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with Katherine Woodward Thomas


with Dr. Laura Berman

Higher Love, Quantum Sex


Conscious Coupling

Elevate Your Relationships, Electrify Your Intimacy, & Discover

the Deeper Dimensions of Sacred Connection


with New York Times Bestselling Authors & Relationship Experts

 Katherine Woodward Thomas  &  Dr. Laura Berman

Higher Love, Quantum Sex


Conscious Coupling

Elevate Your Relationships, Electrify Your Intimacy, & Discover the Deeper Dimensions of Sacred Connection


with New York Times Bestselling Authors & Relationship Experts

Katherine Woodward Thomas

&  Dr. Laura Berman

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Higher Love, Quantum Sex


 Conscious Coupling

Elevate Your Relationships, Electrify Your Intimacy, & Discover

the Deeper Dimensions of Sacred Connection


with New York Times Bestselling Authors & Relationship Experts

Katherine Woodward Thomas
Dr. Laura Berman

 Katherine Woodward Thomas  &  Dr. Laura Berman

8-Week, Self-Paced

Online Masterclass

16 Video Modules

Become a Humanity Stream+ Member and receive full access to this self-paced Masterclass, PLUS hundreds of other transformational education programs.

Already a Stream+ Member, CLICK HERE to watch this program now!

From the moment you’re born until you take your final breath, your relationships are a fundamental part of how happy, healthy and fulfilled you are throughout your life.

In fact, true happiness is only made possible through the depth and quality of your connections with others, especially your intimate partners.

In spite of this, all too often we fail to prioritize the most important relationships in our lives while we pursue our other physical and spiritual goals...

And when it comes to love, we tend to assume that once we’ve met “The One,” everything will just fall into place.

From the moment you’re born until you take your final breath, your relationships are a fundamental part of how happy, healthy and fulfilled you are throughout your life.

In fact, true happiness is only made possible through the depth and quality of your connections with others, especially your intimate partners.

In spite of this, all too often we fail to prioritize the most important relationships in our lives while we pursue our other physical and spiritual goals...

And when it comes to love, we tend to assume that once we’ve met “The One,” everything will just fall into place.

We’ve been trained by our culture to lower our expectations and settle for so much less than what’s possible for us — in our relationships and in our lives as a whole, so we often give in to living lesser lives of lower love.


The good news is that whether you’re already with your soulmate or are still searching for that special person, you can reach a state of “Higher Love.”


Higher Love is the kind of joyful, fulfilling, authentic and emotionally intimate love we all desire, and it includes a sexual relationship that cultivates intensity, passion, and a deep soul-to-soul connection...

But Higher Love does not simply magically occur when we meet the right person. 

In order to realize the higher dimensions of love and quantum sex, we must actively set an intention to participate in a deep, conscious, loving connection with another person, and then do the necessary work on ourselves that will cultivate, nourish and grow that connection over the years.

By making a few simple shifts in the way you work with your body’s energy and relate to yourself and others, along with shifts in the way you think about, ask for, and pursue the things you want more of in your life, you will unleash the higher potentials your relationships hold for true fulfillment, co-creativity and wellbeing.  

In order to reach Higher Love and Quantum Sex, you must become...

  • Aware of your thought patterns and how they impact your emotions

  • Able to openly listen to other perspectives than your own

  • Confident and humble enough to allow yourself to be vulnerable

  • Willing to question your assumptions and correct your misperceptions when they are revealed

  • Clear about the future you are trying to create

  • Responsible for the way your actions, your choices, and your body’s energetic frequency impact your love life and/or your partner

  • Effective at harnessing your body’s energy to create the relationship and sex life you desire

The journey to Higher Love is all about growth and development, and the foundation of that growth is the investment we make in mastering our body’s energy, our communication skills, and our ways of relating to our partner.

Only then can our relationships become a springboard into the beautiful lives we want to create for ourselves and others. 


Only then can we experience the kind of wildly joyful levels of love, intimacy and sex that will make our daily lives truly fulfilling and worthwhile.


Only then are we no longer willing to settle for less in life or love, and can instead ask for more with confidence and power, armed with the personal skills to truly bring Higher Love to fruition.


To help you learn how to make these simple shifts, New York Times bestselling authors and world-renowned relationship experts, Dr. Laura Berman and Katherine Woodward Thomas have teamed up for the first time to create a brand-new Masterclass that will provide you with insights, tools and techniques that will improve your love life, and every aspect of your life, in remarkable ways. 


Regardless of your current relationship status, sexual orientation or gender identity, this self-paced Masterclass will help you unlock the secrets to finding the great love, partnership and intimacy you deeply desire!


