One
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to making conscious living pervasive worldwide by 2040, our ONE FOR ONE Program ensures your paid subscription also provides a one-year subscription to an underprivileged or under-served individual somewhere in the world.
Here’s what our Stream+ Members have to say...
Become a Humanity Stream+ Member today and join a global movement to elevate consciousness

Included with your Humanity Stream+ annual subscription:
Immediate access to all the modules and materials in this Masterclass as well as to our entire library of Transformational Educational Masterclasses and programs presented by the top leaders in Science, Spirituality, Healing, and more, so you can become a change agent for yourself, your loved ones, your community, and the planet.
Automatic enrollment in every new Masterclass and program we offer.
Exclusive invitations and VIP access to our weekly Live Events, Watch Parties, and Special Events.
Regular live sessions on everything from meditation and sound healing to intentionality and community leadership.
Complete recordings of sessions from the past 10 Global Oneness Summits, as well as access to recordings from upcoming Summits as they happen.
Watch from any device, 24/7, via Apple, Google, Amazon Fire, and Roku platforms.
Finding your Conscious Global Tribe and joining our community of people all over the world working to help humanity survive, evolve, and thrive, so we can all enjoy the abundance this planet and the Universe have to offer.
PLUS, You‘ll Get These 3 Exclusive Bonuses:
An invitation to your exclusive New Members Welcome Party and ongoing technical support – Value $149
Free Certificates of Completion for every Masterclass and program you take – Value $50 per program
VIP Access to our annual Global Oneness Summit and FREE Upgrade to our Global Oneness Summit Collections – Value $247
What's included with your Humanity Stream+ annual subscription:
Plus You Get These 3 Exclusive Bonuses:
Humanity Stream+
12-Month Membership 
Get access to “The Art & Science of Living Consciously“ plus everything on Humanity Stream+.
The entire streaming platform is yours for less than $1/day.
Total Value: $21,044
Your Cost: $499/year
Now: $299/year
Humanity Stream+ 12-Month
Membership -
Monthly Payment Plan
Get “The Art & Science of Living Consciously“ and the same Full-Year Stream+ membership for $29.99/month.
Full-year contract not cancellable until the end of 12 months with monthly credit card auto-pay. See details in checkout.
Total Value: $21,044
Original Cost: $39.99/month
Now: $29.99/month for 12 months
Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!
Our Cancellation Policy
Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Humanity Stream+, contact our Support Team within 14 days and we will issue you a full refund.
Common Questions:
We have a private Facebook community group for all program participants that provides an opportunity for you to make connections with others, share insights, participate in discussions, and exchange information to support your conscious journey.
All the modules are recorded and made immediately available to all Humanity Stream+ members.
We know that once you delve into everything Humanity Stream+ has to offer, you’ll absolutely love it and never want to give it up.
But to make sure you have a chance to explore our revolutionary streaming platform and find out for yourself, we offer a 14-Day Money Back Guarantee. If you’re not completely satisfied within the first 14 days, we’ll give you a full refund, no questions asked.
Contact Customer Support at [email protected]
The Certificate of Completion is a printable certificate that documents your completion of a course. You may wish to include it in a personal "Teacher Portfolio" to highlight your specific areas of study.
Yes, if you are facing financial stress at this time, please reach out to [email protected] and we will see how we can help you.