10 days of FREE panels
From over 100 Transformational Leaders, Spiritual Visionaries,
Scientists & Award-Winning Musicians
10 days of FREE panels
— MONDAY OCT. 24th
2022 Summit Testimonials
“Thank you to all who are creating this space for humanity to rise above and beyond the illusions of this world to embrace the beauty, truth and oneness of life.” - Michelle
“Dearest Family! I'm so grateful for being here and being able to listen to these amazing teachings! Thank you so much for sharing this free!” - Viktória
“Thank you Steve Farrell and all for doing this, much appreciated and learned so much which I am applying. The world is awakening and it is powerful." - Susanne Lawson
These panelists opened my eyes to the Spiritual State of the World - beyond our human concerns to the health of the whole wide world.”
- Deborah Moldow
“Special thanks And giant virtual hug to Timothy and his wonderful work of Love, in his documentary. I was so moved and truly felt his Love and High Intentions. I Love you and all of Humanity’s Team."
- Ms. Shawn Bostrom
“Beautiful composition that speaks to how we get lost throughout life and getting back
to who we are at our very essence, which is
our ongoing highest quest for the true purpose
of what we were put on this earth to create.”
- Daniel (The Listening Fire)
Even though the 2022 Summit is over, you can still revisit all of this year's programming, information on our impressive instructors and performers, and even purchase access to the entire Summit using the below links.
The Free 10-Day Global Gathering and Celebration including many world-renowned Visionaries, Transformational Leaders, Scientists, and award-winning Musicians including...
Gregg Braden, Nassim Haramein, Ken Honda, Saje Dyer, Deepak Chopra MD, Vandana Shiva, Serena Dyer-Pisoni, Karen Noé, Michael Beckwith, Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D, Suzanne Giesemann, Neale Donald Walsch, Deva Premal and Miten, Debra Poneman, don Oscar Miro-Quesada, Dr. Shamini Jain, Adam C. Hall, Steve Farrell, Deborah Rozman, Ph.D., Jonathan Goldman, Stephen M. R. Covey, Alberto Villoldo, Lynne Twist, Ken D. Foster, Timothy Noe, Sharon Lechter, Téana David, Dr. Jude Currivan, Chief Phil Lane Jr., Dr. Kurt Johnson, Linda Bjork, Tamara Loehr, Marcela Lobos, and many others.
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Join hundreds of thousands of like-minded people from around the globe as we experience and explore all the ways we can come together to celebrate, expand, and evolve our understanding of Oneness and this moment’s unique opportunity to birth a Glorious New World where everything and everyone on the planet can flourish.
The Summit Has Begun!
The time has come for humanity to make significant changes and pivot to a whole new way of living on the Earth.
Fortunately, there are things we can do, individually and collectively, to help lead us to that better and brighter future. Attending the Global Oneness Summit is one of those things—as well as taking what you learn from the Summit and radiating it out into the world.
2022’s Annual Global Oneness Summit, Birthing a New World, is like nothing you’ve experienced before: It has expanded and evolved to meet the present moment, to raise the collective vibration across the globe and catalyze action steps we can all take in our lives and communities to be the change we
need to see in the world.
Are you ready to evolve together?
Join us for our Opening Ceremonies and “International Shout Out Love Day” kickoff event on Saturday, October 15th, and then attend any and all of the nearly 60 experiences on the schedule at absolutely no cost.
The Summit’s inspiring events include special musical performances, compelling short films, group meditations and mindfulness practices, Masterclass teachings, Wisdom Panels, Women’s Wednesday, and much more that you can immerse yourself in whenever you are able to join us throughout the 10 days of celebration.
Come spend some time learning and celebrating with us whenever you can!
(And when you can’t be with us live, as long as you sign up, we’ll make sure you have access to watch the events when you can!)
Participation in the 13th Annual Global Oneness Summit: Birthing a New World is completely FREE. Sign up at the link below to be a part of this profound experience and help us create the world we know is possible.
Two Special Thank-You Gifts Just for Joining Us to Celebrate Our Oneness, Shout Out Love, and Help Birth a New World!
After the Summit is over, you’ll receive a link allowing you to attend an exciting, vitally important, brand-new 60-minute video program with Gregg Braden that will be airing following the Summit.
The Science of Thriving in the Future:
How to Expertly Navigate the Rapidly
Changing World Around You
Brand-New 60-Minute Video Program
with New York Times bestselling author
Gregg Braden
This video is the perfect followup to the Summit, as Gregg will give you a deeper peek into some of the things you can do to help create our new world, and he’ll share how you can be better prepared to thrive in that changing world at every stage of its creation.
You’ll also receive a link to watch
The Unified Science Award Ceremony
Honoring theoretical physicist Nassim Haramein.
