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One Soul:  Songs to Deepen our Connection

Featuring Special Guests: Greg Pacini & Dennis Warner with Charissa Sims

Tuesday, October 24th, 11:00 am Pacific


About this Panel:

This Panel will explore:

• The highly personal and lasting, healing effects of writing and singing original songs such as comfort and companionship following departure from a Benedictine Monastery and many long-held beliefs 

• Anecdotal and documented reactions from others that suggest a transformative impact of these songs 

• The possibility of a transformative experience for those in attendance


Charissa Sims

Charissa Sims is a speaker, healer, workshop leader, and host of The Zen Success Show, a syndicated radio show and podcast, helping listeners move from Force to Flow-Integrating Spirituality into Business, Relationships, and Health. She is the best-selling author of Change Your Energy, Change Your Life: 10 Ways to Change Your Energy Now, and the author of numerous Children’s Books. After being diagnosed with cancer, she was able to heal her body without Western Medicine in 2021. 

From a traditional professor at the University of Southern California to working with Amazon, Google, Fox, and more -- she is now on a mission to help heal the world and inspire others that they too can heal themselves. Visit for a free guide on how you can shift your energy.


Greg Pacini

Greg Pacini has been a psychotherapist for 43 years, written two books, and created 3 albums of original music, that have all gotten airplay. 

While his professional life and family matters put his music in the back seat for decades, it's always been the heartbeat of his soul. Now retired, Greg feels a strong draw to share it. 

Greg recently realized that he had an NDE at birth and feels the echoes of that event mostly in his music. No surprise his album titles include One Soul and To Soul. 

Starting some 40 years ago, the music came as a comfort to him, and now he hopes it might comfort you.

Dennis Warner

In 2020, Dennis Warner released his 11th album, Pilot Me, which debuted on the FOLK DJ radio charts at #8 in August. Dennis was among the top 10 for Artist of the Month. His breakthrough album Seeds was named one of the best CDs of 2012 in folk music, based on radio play around the world. Folk DJ also named him one of the top artists in folk music that year. Midnight Special host Rich Warren designated Seeds as his “CD Pick of the Week” on his nationally syndicated show. 

In 2018, Dennis was invited to the RoundGlass Music Awards in New York City celebrating “Enlightened musicians from around the globe who create music to make the world a better place.” A few months later, Dennis was honored to perform for the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Toronto, where 7,500 attendees representing 230 different faiths from around the planet gathered to find ways to coexist in our diverse world. 

In 2020, Dennis was featured on the popular PBS-syndicated TV show Backroads. Warner is a three-time McKnight Foundation Artist Award winner and three-time finalist for the prestigious Kerrville Folkfest songwriting awards, co-founded by Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul and Mary. His Beads on One String book (Ninth Printing) celebrates our “connectedness” and features a bully prevention curriculum for elementary schools that’s currently being used throughout the U.S. and beyond. 

Warner recently completed a three-week concert tour of South Africa, including a performance at the historically significant Constitution Hill in Johannesburg.


Transforming our Lives Through

Conscious Creativity

Saturday, October 21st through Tuesday, October 24th, 2023

Over 45 FREE Panels with Spiritual Visionaries, Scientists, Transformational Leaders, and Musicians, plus the International Shout-Out Love Event!

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