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Awaken The New

Species in You

Align with Your Highest Truth to Live a Life of

Effortless Flow & Profoundly Impact the World

Discover How to Actively Engage in Your Own Evolution and Become the Universal Human

Barbara Marx Hubbard

with world-renowned visionary & bestselling author


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Awaken The New

Species in You

Align with Your Highest Truth to Live a Life of

Effortless Flow & Profoundly Impact the World

Discover How to Actively Engage in Your Own Evolution and Become the Universal Human

Barbara Marx Hubbard

with world-renowned visionary & bestselling author


Online, Self-Paced

45-Week Masterclass

45 Video Modules

+ 10 Recorded Q&A Sessions

+ 5 Powerful Bonuses

This self-paced Masterclass intensive is the magnum opus of respected visionary Barbara Marx Hubbard’s long and stellar career.

While she has now left the physical plane, she designed this powerful program to guide participants to the same evolutionary leap she experienced in her own life.

This is the leap we homo sapiens are making to a new species Barbara called Homo Universalis—the Universal Human—a higher conception of humanity ready to co-evolve with nature, co-exist with high-tech genius, co-create with spirit, and lead with love.

Let Barbara share this proven transformative pathway with you in her life-changing legacy self-paced Masterclass, where you’ll discover how to more fully play your part in humanity’s collective new beginning.

If you are evolved enough to be ready to make this profound evolutionary leap during your lifetime... 

You probably already feel a resonant urge within you at this very moment— a gravitational pull to become the next level of human.

The urgency of our times requires radical transformation, and those who are brave enough to pursue it are connected by the core of their being to a current of energy that draws them toward the higher capacities that are potential within them. 

Humanity is simultaneously caught in the midst of an unprecedented existential psychological breakdown, while also exploring the leading edge of profoundly game-changing innovations in technology, creativity and consciousness. 

During this shift point, what our world needs most is for those who feel that pull to a higher expression of humanness, and who are striving to embody the elements of Oneness, compassion, cooperation, and love in every aspect of their lives, to accept that responsibility and step into a more active pursuit of their own evolution.

Countless people have emerged over the past couple of decades who have clearly evolved into this new species of Universal Human. 

While your traumas are obviously unique to your specific experiences, they all share two things in common with one another and with everyone else's traumas.

Perhaps you number among them, or at least sense you’ve been on a trajectory to reach that higher state for some time.

Only a few weeks before Barbara Max Hubbard left this plane in 2019 at the age of 89, she was still living at full-speed just as she always had, speaking, teaching, and writing, and traveling the globe regularly to meet and collaborate with other evolutionary leaders. 

Her decades-long experiments with accelerating her own evolution eventually led to her birthing Homo Universalis within herself during the final years of her life. 

During that process of transformation, Barbara identified 52 codes that will guide those who learn how to follow them to that same life-changing evolutionary leap.

She then designed the “Awaken The New Species” 45-Week Masterclass to train others to embody these codes in every aspect of their lives and accelerate their own evolution.

So if you’re feeling that resonant urge inside of you to become the Universal Human, then take the next step on that path and join us on this transformative journey.

You’ll even get to do it inside a supportive, close-knit community of others going through the program with you, including Barbara’s daughter and sister, Suzanne Hubbard and Patricia Ellsberg, who join a couple of Barbara’s long-time students in facilitating the Recorded Community Calls you will be given access to. 

Before Barbara left us, she vowed to find a way to continue to connect with those who took her online programs, and many have said they’ve felt the presence of her energy when they were watching her video modules.

