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Waking Up to Life Through Death

Featuring Special Guests: Raymond Moody, Paul Perry & Karen Noé with Charissa Sims

Saturday, October 19th, 11 AM Pacific


About this Panel

This panel will explore the following:

- How Near Death Experiences wake us up to the truth of Life to help us live our best life

- The significance of Shared Death Experiences and what we can learn from them

- How the Psychomanteum can be used to communicate with loved ones on the other side

- Homanteum and communicating with loved ones on the other side


Charissa Sims

Charissa Sims is a speaker, healer, workshop leader, and host of The Zen Success Show, a syndicated radio show and podcast, helping listeners move from Force to Flow-Integrating Spirituality into Business, Relationships, and Health. She is the best-selling author of Change Your Energy, Change Your Life: 10 Ways to Change Your Energy Now, and the author of numerous Children’s Books.

After being diagnosed with cancer, she was able to heal her body without Western Medicine in 2021. From a traditional professor at the University of Southern California to working with Amazon, Google, Fox, and more -- she is now on a mission to help heal the world and inspire others that they too can heal themselves. Visit for a free guide on how you can shift your energy.


Raymond Moody

In 1975, Raymond Moody coined the term “near-death experience” in his book Life After Life, and for half a century now, he has researched some of life’s greatest mysteries. In his roles as author, professor, public speaker and grief counselor, he has heard thousands of accounts of near death, shared death, and after death experiences. 

His other books include Glimpses of Eternity, Coming Back, Reunions, and Making Sense of Nonsense. He holds a Ph.D. in philosophy, is a licensed M.D., and is the co-founder, with Lisa Smartt, of the Life After Life Institute.

Paul Perry

Paul Perry is an acclaimed filmmaker and is the co-author of four New York Times bestsellers, including Evidence of the Afterlife, Closer to the Light, Transformed by the Light and Saved by the Light, which was made into a popular movie by FOX-TV. His latest books, Glimpses of Eternity: Sharing a Loved One’s Passage From this Life to the Next, and Paranormal: My Life In Pursuit of the Afterlife, are the fourth and fifth books he has co-written with Dr. Raymond Moody. 

His films have aired internationally and include such topics as near-death experiences, visions and miracles, the childhood of Jesus in Egypt, a History Channel presentation on the pirates of Madagascar, and most recently, a biographical documentary about artist Salvador Dali.

Karen Noé

Karen Noé is a renowned psychic medium, spiritual counselor, and healer with a two-year waiting list. She is the author of We Consciousness, Your Life After Their Death, The Angel Quest Oracle Deck, Through the Eyes of Another, and The Rainbow Follows the Storm.

Karen is the founder of the Angel Quest Center in Waldwick, New Jersey, where she teaches classes, gives readings, and practices alternative healing. You can listen to Karen on The Angel Quest Show on all podcast platforms. 

To find out more about her, visit her web site at

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