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Nelson Mandela

2014 Spiritual Leadership Award

  Honoring the late Nelson Mandela and Ubuntu

We’ve just returned from South Africa where we gave Nelson Mandela our spiritual leadership award posthumously. The Humanity’s Team Global Council gathered to present the award during a formal ceremony and to collaborate with the Nelson Mandela Foundation during a private program the day before the spiritual leadership award ceremony. We’d like to tell you a little about this marvelous journey.

Hundreds of people gathered to participate in the program that also included a walk for an Ubuntu conscious South Africa honoring the generations of South African people who have practiced Ubuntu including the Khoi San, the first-generation South African people.

Kofi Annan, the former United Nations Secretary General, said Nelson Mandela was perhaps the most respected, most admired international figure in the world. We agree, and we at Humanity’s Team were honored to give the late Nelson Mandela our spiritual leadership award during a ceremony at Freedom Park in Pretoria, South Africa on Sunday, July 27th. Sello Hatang, the Executive Director of the Nelson Mandela Foundation received the award on behalf of the late Nelson Mandela.

Ubuntu has an inner and outer dimension. In the inner dimension, we go within to commune with the Divine and we are transformed by the Divine’s grace and beauty. In the outer dimension, we feel our connection with all of life and we come into compassionate service to each other and our earth home. In Ubuntu, we say, “I Am because we are” and we feel our roots in the Divine. In the English language, Ubuntu means Oneness with the Divine, humanity and all of life. It is a holistic way of creating social responsibility because we see our true identity is the world around us and it is only natural to serve that which we are part of.

Nelson Mandela embodied Ubuntu in an exceptional way. He didn’t talk much about his inner journey except to say he went within during his 27 year prison stay and we see the fruit of this in the extraordinary gestures he extended to his jailers who were invited to sit in the front row during his inauguration as President of South Africa and in the way he brought the white and colored community together to create a “Rainbow Nation” serving the common good. The late Nelson Mandela’s patience, compassion and authentic leadership are legendary.

To all of you who support Humanity’s Team by volunteering or financially contributing to our work, thank you so much! You make our global outreach possible!

In Oneness and with so much love,

Steve Farrell and Anna-Mari Pieterse

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