During your transformative 45-week journey in this self-paced Online Masterclass, you will discover how to…

  • Get tuned-in to your deepest evolutionary impulse and expand into your highest human expression.
  • Experience the “vocational arousal” that will allow you to deeply connect with those who need the gifts you have to share so you can live your unique calling within the emerging new world.
  • Envision emerging potentials to help solve existing problems and create real and workable solutions to our current planetary crises across all spectrums—social, political, environmental, and more.
  • Innovate and transform from wherever you are, both personally and professionally, from simple processes to complex challenges within whole systems to maintain forward evolutionary momentum.
  • Engage in a weekly process to help you integrate all your learning into the whole of your being and powerfully accelerate your own evolution.
  • Become a composer of humanity’s new story coming alive within you as you step forward in full participation to birth this new species of Homo Universalis onto the Earth.
  • Many more teachings and tidbits in Truth!

Get tuned-in to your deepest evolutionary impulse and expand into your highest human expression.

Experience the “vocational arousal” that will allow you to deeply connect with those who need the gifts you have to share so you can live your unique calling within the emerging new world.

Envision emerging potentials to help solve existing problems and create real and workable solutions to our current planetary crises across all spectrums—social, political, environmental, and more.

Innovate and transform from wherever you are, both personally and professionally, from simple processes to complex challenges within whole systems to maintain forward evolutionary momentum.

Engage in a weekly process to help you integrate all your learning into the whole of your being and powerfully accelerate your own evolution.

Become a composer of humanity’s new story coming alive within you as you step forward in full participation to birth this new species of Homo Universalis onto the Earth.

Many more teachings and tidbits in Truth!


Heres What You Will Receive With Your Registration:

During the self-paced 45-week Masterclass, you will receive:

  • 11 Recorded Video Community Calls that will help you to more deeply connect to Barbara’s teachings, and offers observations, inspirations and questions

  • 45 Weekly Modules over 11 months

  • 45 MP3 Audios of the Video Modules

  • 5 Powerful Supplemental Bonus Programs to assist you on your journey

  • Exclusive Membership in Our Private Facebook Community

All of this self-paced programming can be streamed

Recorded Community Calls

At the beginning of each month, you will have access to a recorded Community Call to allow you to more deeply connect to Barbara’s teachings as we share observations, inspirations and questions before moving on to the next four weekly modules.

Suzanne Hubbard, Barbara's daughter, hosts the first call and alternate as host every other month. Patricia Ellsberg, Barbara's sister,  hosts the second “Awaken The New Species In You” Community Call and every other month thereafter.

Steve Farrell and Dee Meyer from Humanity’s Team, along with Jim Gray and Atom Terpening from Sunrise Ranch, who worked with Barbara to produce the program, also participate in these recorded calls.

You will also receive one recorded Community Call per month. This intensive is a deeply transformative experience as we transform together into Homo Universalis, the Universal Human.


Introduction to the Resonant Field of This Community

In this week’s video module, Steve Farrell introduces the intensive 45-module program and the team, then Barbara sets the stage for the evolutionary imperative, the wheel of co-creation, and conscious evolution, and invites participants into this new resonant field to awaken their future universal selves.


Intention Creates 

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores our intentions as we are deepening the new story of creation as the basis of reality and understanding the scientific basis of conscious evolution and the 52 codes. 


52 Codes Prelude

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores Code 3 and discusses the need to be precise and “excellent” in attention to the call from evolutionary consciousness.

Topics will include...

  • Excellence
  • Thanksgiving “vision”
  • The plea to “give me contact” 
  • A short review of Code 52


Quantum Thinking

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores Code 4 and talks with Dianne Collins about how to access and build resonant fields for change.

Topics will include...

  • Quantum Thinking
  • Accessing Homo Universalis as a whole system
  • Awakening the Noosphere
  • Group Up Synergy


Practice Letting Go of the Local Self’s Desire to Organize

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores Code 5 and talks with Bruce H. Lipton about the science of conscious evolution with epigenetics.

Topics will include...

  • Four incorrect assumptions in science
  • The evolutionary road to cooperation
  • How consciousness and perception activate matter


Choose Ideas Which Activate More of Your Life Purpose

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores Code 6 and talks with Marian Head about the Revolutionary Agreements.

Topics will include...

