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Radical-Collaboration: The Connection Field

Featuring Special Guests:  Dr. Julie Krull & Teresa Collins, with Tammy Scarlett

Monday, October 23rd, 4:30 pm Pacific


About this Panel:

This panel will explore:

• The "Lean-In": Become a Genius Zone Reader

•Relaxing into Co-Creation

•Learning Models: Flexibility to Map Practical Steps


Tammy Scarlett

Tammy Scarlett is an inspirational leader, strategist, and global systems architect, and energetics mentor for both people and systems development. She founded the White Lotus Global Initiative's Impact Portfolio. As the Executive Director of UNIFY, a global nonprofit for world peace and impact and member of the Holomovement, Tammy believes in implementing systemic change with strategy, efficiency, and abundance for the thriving of our future. Combining her Harvard education in Anthropology and MBA studies with her time spent with Native American and First Nations communities, Tammy promotes a return to ancient wisdom and nature to inform global systems solutions, including integrative education for children and accessible dynamic finance. Her work has been featured on WGN and Forbes.  

Tammy currently serves on the executive advisory boards of Connective Consulting, Gaia Gives, Awaken, and the World Upshift Movement, is on the executive Team for the Universal Peace Sanctuary, and is a collaborator with the World Academy of Art and Science for the United Nations' Human Security campaign.  Tammy lives in a suburb of Chicago with her husband, their 3-year-old daughter Aurelia, and their pups Caspian and StellaMaris.


Dr. Julie Krull

Dr. Julie Krull is a steward of the new earth, mid-wifing the evolution of consciousness, supporting whole-system health, and expanding a whole worldview. Her 35-year career as an intuitive, integrative health practitioner and psychotherapist, coupled with her spiritual gifts that emerged after an early childhood Near Death Experience, have influenced her work with evolutionary thought leaders and change agents from around the world—co-creating connections that inspire personal, cultural, and planetary healing.

As a visionary way-shower, popular speaker, and mentor of conscious evolution, her authentic, down-to-earth approach assists in bridging worlds, navigating change, and bringing a message of hope. Whether working with individuals, groups, or large audiences, Krull eloquently shifts awareness away from the illusion of separation to a healthier, soul-centric flow of resonance, coherence, and unity.

Dr. Julie is Co-Founder and President of GOOD of the WHOLE, host of the esteemed Dr. Julie Show: All Things Connected, and author of the international best-selling and Nautilus award-winning book, Fractured Grace: How to Create Beauty, Peace and Healing for Yourself and the World. Her forthcoming book, Re-Imagine Everything, will be released in 2023. She is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle.

Teresa Collins

Teresa Collins is co-founder of the Global Coherence Pulse and brings over 20 years of innovation in online education, learning community development, and whole-system strategic design to the projects and communities she serves. 

Some of the organizations she has served a leadership role in over the years include:  Foundation for Conscious Evolution, Gene Keys, Wisdom University, Thrive Movement, and Resonance Science Academy. She is currently a partner in Live It Now Productions, pouring love into projects like Global Coherence Pulse, Islands of Coherence, Thrive Solutions Hub, and more. 

She is dedicated to empowering learning communities of all sizes to thrive in these times. She is a natural leader and inspiring voice and guide in the rapidly growing field of transformational learning and community building. 

Above all, Teresa is dedicated to her own growth and awakening. She knows that is not what she does in the world that is important, instead it is the quality of the presence she brings to her service that is her most valuable contribution.


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Conscious Creativity

Saturday, October 21st through Tuesday, October 24th, 2023

Over 45 FREE Panels with Spiritual Visionaries, Scientists, Transformational Leaders, and Musicians, plus the International Shout-Out Love Event!

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