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Elevating Business - Engaging Community

Featuring Special Guests: Ozioma Egwuonwu, Dr. Larry Clay with Atom Terpening

Tuesday, Oct 22nd, 10 AM Pacific


About this Panel

In this panel, you’ll discover…

- How mutual understanding with others starts with yourself

- Flourishing business with community involvement is an antidote to polarization

- Elevating business through community engagement


Atom Terpening

Atom Terpening is a collaborative independent systems analysis consultant, conscious business coach/advisor,  writer/poet, restorative circle and sociocratic circle facilitator. He has 25+ years’ left-brain experience in Technology ‘management’ up to the CIO level, Agile DevelopmentTechnology; product/program development;organizational process modeling. Atom has 15+ years of right brain and heart coherence work in collaborative social architecture/team building, awareness practices, vision/wisdom circle processes, sacred site tours, intentional group field resonance and energy work.  

He has written, spoken, and taught courses in Mindfulness, Heartfulness, Sociocracy, Conscious Evolution and Conscious Leadership. Atom’s non-profit/conscious work includes IT Director/Advisor/Coach for an intentional community and retreat conference center, Sunrise Ranch, Video Production and conscious content course creation for Humanity’s Team Conscious Business efforts as well as two year co-creation with Barbara Marx Hubbard Conscious Evolution intensives and on-line communities. 

He has been an  IT advisor for Alliance for Unitive Justice, The Training Institute Leader for a Sociocracy training organization, Governance Alive,  and many start-up ‘businesses for good’. Atom received his Bachelor of Science from William James College and performed Master of Systems work at University of Denver and was trained in Heartmath, Shamata/Vipassana meditation instruction, energy Attunement Practices, as well as Unitive Principles, Sociocratic Circle Facilitation, and Restorative Circle Reflective Listening techniques. He is a graduate of the Humanity’s Team Conscious Business Change Agent training and a member of the Conscious Leadership group.


Ozioma Egwuonwu

Ozioma Egwuonwu is an internationally celebrated speaker, consultant, coach, and expert in Transformational Strategy and Systems Change. Regarded as one of the most pivotal and visionary voices of our time, Ozioma life’s work is dedicated to supporting individual and collective progress.

In 2012, Ozioma founded World Dream Day. Celebrated annually on Sept 25th, it is the first-ever global holiday day dedicated to activating ideas, goals, and dreams. In 2020 World Dream Day established an estimated reach of 74 million.

 As a catalyst of change, over the span of her career, Ozioma has presented and served a variety of audiences. Ozioma has spoken at the United Nations, TEDx, SXSW, within the Singularity University Expert Faculty network, on Web Summit stages, The European Leadership Academy, and at top educational institutions such as Oxford University, Howard University, University of St. Gallen, and Columbia University, where she was a member of their faculty. Ozioma has also appeared on NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX, MSNBC and contributed to The Huffington Post, Thrive Global, and UN Magazine.

As a strategic advisor, Ozioma consults on complex strategic problems and transformational initiatives for a diverse array of clients, including governments, Fortune 500 companies, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, small business owners, growth and early-stage startups, and personal and leadership development clients seeking to reimagine possibilities, ignite action, and achieve breakthrough results.

Ozioma is also a mentor and advocate for women and girls, and has inspired and empowered emerging and established women leaders to break through personal and societal barriers and reach up towards greatness and out towards one another. In her pioneering role as Chief Operating Officer of Rising Women Rising World, she advanced a transformational model of shared leadership among women leaders.

While global in scope, Ozioma is also focused on local transformation, and has led and consulted on a diverse array of community based initiatives including founding The Newburgh Renaissance, a civic innovation platform highlighting the city's innovative people and projects; the design and development of the Newburgh Clean Green Ambassador program focused on green practices, establishing and running the Newburgh Dream Center, a transformational community center dedicated to hope, peace and positive progress in a city ravaged by violence, and once known as the "Murder Capital of New York."

Ozioma is the Chief Strategic Transformation Officer of BurnBright International, a transformational training, coaching, and consulting company specializing in the development and activation of our individual and collective transformation potential.

Through transformational talks, workshops, and consultations, Ozioma has helped thousands of people all over the world reimagine possibilities and ignite action.

Ozioma is committed to a world where we ALL can BurnBright!

Dr. Larry Clay

Dr. Larry Clay brings expertise in business management research and analytics in sustainable development, conscious business and leadership development, and sustainable value creation for whole system flourishing.

His expertise also ranges from social and product innovation for positive impact to designing new business modeling, meta-organizational designing, as well as dynamic organizational research designing.

Dr. Clay utilizes qualitative and quantitative approaches to analyzing multi-organizational phenomena with big data focusing on flourishing enterprises, innovation ecosystems, communities, and cities.

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