  • Evolutionary creed
  • The first 5 codes
  • Barbara channels the constitution of the United States of Consciousness


Release Your Local Mind’s Constant Scanning for What Needs to Be Done

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores Code 7 and introduces the new year not yet known as the birth year of the universal human. 

Topics will include...

  • A guided Evolutionary Chakra Meditation
  • The Continuity of Consciousness with what is creating you - and evolving you
  • The stages of new life from the new birth to the impulse for purpose, vocational arousal, and joining genius
  • Synergistic Democracy among universal humans


Evolve Your Ego into Frequency Alignment

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores code 8 and talks with Howard Martin of the HeartMath Institute.

Topics will include...

  • Barbara's Animating Eros meditation
  • The authentic essence that transcends personality and is evident in the energy of the heart and the power of emotions
  • Our collective birth that is radiated as love into the cosmos as a nutritional vibration
  • How to demonstrate your love and wisdom in a real life situation


Allow Yourself to Grieve the Leaving of the Animal-Human Self-Conscious Phase

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores Code 9 and provides context for the unfolding of the course thus far.

Topics will include...

  • Radical Newness guided meditation
  • The impulse of creation in the Map to Cross the Gap
  • Three “C's” Cosmogenesis, Crisis, and Capacity for new concepts.
  • Review of previous speaker contributions
  • Setting the New Norm


Use the Protective Balm of Your Whole Being

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores Code 10 and talks with Lynne McTaggart about her Power of Eight intention experiments

Topics will include...

  • The Psychic Internet uncovered
  • Healing and connectivity across time and space
  • 'Reawaken the Species, so many are already there, but asleep
  • Scientism and the spell of forgetfulness


The First Love Affair is The Love of Ego for Essence

In this week’s video module, Barbara reviews Code 11 and talks with Annette Kaiser about unity and wholeness world wide. 

Topics will include...

  • How to experience the love affair of spirit and self
  • The many ways of getting to the state of understanding in love and receiving cosmic information
  • Manifesting heaven on earth 
  • Can we find a universal language to share the way of the heart with everyone?


Place Your Attention on Me, the Universal Self

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores Code 12 and talks with Adam C. Hall about infusing all aspects of your being with vitality and to guide you moment by moment.

Topics will include...

  • Attention and Intention towards our essential and universal self
  • The differences between Transcendence and Transformation in this practice
  • The power of the universe is in you
  • The new obstructions and clearing the quantum landing field of debris!
  • How alignment and Synchronicity drive ideas and creativity


Remember Me Into Reality

In this week’s video module, Barbara  explores Code 13 and talks with Byron Belitsos.

Topics will include...

  • What kind of world do we intend?
  • How the universal self is “journaling” you in your life
  • Memorializing your experience in your potential eternal self
  • How mother Earth is evolving our species
  • Putting yourself into the field of Homo Amore Universalis


See Yourself as a Continuously Regenerating Being, an Element of the Living Universe

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores Code 14 and provides inspiration for greater intention.

Topics will include...

  • The participatory universe we are creating
  • Co-creating the unique self-symphony
  • Universal self-organization 
  • Review of the first 8 codes


See Yourself as a Universal Presence Manifesting in Physical Form

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores Code 15 and talks with philosopher Ervin Laszlo.

Topics will include...

  • You are the self-creating Universe in person
  • Reconnecting with the Divine Attractor of the universe which acts on the universe from outside space/time
  • Why technology is a bad substitute for the energy of the cosmos
  • Connecting our collective evolutionary impulses


As You Incarnate Your Universal Self, Your Body Becomes Ever More Responsive

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores Code 16 and talks with Suzanne Hubbard, author, textile artist, and Barbara's eldest daughter.

Topics will include...