Perhaps the most notable difference between Nassim and today’s average scientist, is that he begins his experiments with a foundational awareness of the Unity or Oneness of all things. The upcoming publication of his new paper on Unified Field Theory aims to provide a universal framework from which to approach physics and unified science at all scales. All of us here at Humanity’s Team support and applaud Nassim’s novel approach to science, with Oneness as the foundation, and this ceremony is another exciting celebration of Oneness and our collective evolution.
Join Us for the Global Oneness Summit & Celebration and the International ‘Shout Out Love’ Day Event Here
Keep Evolving after the Summit ends with Humanity Stream+!
Keep Evolving after the Summit ends with Humanity Stream+!
We will kick off the 10-Day Summit leading up to Global Oneness Day with INTERNATIONAL “SHOUT OUT LOVE” DAY on Saturday, October 15th, 2022 at 8:30 AM Pacific Time (US).
The debut of “Shout Out Love” Day two years ago was so powerful, connective, and uplifting, that we’re continuing what we hope will become a new tradition of a global community coming together in Love and offering Love to the world.
The idea is to bring the whole world together to create a kind of “Horton Hears a Who” moment, encouraging everyone who cares about other people and the planet Earth to go outside at Noon or Midnight Eastern Time (or both!), and shout the word LOVE into the sky as a display of unity and connection.
The short explanation is that Oneness is the interconnectedness of everything that exists within the Divine energy of the Universe, or God, or Source—whatever term most resonates for you. It’s the experience of being inseparable from everyone and everything.
Just as in the joke where one fish asks another, “What’s this water thing I keep hearing about?” we are immersed in Oneness in every moment we live without being aware of it. And because our senses tell us at every turn that we are separate from the other people and objects around us, our complex brains have trouble letting go of that perception, and often, even when we say we believe in Oneness, we often don’t realize the immense scope of all Oneness implies.
The truth is that scientists working in the field of Quantum Physics have now proven that everything in existence is sourced from the same energy, making us all connected. Many mystics and philosophers of various ancient spiritual teachings have obviously been saying that for thousands of years, but Science is finally catching up!
At the core of all the main religions is something like the “Golden Rule,” which is essentially: “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.” The Golden Rule is the essence of Oneness. What you do to another person you are doing to another aspect of yourself. And when you can look into another’s eyes and see yourself, and see the Divine that is within everyone, you will be living in Oneness.
With the unprecedented number of human beings awakening to Oneness right now, we hope to take advantage of that momentum and bring thousands more into the fold, so we can transcend the illusion of separation, avoid global calamity, and create a world of well-being and fulfillment for everyone. A world where everyone can flourish.
Global Oneness Day is exactly that—a day where every year we celebrate our interconnectedness inside the Divine energy of the Universe. A day where we celebrate our Oneness.
Just as Earth Day galvanized the movement to protect and preserve our global environment, Global Oneness Day has become a global catalyst for spiritual education and activism, and our annual Summit event is on the leading edge of the creation of a new paradigm for living in the world.
The possibility of living your life from the perspective of Oneness represents a profound new shift in humanity’s culture from one of competition to one of cooperation, compassion and caring.
In the late 1960s, the first photographs of the Earth taken from space had a powerful impact on humanity’s perception of the world.
For many of us who saw those photographs when they were first shown on television and then in magazines, it was the first time in our lives that we’d ever felt a deeper connection to everyone and everything on this beautiful blue planet we were all obviously sharing.
In the decades since then, this realization has spread and expanded, as more and more people have experienced Oneness in various ways, and seen it for what it is— the very essence of our being.
Today, Oneness is expressed through many different streams, such as religion, philosophy, indigenous traditions, art, and science… But these streams are beginning to overflow their banks, commingling and converging to form a single stream—a universal Oneness movement.
Global Oneness Day is where that movement comes together as a community to celebrate the beauty of our diversity and the unity of our existence, and to join hands to serve humanity’s collective awakening.
Join us in awakening the world to Oneness with this year’s Summit theme: “Birthing A New World.”
Thanks to our generous Summit co-creators, our affiliate partners, and all the amazing speakers who have gladly volunteered their time, we are able to offer this experience for free to the public. All you need is a phone or an internet-connected device to participate.
Your email will NEVER be shared or sold and you can easily unsubscribe at any time.
If you wish to purchase the Summit program, we award a limited number of half-scholarships. To apply please complete and submit the below form.
Help us spread the word! If you’re interested, we’d be honored to have you join us as a Global Oneness Day Affiliate Partner. Together we can make a profound difference!
For Affiliate Partners with lists of 50,000 or more, please send an email to Jean Widner at [email protected] with your name, email address, phone number, and your logo, so we can add it to our "Sponsored By" section below.