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Co-Creation: Manifesting the Evolutionary Impulse

Featuring Special Guests: Suzanne Hubbard & Sheila Cash with Atom Terpening

Monday, October 23rd, 10:00 am Pacific


About this Panel:

This Panel will explore:

• How can we invite conscious co-creativity in a resonant field of individuals 

• The power of ‘dropping into’ one’s golden life thread and embodying the universal evolutionary impulse 

• What allows us to go beyond ownership of a project and into group visioning


Atom Terpening

Atom Terpening is a collaborative independent systems analysis consultant, conscious business coach/advisor, writer/poet, restorative circle, and sociocratic circle facilitator. He has 25+ years’ of left-brain experience in technology ‘management’ up to the CIO level, Agile Development Technology; product/program development; and organizational process modeling. Atom has 15+ years of right-brain and heart coherence work in collaborative social architecture/team building, awareness practices, vision/wisdom circle processes, sacred site tours, intentional group field resonance, and energy work. He has written, spoken, and taught courses in Mindfulness, Heartfulness, Sociocracy, Conscious Evolution, and Conscious Leadership. 

Atom’s non-profit/conscious work includes IT Director/Advisor/Coach for an intentional community and retreat conference center, Sunrise Ranch; Video Production and conscious content course creation for Humanity’s Team Conscious Business efforts; as well as a two-year co-creation with Barbara Marx Hubbard Conscious Evolution intensives and on-line communities. He has been an IT advisor for the Alliance for Unitive Justice, The Training Institute Leader for a Sociocracy training organization, Governance Alive, and many start-up ‘businesses for good’. Atom received his Bachelor of Science from William James College and performed Master of Systems work at the University of Denver, and was trained in Heartmath, Shamata/Vipassana meditation instruction, energy Attunement Practices, as well as Unitive Principles, Sociocratic Circle Facilitation, and Restorative Circle Reflective Listening techniques. He is a graduate of Humanity’s Team Conscious Business Change Agent training and a member of the Conscious Leadership group.


Suzanne Hubbard

Suzanne Hubbard:  I grew up with the understanding you are evolution. Therefore, everything we do, say, think, and desire has agency. This perspective transformed my passions for gardening, mothering, and weaving. I wasn’t just doing this type of work; I was also fulfilling my evolutionary destiny. A passion for something beyond oneself can influence personal choices which are love-guided. Labors of love express universal self-awareness and were we to choose to live it, could evolve a separate human existence becoming one with the world around us. 

I try to meet people where they are with their own passionate attractions in the Unwritten Book: An Organic Personal Conscious Evolution which uses our golden threads of desire; Life-Weaving classes at Synergy Vashon which focuses on untangling and re-weaving our frayed fabrics; Community Weaving activates the dynamics of coevolution as individuals weave an integrated social fabric; the podcast Common Thread focuses on what is most important to us on a human and heart level when this personal experience resonates with everyone; and an experimental Zoom-project called Discover Your Evolutionary Destiny which uses personal stories to reflect our unique relationship with a co-evolutionary universe. I believe once we see this, it cannot be unseen or forgotten.

Sheila Cash

Sheila Cash is an author, speaker, and evolutionary catalyst in the fields of mind-body integration and conscious evolution at Evolve Your Life, LLC. Her #1 Bestselling books, Evolve Your Life and Success Breakthroughs co-authored with Jack Canfield profile the New Human - who we need to be in this rapidly evolving age of unprecedented new challenges. The "New Human Master Coach", Sheila empowers clients and global groups to expand all parts of their lives into alignment with the conscious universe. 

She is an Ambassador of Conscious Evolution and 1/4 of the "Evolutionistas" - female leaders and teachers in evolutionary consciousness. Sheila is co-producer of the Creatrix Convergence Summit - 35+ Feminine Leaders speaking their stories, messages, and inspirations of empowerment from the field. A visionary and original thinker, she puts the pieces of the puzzle of life into one view to relate to the bigger picture – why you are here, what your purpose is, and what life is really all about. Her Super Consciousness Think Tank seeks new solutions for new times in 2023 and beyond. 

Contact Sheila:


Transforming our Lives Through

Conscious Creativity

Saturday, October 21st through Tuesday, October 24th, 2023

Over 45 FREE Panels with Spiritual Visionaries, Scientists, Transformational Leaders, and Musicians, plus the International Shout-Out Love Event!

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