  • Unfolding our creativity is the same as the healing of our psychic wounds
  • Education is creative in nature and draws out our universal self
  • Whatever you do in the spirit of universal self is always new


As Essence, Activate the Spiritual Force of Your Universal Self

In this week’s video module, Barbara  explores Code 17 and talks with physicist Nassim Haramein about the nature of the infinitely small and the infinitely large systems, and our place in the world.

Topics will include...

  • Whether material reality is a different state of the structure of space
  • The idea of reality as the exchange of information from the internal to the external and vice versa
  • The communication between the fields of energy rather than separate objects


The Convergence of Your Universal Self with Your Essential Self

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores Code 18 and talks with Dr. Jude Currivan a scientist, futurist, and author of The Cosmic Hologram about our current planetary opportunity.

Topics will include...

  • Universal In-Formation which is working toward evolution to a new level of unity and complexity
  • Our role "to show up at this time and be travelers in the connection of universal heart"
  • Recognizing our sovereignty and service
  • Differentiation but not separation


The Wedding Day of the Essential Self and the Universal Self

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores Code 19.

Topics will include...

  • The relationship between universal eros and the resonant field
  • Why the renewal of love every day is our impulse 
  • Guided meditations to experience the deep love shared at the highest levels of being


Ask For and Receive Continuity of Consciousness

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores Code 20 and talks about the practice of activating the mysteries of the Akashic Records.

Topics will include...

  • How to become the conscious source of your evolved being, not just the result of the impulse of evolution
  • The way the physical world responds to our evolutionary impulse as it generates a stronger field
  • Highlighting the effect of intention at the deepest heart level

Are you ready to evolve to your highest self?


While your traumas are obviously unique to your specific experiences, they all share two things in common with one another and with everyone else's traumas.


Be Ready to Repattern at the Next Stage

In this week’s video module, Barbara  explores Code 21 and talks with Jerome Glenn, a conscious futurist about the Millennium Project and his view of the future.

Topics will include...

  • How can all the cells in our one human body connect to become self-actualizing?
  • The beginning of co-creative whole consciousness shifts 
  • The evolving speed of trust across diverse environments as an indicator of our species shift 
  • How to ask our universal self for re-patterning when dysfunction arises


The Convergence of Your Universal Self with Your Essential Self

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores Code 22 and talks with Jeanne White Eagle about galactic universities and social synergy.

Topics will include...

  • Consciously creating a social body among the New Species
  • The SynCon Technology and engaging the Wheel of Co-Creation
  • Offering creative impulses into the field and collaborating on what is needed to achieve the intentions put forward.


My Work in the World is Charged with the Vitality of my Universal Self

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores Code 23 and talks with her sister Patricia Ellsberg about the struggles in presenting deep truths to an unwilling audience, and evolutionary entrepreneur Mark Donohue about finding one's heart's deepest desire.

Topics will include...

  • How to keep steady when faced with overwhelming negativity
  • Seeking the deepest reaches of the heart to find unique purpose
  • Impacting a crazy world via the engines and power of creative capitalism
  • How the world can change from the ground up, impacting governments and religion via radical exponential change fired by entrepreneurship


Create an Ascension Chamber

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores Code 24 and talks with Jeanne White Eagle and John Pehrson about rising up into spirit.

Topics will include...

  • The larger world of spirit you brought with you when you incarnated
  • “The Ascension Chamber,” a place out of time and space for remembering the resonant tone of the universe
  • Evolution is the process of ascending
  • How the Wheel of Co-Creation is a kind of signpost to the universe that we are evolving


Feel the Integration of Your Essential Self with Your Universal Self as a Whole Being

In this week’s video module, Barbara  explores Code 25 and discusses the new wheel, the code, and experiencing the shifting of mental mind to higher mind.

Topics will include...

  • How can all the cells in our one human body connect to become self-actualizing?
  • The beginning of co-creative whole consciousness shifts 
  • The evolving speed of trust across diverse environments as an indicator of our species shift 
  • How to ask our universal self for re-patterning when dysfunction arises


Stop and Feel Your Divine Qualities

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores Code 26 and talks with Neale Donald Walsch author of the Conversations with God book series.

