Connie Baxter Marlow, a visionary author, filmmaker, and futurist, passionately bridges indigenous and non-indigenous worldviews. Raised in Maine by a family of environmentally conscious philanthropic politicians, her purpose was ingrained early on. Graduating with honors in economics from UC Berkeley in 1968, during a time of societal upheaval, set her on a transformative path. Exploring Europe for missing pieces of the prevailing paradigm, she found the answers through Native American elders in Aspen, Colorado, in the 1970s through 1990s, shaping her perspective.
Connie's journey led her to integrate their wisdom into her parenting and educational practices. In 2000, she discovered Henry David Thoreau's mysticism and his understanding of the importance of indigenous viewpoints for the future, and she embarked on projects highlighting Thoreau's visionary ideas through films and performances.
In 2012, with partner Andrew Cameron Bailey, she co-authored The Trust Frequency: Ten Assumptions for a New Paradigm, uniting indigenous cosmology, quantum science, and mysticism bringing tools for personal and societal transformation.
Connie's teachings draw from her experiences with Native American elders and her personal connection to higher frequencies. She advocates for raising human consciousness by expanding our understanding of the Universe. Through films, books, and exhibitions, Connie and Andrew merge worldviews, catalyzing humanity's evolution. They present their work at prominent forums and advocate for conscious relationships through online courses.
Connie's life embodies her teachings—her positive approach to history and vision of the future inspires deeper comprehension of the Universe and compassionate coexistence, lighting the way to a better world.