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The Role of Visionary Art in Inspiring Oneness

Featuring Special Guest:  Autumn Skye Morrison & Simon Haiduk with Juicy Life

Tuesday, October 24th, 9:00 am Pacific


About this Panel:

This Panel will explore:

• How the visionary art movement has evolved in its role in transforming consciousness 

• What it means or looks like to embody "artist consciousness" and be a conscious creator 

• How to follow the creative impulse and follow the divine calling of purpose


Juicy Life

Juicy is an Artist, recognizing that in every moment, in every breath, he is both creating and destroying. He works to inspire others of their inner artist, to be conscious creators in the world. 

He is both a large-scale app developer and a leader in developing local social networks to support the evolution of consciousness. Utilizing his background in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Evolutionary Biology, and Programming along with his experiences with authentic relating practices, psychedelics, and intentional community practices, he synthesizes wisdom across multiple fields to crystalize technology that is in right relationship to Life.

His programming work has been used in events like the New York Marathon and the Iron Man running series, and has been localized to 8 different languages and used in every country around the world by over 10M people. 

His most recent local social operating system app focused in Boulder, Colorado has at its peak 3-5 events happening per day with over 3000 people signed up.


Autumn Skye Morrison

Autumn Skye lives, breathes, and dreams art, and has done so since she was old enough to hold a pencil and reach for a piece of paper. Her childhood and early adult years were spent traveling the landscapes of both her wild Canadian backyard and distant international shores. Through her wanderlust, she developed a deep reverence for the beauty of nature and the diversity of humanity, and she continuously endeavors to translate this inspiration through her work. 

As a self-taught artist, she is forever a student of the creative process. She perpetually explores and plays in many artistic mediums and modalities, from music to sculpture, cooking, event production, sewing, interior decorating, and jewelry making. However, her sustaining focus remains primarily in painting, which she finds offers the most freedom, luminosity, and versatility in her intuitive artmaking. Her style gracefully weaves together refined realism, iconic imagery and symbolism, and subtle energetic geometries. She’s inspired by the beauty of this incredible planet, the potency of these extraordinary times, the mysteries of the cosmos, the resiliency of the human spirit, and the intricate connections between all facets of life. 

Her meticulous and poignant paintings continue to gain expanding recognition, attracting audiences, collectors, and students from around the globe. She exhibits and teaches worldwide, and otherwise thrives and paints in the beautiful temperate rainforest of coastal British Columbia, Canada. Considering herself immensely blessed to do what feeds her soul, she strives to support others through creative empowerment, the gift of beauty, and the perpetuation of inspiration.

Simon Haiduk

Growing up in British Columbia, Canada, Simon Haiduk developed a strong affinity to nature with creative foundations in visual art and music. In 2004 he gravitated towards painting as a full-time endeavor bringing his musical background into the visual realm. Simon has explored many visual mediums, often with a strong influence in spiritual themes connected to nature. In 2007 he graduated from Vancouver Film School, where he learned motion-graphics, among many other creative topics within the Digital Design program. That led him to animate many of his paintings now used in live VJ performances with various global music acts, including his own. 

He continues to produce music by himself and collaboratively. Within art galleries, festivals, conventions, and online platforms, his work is exhibited globally. He currently works out of his studio in BC, Canada, while continuing to explore an ever-expanding palette of creative endeavors.


Transforming our Lives Through

Conscious Creativity

Saturday, October 21st through Tuesday, October 24th, 2023

Over 45 FREE Panels with Spiritual Visionaries, Scientists, Transformational Leaders, and Musicians, plus the International Shout-Out Love Event!

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