Topics will include...

  • The changes taking place for those who are making themselves available to experience the Divine
  • How giving to others and lifting others up to the next level also lifts us
  • How people are self-selecting their own evolution and becoming models for others
  • Why we often quickly convince ourselves that we don't know the deep divine truths which are inside us


Parent Your Infant Whole Being

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores Code 27 and talks about the expression of your “deepest heart's desire.”

Topics will include...

  • How do we parent what is in the process of integration and “becoming” and build the faith in this child consciousness?
  • What is the intuition that encapsulates the being within?
  • How do we call on the support of our evolutionary circles
  • How do we plant our deepest heart’s desire into the planetary DNA


Affirm That the Realized Self is the Awareness of God as Self

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores Code 28 and talks with Gregg Braden about the deeper truths in genetic science, history, and the implications for consciousness as a force for transformation. 

Topics will include...

  • Understanding how we self-regulate to meet an evolution by choice not by chance
  • The cycles that are now converging to provide impetus for deeper understanding of how to reprogram our genetic “antennae”
  • How the act of reaching within activates our DNA and that is part of the higher vibrations
  • How the coherence of the brain and heart in harmony rewires our systems biologically and genetically


You Are Now Ready to Undergo The Process of Transubstantiation

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores Code 29 and talks with Diane Williams about conscious evolution.

Topics will include...

  • The evolution of our multidimensional capacities and non-local communication that will change the world
  • How can we continue to create containers where co-creation can help us shift to universal beings?
  • The birth and progress of the Source of Synergy Foundation and how the U.N. was constructed on principles of higher consciousness
  • How participants can contribute to the stores of transformation and multi-dimensional skills


External Action Flows from the Internal Incorporation of Your Universal Self

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores Code 30 and talks with Thomas Hübl about emerging awakening and how to awaken.

Topics will include...

  • How when the past is processed, we bring it closer to the future possibilities in the living present
  • How our true nature assists us always in dealing with our Karma and past wounds
  • Why the evolutionary impulse is clouded by trauma, and how when it flows, it constantly upgrades our inner senses
  • The disconnection between our minds, hearts, and bodies which are deeply interrelated


When Your Thoughts Emanate from the Center Point of Convergence of Your Essential Self

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores Code 31 and talks with David Karchere about allowing our Universal Being to to flow through us.

Topics will include...

  • The truth and light inside each person and how the fulfillment of our lives is to bring that light into the world
  • There is something available now to be born through consciousness that was not available in the same way before
  • The pain in these processes and why it’s healthy to welcome the pain of this new birth where we are both the mother and that which is being born
  • Opening up to our universal self and allowing it to think through us


Stay In Your Center and Breathe in the Light

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores Code 32 and talks with Drs. JJ and Desiree Hurtak about science, history, music, and psychic powers.

Topics will include...

  • Our nature as multidimensional light and sound beings, non-locally connected and linked by vibratory languages
  • How much we share with the universe, as meteors have been found to have traces of DNA
  • The sounds in ancient pyramids that have been found to vibrate in frequency with the human heart
  • The power of prayer in personal growth


Come Forward as a “New Norm,” Not as Superior or Exceptional

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores Code 33 and talks with participants during a group discussion about everything that has been covered during the intensive so far.

Topics will include...

  • The experience of the immediacy of the “new norm” as we feel the field of it
  • How we can open our heart’s desire and our genius and how that can be accelerated 
  • Why some of us are feeling so overwhelmed 
  • Why everyone's voice must be heard in the creation of this unique self symphony


Feel Your Light Body’s Code Radiating at the Center of the Nucleus of Every Cell of Your Body

In this week’s video module, Barbara's colleague Sherwood Dunlop explores Code 34 and talks to Jeanne White Eagle about her personal cancer transmutation.

