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A 501(c)(3)  Nonprofit

Creativity at Work: Thriving Organizations

Featuring Special Guests:  Steve Farrell & Dr. Larry Clay with Atom Terpening

Saturday, October 21st, 1:00 pm Pacific


About this Panel:

This Panel will explore:

• How a holistic approach to organization/business spawns conscious creativity for the greater good

• How support/mentoring and community fit into the new biz paradigm 

• How to leverage diversity and dialog to power innovations and connect with the world and spirit

• How to embody the mind/body/spirit of a business – putting the inner journey to Oneness and higher purpose into sustainability discussions 

• How to bring spirituality into the boardroom and cubicles 

• How organizations that ‘need to get things done’ can do so co-creatively

• When will the old militaristic style of business finally be put to rest? What has to change before we can start to see business as a trusted institution? 

• New trends we are seeing with conscious business evolution -- social impact/collective impact/for benefit -- where do they go next?


Atom Terpening

Atom Terpening is a collaborative independent systems analysis consultant, conscious business coach/advisor, writer/poet, restorative circle, and sociocratic circle facilitator. He has 25+ years’ of left-brain experience in technology ‘management’ up to the CIO level, Agile Development Technology; product/program development; and organizational process modeling. Atom has 15+ years of right-brain and heart coherence work in collaborative social architecture/team building, awareness practices, vision/wisdom circle processes, sacred site tours, intentional group field resonance, and energy work. He has written, spoken, and taught courses in Mindfulness, Heartfulness, Sociocracy, Conscious Evolution, and Conscious Leadership. 

Atom’s non-profit/conscious work includes IT Director/Advisor/Coach for an intentional community and retreat conference center, Sunrise Ranch; Video Production and conscious content course creation for Humanity’s Team Conscious Business efforts; as well as a two-year co-creation with Barbara Marx Hubbard Conscious Evolution intensives and on-line communities. He has been an IT advisor for the Alliance for Unitive Justice, The Training Institute Leader for a Sociocracy training organization, Governance Alive, and many start-up ‘businesses for good’. Atom received his Bachelor of Science from William James College and performed Master of Systems work at the University of Denver, and was trained in Heartmath, Shamata/Vipassana meditation instruction, energy Attunement Practices, as well as Unitive Principles, Sociocratic Circle Facilitation, and Restorative Circle Reflective Listening techniques. He is a graduate of Humanity’s Team Conscious Business Change Agent training and a member of the Conscious Leadership group.


Steve Farrell

Steve Farrell attained the pinnacle of success as a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, founding two high-tech firms. Then he pivoted to lead Humanity’s Team, a global nonprofit helping people everywhere awaken to our interconnectedness through platforms such as their new Humanity Stream+ streaming service. Steve’s new book, A New Universal Dream, details his journey from a young entrepreneur to a life in service to humanity.

Dr. Larry Clay

Dr. Larry Clay II, Program Administrator for Conscious Business Innerprise, brings expertise from two decades in business management, consulting, research, and analytics in sustainable development, conscious business and leadership development, and sustainable value creation for whole-system flourishing. Dr. Clay utilizes qualitative and quantitative approaches to analyzing multi-organizational phenomena with big data focusing on flourishing enterprises, innovation ecosystems, communities, and cities. 

Dr. Clay is also an emerging scholar in conscious business leadership, and an Assistant Professor of Business at Marymount University, where he instructs courses in organization management and strategic management.


Transforming our Lives Through

Conscious Creativity

Saturday, October 21st through Tuesday, October 24th, 2023

Over 45 FREE Panels with Spiritual Visionaries, Scientists, Transformational Leaders, and Musicians, plus the International Shout-Out Love Event!

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