Suzanne Giesemann was presented with the Spiritual Leadership Award by Humanity’s Team Executive Director Steve Farrell in an in-person and live-streamed ceremony in Boulder, Colorado, on Friday, October 18th.
Suzanne was this year’s unanimous choice of Humanity’s Team’s 65-member Global Council. She is renowned as a pioneer in bringing mediumship and the awareness of Oneness to people all over the world. Over the past decade, she has been a leader in spiritual and open-minded circles, inspiring people to take courageous action through her books, seminars, and other programs, especially through her “The Awakened Way” process of awakening to our Oneness and Divinity and then living into it.
Steve Farrell spoke to an audience of Humanity’s Team members and local friends about why Humanity’s Team chose Suzanne for this year’s award. Then, in true ”Suzanne Giesemann style,” she spoke to those gathered in her honor, revealing the box of “props” that she brought along to demonstrate why she was so honored to accept the award. At one point, she reached into her basket of goodies, showing the audience boxes of business cards. She explained that she felt everyone who is a part of the organization should do as she does: become card carrying members of Humanity’s Team. Great idea, Suzanne! Thank you for being you, and it’s just like you to think of all of us on your momentous day. Congrats and gratitude all the way around.