On Friday, June 24th, Humanity's Team presented Ken Wilber with our Spiritual Leadership Award. The ceremony took place in Denver, Colorado at Ken's home. While it was a much more intimate setting than past presentations, the words Steve Farrell, Humanity's Team Worldwide Executive Director, spoke came from the heart. The following is an excerpt from Steve's speech:
"Somehow life was bound to deliver someone who would feel called to, and who would be dedicated to drawing up this framework and map, and who would make it possible for us to know the territory of us. Someone who would make us aware of dimensions that most of us never knew existed, and who would help us expand our identity and make it awesomely desirable and attractive for us to cultivate our own greatness and to accelerate our evolution.
This person is Ken Wilber, and it is for this reason that we are giving you our highest award: the Humanity's Team 2016 Spiritual Leadership Award. We are giving our award to you Ken, as a gesture of immense gratitude for a life given to this task and for developing the Integral Theory that has become a foremost approach within the larger fields of integral studies and meta-theory.
Today, the Integral Theory that weaves together the significant insights from all the major human disciplines of knowledge, including the natural and social sciences as well as the arts and humanities, is being used in a wide range of distinct academic and professional fields such as art, healthcare, organizational management, ecology, congregational ministry, economics, psychology, law, and feminism, while helping to pull the many different schools within each field into a more comprehensive whole and revealing how all these fields fit together in a genuine "theory of everything" for today's world.
In addition, the Integral Theory has been used to develop an approach to personal transformation and integration, and lately the Integral Life Practice has developed into an all comprehensive Super Human Operating System that includes a comprehensive map of the overall landscape of a human being in his/her process of Waking Up, Growing Up and Cleaning Up."
Ken graciously accepted the award and spoke about the importance of the Integral Model. Here is just a sampling of what Ken had to say:
Steve would like to thank Anna-Mari Pieterse, a key Humanity's Team leader based in Pretoria, South Africa, for assistance in drafting this speech.