A 501(c)(3)  Nonprofit

Brand-New Free Online Video Program

Anchoring the FuturE for a World in Transition

Skills and Perceptions to Thrive in the Space Between Our Stories

Featuring Renowned Philosopher, Author & Speaker



Brand-New Free Online Video Program

Anchoring the FuturE for a World in Transition

Skills and Perceptions to Thrive in the Space Between Our Stories

Featuring Renowned Philosopher, Author & Speaker



The world as a whole, and many of us individually, are entering into a “space between stories.” What was once reliable as a source of sense, meaning, and identity is rapidly becoming obsolete, and we stand at the brink of a new world.

The empty space, the not-knowing, that comes with this unraveling is the fertile ground from which a new story can spring.

In this program, Charles Eisenstein will lead an exploration of this process of dissolution and integration, death and rebirth, and how we can maintain a lifeline to what lies on the other side of it, which Charles calls “The more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.”

Renowned philosopher, author and speaker Charles Eisenstein is one of a short list of brilliant, heart-centered people in the world who have been studying the process of transformation on an individual and civilizational level.

He will share the most powerful of his insights with you in this brand-new FREE Online Video Program, “Anchoring the Future for a World in Transition: Skills and Perceptions to Thrive in the Space Between Our Stories.”

His goal will be to accelerate your journey toward being an unshakable agent of peace, joy, truth, and healing amid a world in transition.


During the “Anchoring the Future for a World in Transition” FREE Video Program, you will…

Gain insight into the core essence of the “old story” we are exiting and the “new and ancient story” that, if we choose it, will generate a more beautiful world

Tap into a source of optimism that fully encompasses the best and worst of what is happening on Earth

Strengthen your capacity to hold others on their journey through the space between our stories

Realize how important “unlearning” is to reprogramming yourself for the expanded powers available from within a new understanding of self and world

Discover the power of morphic resonance and its connection to prayer

Near the end of the program, you will also hear details about Charles’s two Masterclasses, both available on Humanity Stream+.

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During the “Anchoring the Future for a World in Transition” FREE Video Program, you will…

  • Gain insight into the core essence of the “old story” we are exiting and the “new and ancient story” that, if we choose it, will generate a more beautiful world
  • Tap into a source of optimism that fully encompasses the best and worst of what is happening on Earth
  • Strengthen your capacity to hold others on their journey through the space between our stories
  • Understand the importance of “unlearning” to reprogram yourself for the expanded powers available from within a new understanding of self and world
  • Discover the power of morphic resonance and its connection to prayer

Near the end of the program, you will also hear details about Charles’s two Masterclasses, both available on HumanityStream+.

After the program, there will be a 30-minute LIVE Q&A Session with Charles where you’ll be able to ask him questions about anything we explored in the video program or his Masterclasses.

YES, Give Me Free Access to this Online Video Program!


During the “Anchoring the Future for a World in Transition” FREE Video Program, you will…

Gain insight into the core essence of the “old story” we are exiting and the “new and ancient story” that, if we choose it, will generate a more beautiful world

Tap into a source of optimism that fully encompasses the best and worst of what is happening on Earth

Strengthen your capacity to hold others on their journey through the space between our stories

Understand the importance of “unlearning” to reprogram yourself for the expanded powers available from within a new understanding of self and world

Discover the power of morphic resonance and its connection to prayer

Near the end of the program, you will also hear details about Charles’s two Masterclasses, both available on HumanityStream+.

After the program, there will be a 30-minute LIVE Q&A Session with Charles where you’ll be able to ask him questions about anything we explored in the video program or his Masterclasses.

YES, Give Me Free Access to this Online Video Program!



About Charles Eisenstein

Charles Eisenstein is an American public speaker, teacher and author. His work covers a wide range of topics, including the history  of human civilization, economics, spirituality, and the ecology movement. He has published op-ed pieces in The Guardian and The Huffington Post, is a contributing editor at the website Reality Sandwich, and appeared on Oprah Winfrey's “Super Soul Sunday.” His books include The Open Secret, The Yoga of Eating: Transcending Diets and Dogma to Nourish the Natural Self, The Ascent of Humanity, Sacred Economics: Money, Gift, and Society in the Age of Transition, The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible, The Vision and Practice of Interbeing, and Climate: A New Story.


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About Your Host, Steve Farrell

Steve Farrell is co-founder and Worldwide Executive Director of Humanity's Team, a non-profit organization focused on helping people throughout the world awaken to their deeper Self and the interconnectedness of everything in the Universe. He  is also a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle and lives in Boulder, Colorado, with his wife Stephanie, their two young adult children, and their dog Sadie.

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Humanity’s Team is the #1 global non-profit in Transformational Education. Since we are a non-profit, there is no focus on growing profits or satisfying shareholders, and 100% of all revenue goes toward our work supporting conscious evolution, planetary awakening, and flourishing at every level of life.

Our mission is to make conscious living pervasive worldwide by 2040.

Humanity’s Team is a tax-exempt organization in the United States under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Federal Tax ID: 86-1088741. Your donation is tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Humanity's Team 2735B Iris Avenue Suite 3 Boulder, Colorado 80304 United States

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