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Return Source: Plant Medicine, Presence & Music

Featuring Special Guests: Ena & Howard Lipp with Charissa Sims

Tuesday, October 24th, 2:00 pm Pacific


About this Panel:

This Panel will explore:

• How plant medicine can cultivate Oneness

• How music can inspire creativity 

• Activating deep presence to feel the Oneness with all


Charissa Sims

Charissa Sims is a speaker, healer, workshop leader, and host of The Zen Success Show, a syndicated radio show and podcast, helping listeners move from Force to Flow-Integrating Spirituality into Business, Relationships, and Health. She is the best-selling author of Change Your Energy, Change Your Life: 10 Ways to Change Your Energy Now, and the author of numerous Children’s Books. After being diagnosed with cancer, she was able to heal her body without Western Medicine in 2021. 

From a traditional professor at the University of Southern California to working with Amazon, Google, Fox, and more -- she is now on a mission to help heal the world and inspire others that they too can heal themselves. Visit for a free guide on how you can shift your energy.


Ena & Howard Lipp

For over 25 years, Ena & Howard Lipp have been working with music, psychedelics, and traditional and nontraditional knowledge keepers to support their own healing from addiction, depression, anxiety, and disconnection from life and their purpose. They are experiential facilitators and teachers who are committed to living a life of wholeness. Their mission is to foster a safe and supportive environment for individuals to explore music, psychedelics, and consciousness, cultivate self-awareness, and promote healing. 

They provide courses, content, and a supportive community to facilitate the process of awakening in each moment. They are musicians, producers, and creators of music and music videos that focus on honoring the earth and all its inhabitants. They are committed to creating a culture of respect, inclusion, compassion, healing, and empowerment within their community and beyond.



Transforming our Lives Through

Conscious Creativity

Saturday, October 21st through Tuesday, October 24th, 2023

Over 45 FREE Panels with Spiritual Visionaries, Scientists, Transformational Leaders, and Musicians, plus the International Shout-Out Love Event!

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