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The Art of Awakening Humanity

Featuring Special Guests: Dr. Jude Currivan, Andrew Harvey, Marjorie Britt with Charissa Sims

Wednesday, Oct 23rd, 4:30 PM Pacific


About this Panel

In this panel, you’ll discover…

- How to thrive despite the challenges you face during this time

- The role of consciousness in awakening the whole

- How to awaken to the truth of who we are


Charissa Sims

Charissa Sims is a speaker, health and energy coach, workshop leader and host of The Zen Success Show: Helping people move from Force to Flow-Integrating Spirituality into Business, Relationships and Health.   She is the best selling author of Change your energy, Change your life:  10 ways to change your energy now and author of numerous Children’s Books. 

After being diagnosed with cancer, she was able to heal her body without Western Medicine in 2021.  From a traditional professor at University of Southern California, to working with Amazon, Google, Fox and more, she is now on a mission to help heal the world and inspire others that they too can heal themselves.  Visit for a free guide on how you can shift your energy.


Dr. Jude Currivan

Dr. Jude Currivan is a cosmologist, planetary healer, futurist, author, Evolutionary Leaders Circle member and previously a senior UK-based international business woman. She has a Master’s degree in physics from Oxford University specializing in cosmology and quantum physics and a Ph.D. from the University of Reading, UK in archaeology, researching ancient cosmologies. 

Having traveled to over 80 countries and worked with traditional wisdom keepers she is a life-long researcher into the nature of reality. Author of 7 nonfiction books, latterly award-winning and best-selling The Cosmic Hologram (2017) and The Story of Gaia (2022) she shares the evidence at all scales and across many fields of investigation and discovery, of an emergent understanding of a living, loving and evolutionary Universe – that meaningfully exists and purposefully evolves as a unitive entity

Since 1998, she has been in service to our collective and planetary healing, from a perspective that we are traumatized by a dis-ease of separation – and that an evidence-based unitive perception and narrative is vital to support us in re-membering that we are inseparable; from each other and the whole world. 

In 2017, she also co-founded WholeWorld-View to serve such unitive awareness, aiming to underpin and frame our conscious evolution and empower transformational change in the world.

Andrew Harvey

Andrew Harvey is an internationally acclaimed writer, poet, translator and mystical teacher. He is the author of over 40 books, including Son of Man, The Hope, Love is Everything, Turn Me to Gold, Engoldenment and Radical Regeneration with Carolyn Baker. He has taught all over the world, given over 20 courses for the Shift Network and is the founder of the Institute for Sacred Activism.

Marjorie Britt 

After many years as a visionary, guide, facilitator, and leader, now in the 4th act of her life, Dr. Marj Britt is living the energy she has written and talked about all of her life. She is: Dancing all of the Colors of the Rainbow; Experiencing Multiple Realities Existing Simultaneously; and speaking different languages for different countries.

Dr. Marj Britt is the author of Your Soul’s Invisible Codes, Unveiling Your Sacred Love Story. ( )

In the last few years, going through shifts and changes, she is now living in Kansas City, Missouri. as well as part-time in Boulder, Colorado. Marj’s life has included 20 years teaching in public education and 30 years as an ordained Unity minister, including 19 years as Senior Minister of Unity of Tustin, California, where she co-created a beautiful Campus of Consciousness, attracting world-

recognized spiritual teachers, many before they were famous. (

In 2011, Marj founded, a 501c3 non-profit.

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