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Our Common Sentience - Spiritual Communication

Featuring Special Guests: Neale Donald Walsch, Suzanne Giesemann, Lisa Barnett & Tricia McCannon with Ariel Patricia

Saturday, October 19th, 10 AM Pacific


About this Panel

This panel will explore the following:

- How we share an intelligence, a common sentience, with the seen and unseen worlds

- How we can tune in to the higher spiritual realms in order to communicate and receive loving direction and confirmation from our higher self, God, Source, loved ones in spirit, angels, akashic masters, and more 

- How embracing this common sentience can help transform our world


Ariel Patricia

Rev. Ariel Patricia is both sacred storyteller and visionary businesswoman, She is the mystic behind the Common Sentience book series and Sacred Stories Publishing and Media. Her leadership in the fields of publishing, broadcasting, and online learning has put Sacred Stories on the map as a conscious business enterprise with a soul for helping humanity prosper and expand our spiritual awareness.


Neale Donald Walsch

Neale Donald Walsch is a modern-day spiritual messenger who has published 33 books in the past 20 years, including the Conversations with God series, which has been translated into 37 languages and read by millions.

He has lectured on every continent and facilitated extended personal renewal retreats across the globe creating, as well, both short-form and year-long online programs, with every outreach designed to assist people in applying a revolutionary spiritual approach to life that he has termed “beingism,” arising out of the messages of Conversations with God.

Neale’s most recent book is The God Solution.

Suzanne Giesemann

Suzanne Giesemann is an author and teacher of The Awakened Way®. She has been included on the Watkins’ list of “100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People.” A former U.S. Navy Commander and aide to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, today she shares “21st Century Spirituality®”, merging the latest scientific understanding about Consciousness with ancient spiritual wisdom.

Her work provides stunning evidence of our essential interconnectedness. She teaches proven methods that anyone can use to connect with the many levels of our multidimensional reality.

Lisa Barnett

Lisa Barnett is the bestselling Author of four books about the Akashic Records, including: “Akasha”, “Your Soul Has a Plan”, “From Questioning to Knowing ~ 73 Prayers to Transform Your Life” and “The Infinite Wisdom of the Akashic Records".  

She is also the founder of Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom and an internationally recognized teacher with more than thirty years of experience in spiritual healing and Akashic Guidance. Through her school, Lisa shares resources to bring clarity and healing to you, by using the ancient yet accessible Akashic guidance.  Lisa draws on the healing energy of the Akasha for her clients and students. 

Reverend Lisa Barnett has devoted her life as a divine channel to helping people connect to their own divinity and receive the soul guidance they are searching for. Lisa specializes in empowering individuals to find greater fulfillment, happiness, abundance and ease in their lives by aligning with their Soul Path. She helps you realize how your Soul Contracts can create and affect your relationships; how unseen Karmic patterns may act as a block in your life and how past life vows can hold you back.  

Lisa has developed an amazing program that helps ordinary people learn to access their personal divine wisdom so they can experience lasting transformation. She provides her students with the knowledge to access their own personal soul records as well as how to complete Karma and Vows by incorporating information and healing tools from the Akashic Record.

Tricia McCannon

Tricia McCannon is a spiritual mystic, historian, and symbologist who has been a Headliner in Europe and America for over two decades. Initiated into many ancient paths of wisdom, she has appeared on over 175 radio shows including Coast to Coast AM, Dreamland, and a number of international documentaries. She is the author of five acclaimed books including Dialogues with the Angels, The Return of the Divine Sophia, The Angelic Origins of the Soul, Jesus: The Explosive Story of the 30 Lost Years and the Ancient Mystery Religions, and Angels: Personal Encounters with Divine Beings of Light.

Ms. McCannon speaks on a variety of subjects from The Lost Years of Jesus to The Quest for the Philosopher’s Stone, Egyptian Mysteries to the Reemergence of the Divine Feminine, Ancient Civilizations to Angels. She is the Founder of the Phoenix Fire Mystery School, and leader of the global peace initiative called the Way of Truth with students around the world. A renowned clairvoyant, Tricia has read for over 6000 people worldwide, and is trained in both traditional and shamanic practices. She is initiated in the Celtic, Egyptian, Christian, Far Eastern, and Native American traditions, which makes her a powerful bridge teacher for thousands worldwide. She can be reached through her website at

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