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Healing & Raising Consciousness with Jin Shin

Featuring Special Guest: Alexis Brink with Charissa Sims

Wednesday, Oct 23rd, 4 PM Pacific


About this Panel

In this conversation, you’ll discover…

- The art of Jin Shin and how it can help raise consciousness

- The origins of Jin Shin:  acupuncture without the needles

- Healing our body and life with Jin Shin


Charissa Sims

Charissa Sims is a speaker, health and energy coach, workshop leader and host of The Zen Success Show: Helping people move from Force to Flow-Integrating Spirituality into Business, Relationships and Health.   She is the best selling author of Change your energy, Change your life:  10 ways to change your energy now and author of numerous Children’s Books. 

After being diagnosed with cancer, she was able to heal her body without Western Medicine in 2021.  From a traditional professor at University of Southern California, to working with Amazon, Google, Fox and more, she is now on a mission to help heal the world and inspire others that they too can heal themselves.  Visit for a free guide on how you can shift your energy.


Alexis Brink

Alexis Brink (LMT) is the director of Jin Shin Institute in New York City and has been a practitioner of the Art of Jin Shin since 1991. 

Alexis is the author of "The Art of Jin Shin" and “Healing at Your Fingertips,” published by Simon & Schuster and translated into 6 languages. She has taught Jin Shin in hospitals to medical professionals, in the New York Public School system, and for wellness organizations & different communities around the world such as New York, Singapore and Amsterdam. 

Alexis has written two textbooks on how to become a practitioner in the Art of Jin Shin. Jin Shin Institute, under Alexis's guidance, is offering a comprehensive curriculum with certification by Jin Shin Institute to a new generation of practitioners and teachers.

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