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Nassim Haramein

2022 Spiritual Leadership Award

On Friday, September 23rd, Humanity's Team presented theoretical physicist Nassim Haramein with our first-ever Unified Science Award for his innumerable contributions to our understanding of consciousness. This award is a special extension of our Humanity’s Team Spiritual Leadership Awards given most recently to Gregg Braden and Marianne Williamson.

Nassim doesn’t fit into any mold usually considered for those working in the field of science, and he is making enormous contributions to our collective understandings of this vast field.  For over 35 years, Nassim has been researching and discovering fascinating connections in the fields of physics, mathematics, geometry, cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology, and chemistry, as well as anthropology and archeology. It is because of his uniqueness and contributions that we’ve chosen him to be our 2022 Unified Science Award recipient.

Standing out as a significant difference between Nassim and other modern scientists is that
Nassim begins his experiments with a foundational awareness of the Unity or Oneness of all things. We believe this foundation of Oneness has guided Nassim forward on his nontraditional path, without the breadth of resources available to the typical scientist, leading him to be the first to correctly predict that the size of the proton was 4% smaller than current measurements taken at the time had shown. His prediction was confirmed by a team of scientists at the Paul Scherrer Institute utilizing muons in a proton accelerator, which also reflected this new 4% smaller radius.

As you can likely imagine, this is the kind of monumental discovery that can radically shift the current scientific paradigm and given that it was confirmed to be accurate so shortly after Nassim's paper was published. We are very much looking forward to the upcoming publication of his new paper on Unified Field Theory that aims to provide a universal framework from which to approach physics and unified science at all scales.

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