Topics will include...

  • The group sense of the light body in thought and feeling
  • How the light body’s radiant quality translates to vibrations with ourselves, others, other living things
  • Reducing self-doubt about engaging with the invisible
  • Why the people you need will appear with your intention to join with the universe


Hold Your Attention Still to Crystallize the Image of your Whole Being

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores Code 35 and talks with Marian and Glenn Head about the Supra Sexual Revolution.

Topics will include...

  • Genetic codes and memetic codes
  • Why living the highest agreements is the act of evolution but to practice those agreements is revolutionary
  • Embodying the code using the revolutionary agreements
  • Stating your intention from your authentic self towards the deepest possible sense of the juiciness of the new human co-creation


Guide the Metamorphosis of Your Earthly Self with the Coding of Your Universal Self

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores Code 36 and turns the “instruction” from universal self, into an “intention” to change.

Topics will include...

  • How the uniqueness of experience and perception is not an issue and is in fact the path forward to co-creation
  • The attractions of being the new human that drive us forward into self organization and becoming an evolutionary art form ourselves
  • The Holy8, groups of eight that are forming to invoke the deepest heart's desire within each of and join our genius with that of others


Guide the Transmutation Process by Aural Alchemy

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores Code 37 and talks with Justin Faerman who weaves a spell of supra consciousness.

Topics will include...

  • The need to clear a space for intuition to lead us rather than the mental/emotional/sensate way we proceed now
  • Why we are meant to live inside out, guided by intuition not mental grinding
  • How to shift from thinking/planning to the felt sense for better data processing


Raise Your Thoughts to the Magnetic Integrated Field of the Whole Being

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores Codes 38 and 39 and her colleague Sherwood Dunlop hosts a Homo Universalis art exhibit featuring inspired creations by members of the group.

Topics will include...

  • The power of elevated thinking
  • Why the hole being is critical for accelerated evolution
  • How living from the inside out prevents corruption
  • Fields of Energy: A moving fractal audio/visual meditation
  • The synergy between poetry and painting


Communicate Directly as Your Full Potential Self to the Full Potential Self of Others

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores Codes 40 and 41.


Avoid the Corruptibility that Comes from Breaking Communication Between Your Universal Self And Your Mental Mind

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores Codes 42 and 43 and talks with Connie Baxter Marlow and Andrew Bailey.

Topics will include...

  • How to act from the point of view where there are no victims or perpetrators
  • How to see that all we experience is coming to us from a loving universe
  • The need to question unconscious assumptions that limit our being in that place where the whole being can be activated


Substantiate Your Consolidated Power by Blending Father Energy and Mother Receptivity

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores explores Codes 44 and 45 with guest David Gershon.

Topics will include...

  • Why changing the world requires that you believe it is possible
  • First order and second order changes
  • The case for empowering people to transform in steps to group, community, civic, and governmental change
  • Why it’s essential to shift from pathology to vision


Focus on the Life Force as the Through Line of Your Personal Transformation Toward Substantiation

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores Codes 46 and 47.

Topics will include...

  • Focus on the Life Force as our self
  • Taking in all the love of the potential self
  • True shared contact at every level with every entity


Consolidate, Substantiate, Self-Calibrate and Con-Celebrate in the Process of Becoming a Universal Human

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores Codes 48 and 49 and talks with Sheri Herndon.


You Have Come Home to Me Now. And: Those to Whom the Promise has been Made, the Promise Will be Kept

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores Codes 50 and 51.

Topics will include...

  • Why developing the next level of consciousness is not about creating a better local self, rather the collective field where our higher selves already exist 
  • Non-local non-verbal connectedness
  • How do we best continue to build our small and large resonant fields out into the world?


Victory is Assured to All Those Whose Consciousness is Shifting

In this week’s video module, Barbara explores code 52 and talks to Michael Norwood about the art of speaking with grace and making true connections between people in our sadly alienated world.

