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Brand-New Free Online Program

Tea Time with the Village Witch

 Exploring the Interconnection of Humanity

 with Our Ecosystem

With Permaculture & Regenerative Herbal Medicine Expert

Sarah Wu

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Brand-New Free Online Program

Tea Time with the Village Witch

 Exploring the Interconnection of Humanity

 with Our Ecosystem

With Permaculture & Regenerative Herbal Medicine Expert

Sarah Wu

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Brand-New Free Online Program

Tea Time with the Village Witch

 Exploring the Interconnection of Humanity with Our Ecosystem

With Permaculture & Regenerative Herbal Medicine Expert

Sarah Wu


Humanity has been deeply connected with the earth for centuries. Unfortunately, our society has lost that connection, feeling instead that we are “above” nature and it is something to be subdued rather than recognized for its inherent, life-giving capabilities.

The truth is, every living thing on this planet is part of one giant, interconnected ecosystem. No one piece can survive without the whole. That includes humanity. 

The sooner we remember this truth, and recognize our interdependence, the better it will be for us, and for the natural world, of which we are an integral part.

Sarah Wu, the Village Witch, understands the magic of this interconnectedness. She sees it in her work with permaculture and regenerative herbalism. She teaches and practices it in her earth-based spirituality.

In this brand-new, FREE Online Video Program, “Tea Time with the Village Witch” Sarah will show you how to reconnect to the earth and find the balance you need to become one with her Divine rhythms and energies.


In “Tea Time with the Village Witch” with Sarah Wu you will also discover:

How herbalism, permaculture, and regenerative practices intersect with eco-spirituality

What it means to “Be Witch” in our modern times and how to incorporate those beliefs into your everyday life

How to empower yourself and your community to create big changes that will affect our entire planet

How to embody being a “vessel of life,” so you can be more intentional in the ways you treat yourself, the earth, and all living things.

Why “ancient” beliefs, rituals, and practices are relevant to our survival and how they can help us thrive in the coming years.

And so much more…

YES, Give Me Free Access to this Online Video Program!


In “Tea Time with the Village Witch” with Sarah Wu you will also discover...

  • How herbalism, permaculture, and regenerative practices intersect with eco-spirituality
  • What it means to “Be Witch” in our modern times and how to incorporate those beliefs into your everyday life
  • How to empower yourself, and your community to create big changes that will affect our entire planet
  • How to embody being a “vessel of life,” so you can be more intentional in the ways you treat yourself, the earth, and all living things.
  • Why “ancient” beliefs, rituals, and practices are relevant to our survival and how they can help us thrive in the coming years.

And so much more…

YES, Give Me Free Access to this Online Video Program!


Meet Your Instructor

Neale Donald Walsch

About Sarah Wu

Sarah Wu is a passionate educational curator, facilitator and mentor dedicated to adult learners of all backgrounds. A representative for Mother Nature as a writer and teacher of Deep Ecology, Therapeutic Ecology and Whole Systems Design shared through the lens of Herbalism and Permaculture.

Sarah has 23 years studying and practicing the science, art and craft of Regenerative Herbal Medicine. Her foundation is in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Wise Woman Traditions, actively practicing clinical herbalism in the Neo-Tropics for 14 years. With 30 and counting, 75+hour Permaculture Design Courses (PDC) in her portfolio, which encompasses earth sciences, regenerative strategies for human settlement design, community development and alternative social structuring. She is well versed, teaching archetypal symbolism and storytelling for personal reflection via Tarot and Astrology, both of which she has been studying and reading for 20 years.

Sarah is the friendly Village Witch, co-founder and producer of Envision Festival, a 10,000 person arts and culture event in Costa Rica (2011-present), where she curates the educational offerings spanning six stages and 300 hours. An international facilitator, Sarah has brought her teachings to the United States, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Cuba, Italy, Portugal, France and Germany.

Sarah lives off-the-grid half the year at her 2500 square meter homestead in the low mountains of Costa Rica, and the other half of the year in the coastal mountains of the Marche region of Italy with her husband where they host events and are developing a 1-hectare permaculture farm.


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About Your Host, Charissa Sims

Charissa Sims is a speaker, healer, workshop leader, and host of “The Zen Success Show,” a syndicated radio show and podcast, helping listeners move from force to flow and integrating spirituality into business, relationships, and health. She is also the bestselling author of Change Your Energy, Change Your Life: 10 Ways to Change Your Energy Now, and the author of numerous children’s books.

After being diagnosed with cancer in 2021, she was able to heal her body without Western Medicine, and has gone from being a traditional professor at the University of Southern California to working with Amazon, Google, Fox, and others. She is now on a mission to help heal the world and inspire others to discover that they, too, can heal themselves.

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Humanity’s Team is the #1 global non-profit in Transformational Education. Since we are a non-profit, there is no focus on growing profits or satisfying shareholders, and 100% of all revenue goes toward our work supporting conscious evolution, planetary awakening, and flourishing at every level of life.

Our mission is to make conscious living pervasive worldwide by 2040.

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