Topics will include… 

  • Living in active participation and expression with our God consciousness
  • The 5 phases of speaking truth with grace
  • The value of dropping seeds of truth whenever and wherever you are among the rest of humanity

Plus Receive These 8 Additional Powerful Bonuses:


Weekly Reading From the 52 Codes

Download, read and reflect on one page per week of Barbara’s 52 Codes for Conscious Self-Evolution: A Process of Metamorphosis to Realize Our Full Potential Self. Read one page per week and reflect on what the message means to you personally.


Recorded Fireside Chat with Suzanne Hubbard, Patricia Ellsberg & Steve Farrell

This fun and connective “Fireside Chat” Gathering with Suzanne Hubbard (Barbara’s daughter) and Steve Farrell (Executive Director of Humanity's Team) will introduce you to the “Awaken The New Species In You” Masterclass, answer any questions you might have, and set the stage for the exciting aspect of the Masterclass, the Wheel of Co-Creation Small Group Sessions you’ll be able to participate in each and every week of the program!


“The 12 Spheres of Life” Bonus Series

When you register for the “Awaken The New Species In You” Masterclass, you will also receive this powerful bonus series of 12 inspiring and informative seminars, featuring Barbara in lively discussions with other luminaries on specific topics within each of the 12 Spheres of Life. These discussions will inform and deepen your experience in the Masterclass.


The Human Consciousness Shift - with Barbara Marx Hubbard, Neale Donald Walsch, and Steve Farrell

In this inspiring this 60-minute discussion, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Neale Donald Walsch and Steve Farrell speak from their hearts on the topic of the Human Consciousness Shift and how we all can make a difference by elevating our consciousness and saving our planet.


The Connected Universe, Part One - with Nassim Haramein, Bruce Lipton, and Barbara Marx Hubbard

In this informative 60-minute discussion, Nassim Haramein, Bruce Lipton and Barbara Marx Hubbard discuss specific aspects of Nassim's documentary, The Connected Universe. The movie shares that "If we want a better future...we must create it...and now is the time. We hope that the new ideas in science we put forward, and the other thought-provoking concepts illuminated in the film, inspire people to think differently. Big picture thinking enables people to make better decisions in all aspects of life. Connected thinking can change our world.


Whole System Shift with Barbara Marx Hubbard, Todd Jason, Barbara Fields, Juan Carlos Kaiten, & Steve Farrell

In this 60-minute dicussion, these luminaries will explore the idea of a Whole System Shift, including practical on-the-ground changes, socioeconomic changes, global government, global business and psychological changes that will inspire humanity to shift to a thoughtful mainstream commitment to transition from a global society that destroys its life support system, to a life-sustaining and nurturing society. 


The Connected Universe Part 2 - with Nassim Haramein, Bruce Lipton and Barbara Marx Hubbard

In this inspiring this 60-minute dicussion, Nassim Haramein, Bruce Lipton and Barbara Marx Hubbard further explore Nassim's recently released documentary, The Connected Universe, including big-picture thinking that enables people to make better decisions in all aspects of life.


The Connected Universe, Part One - with Nassim Haramein, Bruce Lipton, and Barbara Marx Hubbard

In this informative 60-minute discussion, Nassim Haramein, Bruce Lipton and Barbara Marx Hubbard discuss specific aspects of Nassim's documentary, The Connected Universe. The movie shares that "If we want a better future...we must create it...and now is the time. We hope that the new ideas in science we put forward, and the other thought-provoking concepts illuminated in the film, inspire people to think differently. Big picture thinking enables people to make better decisions in all aspects of life. Connected thinking can change our world.

About Barbara Marx Hubbard...

Barbara Marx Hubbard

Barbara Marx Hubbard  was a futurist, speaker, spiritual teacher, and bestselling author who has been called “The voice for conscious evolution of our time,” by Deepak Chopra and is the subject of Neale Donald Walsch’s book, The Mother of Invention. A prolific writer, visionary, social innovator, evolutionary thinker and educator, she was co-founder and president of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution. Her own books include Conscious Evolution: Awakening the Power of Our Social Potential, Emergence: The Shift from Ego to Essence, and The Evolutionary Journey.

“We are gathered here together

as a deep communion of pioneering souls

from every race, nation and religion

who experience within ourselves

the emergence of a Universal Human,

a co-creator of new worlds.”

—Barbara Marx Hubbard


During the Masterclass, you’ll not only be trained by Barbara herself, you’ll also spend time regularly learning from our special luminary guest instructors who were handpicked by Barbara for their unique areas of expertise, and who will share their personal experiences and the wisdom they have gleaned on their own paths to this higher expression of humanity.

Here’s what other spiritual luminaries have to say about Barbara…

and here's what her students share about Barbara…

Here’s Everything You’ll Receive in this Masterclass Intensive with Barbara... 

Masterclass Materials


  • 45 Recorded Video Sessions with Barbara Marx Hubbard

  • 11 Recorded Community Calls with Patricia Ellsberg and Suzanne Hubbard

  • 45 Recorded Video Sessions on MP3

  • Weekly recorded “Wheel of Co-Creation” Small-Group Sessions 

  • Exclusive Membership in Our Private Masterclass Facebook Community


Bonus Material


  • Recorded Fireside Chat

  • “The 12 Spheres of Life” Bonus Series of 12 Seminars 

  • Four Special Masterclass Bonus Video Seminars with Barbara Marx Hubbard and Her Luminary Guests 

  • Humanity Ascending: Visions of the Future Equal to Our New Potentials - a Barbara Marx Hubbard Film 

  • The 52 Codes of Conscious Evolution Ebook by Barbara Marx Hubbard 


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Our Cancellation Policy

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE this Masterclass, simply contact our Support Team within 14 days of the Masterclass start date, and we will gladly issue you a full refund.

Common Questions:

  • Can I still get benefits from the recordings of the live sessions?

    Yes, you can play back the videos, audios or download the audio recordings of both the Program Sessions and the recorded mentoring sessions, and you’ll still receive the full benefit from the teachings. And you can engage with your fellow students anytime on our private Facebook page to discuss any aspect of what has been shared in the sessions.

  • Can you tell me more about the Facebook Private Community Group?

    We have a private Facebook community group for all program participants that will provide you the opportunity to make connections with others, share insights, participate in discussions and exchange information about events and other activities that will complement your conscious journey. You’ll have the capacity to contribute your intentions, wisdom, experiences, projects, and growth there throughout the program.

  • When are the mentoring sessions and will they be recorded?

    Previously recorded mentoring sessions are available to program subscribers.

  • Are the modules live teachings?

    The 16 modules are recorded videos and available to watch at your convenience.

  • What is the program schedule?

  • What is your refund policy?

    We are so confident that this program will be enriching, rewarding and lots of fun that we offer a full (100%) refund if for any reason you choose to withdraw from the program within 14 days from the Masterclass purchase date. Your refund will be processed unconditionally, and we’ll send you an email confirming your refund. If you do not hear from us after you send your request, please write to us again.

    If you have any questions about our refund policy or wish to withdraw and request a refund, please notify Ephraim on our Support Team by email at [email protected]. To request a refund, please include the program title in the Subject Line. We also hope you’ll share with us your reasons for wishing to withdraw.

    Optimally we would love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first, so if there is something we can assist you with, please email us at [email protected], and we’ll be happy to help.

    No refund requests can be accepted more than 14 days after the subscription purchase date.

  • What is the certificate of completion?

    This is a document you can print after completing the course. It is something you can share to illustrate your understanding of this masterclass's teachings. It may help to include on a resume, or to include in your own personal "Teacher Portfolio" to highlight a specific area of expertise.

Any Questions?

Send us a message and our support staff will get back to you shortly

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