In this Masterclass, you will discover how to…

  • Awaken to the distinct differences between relational healing and transformation, and learn the specific steps to transform your relational patterns by living from the future backwards
  • Use the highly transformative practice of Empowered Self-Reflection that fosters clarity, growth, and the freedom to leave it behind
  • Recognize the difference between effective and ineffective suffering to help you avoid the latter and be liberated from any prolonged and incomplete grief you’ve been suffering from
  • Identify the specific disempowered story you revert to in a moment of disappointment — your “False Love Identity” — and discover the habitual ways of relating to yourself and others that covertly create evidence for that erroneous story
  • Use the five golden keys of good relational hygiene, and learn the core practices to ensure that the love you find remains healthy, vital, and grows stronger every day
  • Become acquainted with your own personal and unique energetic profile, and identify and access the frequencies of the love state(s) you most desire
  • Come to understand your shadow side and how “worthiness-killing stories” are adopted and can lead to attachment issues and relationship conflict, crises, or loss
  • Decipher the ways in which chemical cues like pheromones can spark attraction
  • Harness the Tantric power of soul-gazing and decrease the effects of sexual hangovers
  • Explore ways of meditating with the goal of enhancing and deepening your
    sexual pleasure
  • And so much more…

In this self-paced Online Masterclass, you will discover how to…

  • Awaken to the distinct differences between relational healing and transformation, and learn the specific steps to transform your relational patterns by living from the future backwards
  • Use the highly transformative practice of Empowered Self-Reflection that fosters clarity, growth, and the freedom to leave it behind
  • Recognize the difference between effective and ineffective suffering to help you avoid the latter and be liberated from any prolonged and incomplete grief you’ve been suffering from
  • Identify the specific disempowered story you revert to in a moment of disappointment — your “False Love Identity” — and discover the habitual ways of relating to yourself and others that covertly create evidence for that erroneous story
  • Use the five golden keys of good relational hygiene, and learn the core practices to ensure that the love you find remains healthy, vital, and grows stronger every day
  • Become acquainted with your own personal and unique energetic profile, and identify and access the frequencies of the love state(s) you most desire
  • Come to understand your shadow side and how “worthiness-killing stories” are adopted and can lead to attachment issues and relationship conflict, crises, or loss
  • Decipher the ways in which chemical cues like pheromones can spark attraction
  • Harness the Tantric power of soul-gazing and decrease the effects of sexual hangovers
  • Explore ways of meditating with the goal of enhancing and deepening your
    sexual pleasure
  • And so much more…

Heres What You Will Receive With Your Registration:

Heres What You Will Receive With Your Registration:

During the self-paced 8-week Masterclass, you will receive:

  • 8 Video Modules from Katherine Woodward Thomas

  • 8 Video Modules from Dr. Laura Berman

  • 16 MP3 Audios of the Video Modules

  • Exclusive Membership in Our Private Facebook Community

All of this programming can be streamed or downloaded to watch on-the-go at your own pace through your subscription to the Humanity Stream+ app.

Available on your Smart Phone, Tablet, TV, and Laptop with Humanity Stream+


Transforming Your Relationships from the Future, Not the Past

Few of us are newbies to personal development. Yet in spite of all our good efforts, many of us still find ourselves face to face with repetitive and disappointing dynamics that are clearly tied to the relational traumas of the past.

In this session, Katherine Woodward Thomas introduces you to the radically refreshing idea that transforming old, painful relational patterns begins not with understanding your past, but with standing for an unprecedented and happy future in love. By setting your course for great happiness and health in love, you will suddenly see clearly the specific pathway of development to become who you’ll need to be to manifest and sustain a future of fulfillment in love.


The 3 Pillars of Self-Love: Creating a Solid Inner Foundation from Which to Love and Be Loved

The Buddha once said, “You can search the whole world over and never find anyone more deserving of love than yourself.” Most of us understand that our relationships cannot be any better than our relationship with ourselves. We’ve seen evidence time and again that the ways we fail to love for ourselves are usually the very ways we tend to experience others failing to love us as well. Yet how can we love ourselves when we did not see love modeled in the home we grew up in?

In this session, Katherine will share with you the sacred practices that you can engage on a regular basis that will catalyze your ability to internally grow the 3 pillars of self-love: Self-Compassion, Self-Care and Self Worth.


Finding the Unlimited Source of Creativity

It’s easy to focus on the shortcomings of others, particularly when they’re behaving in ways that are causing us pain. We humans are hardwired for fairness and when others are behaving in selfish or unconscious ways, it’s natural to try to get them to change their ways. What comes less naturally is understanding ourselves as the source of our own relational challenges. Even if the breakdown is 97% the other person’s fault, we’d do well to see our 3%. Because that’s where our power lies to grow beyond toxic and dysfunctional dynamics that currently seem so hopeless.

In this session, Katherine will help you accurately reflect on yourself as the source of your unwanted relational patterns. Rather than simply analyze why you are the way you are, you’ll discover the keys to graduating from those patterns once and for all.


Awakening to Your "True Love Identity": Relating from Truth & Power

We’re all aware of how wounds of the past tend to play out as unwanted stories in the present. Yet few of us have awakened to a newer, truer story. Old beliefs such as “I’m alone,” or “I’m not good enough” are defaults we revert to when emotionally “triggered.” In response, we’ll take actions meant to help us cope, yet which can’t help but gather evidence for that perspective. Because wherever we’re centered at the level of identity, is where we’ll be generating our relationships from.

In this session, Katherine will provide the tools to awaken to a deeper truth, and “shift centers” in order to create your relationships from a place of truth and power, even when triggered.


Waking Up from the Trance: Rewriting Your Story About Others

If you look below the surface of the painful dynamics you tend to struggle with in love, you’ll see your automatic assumptions and projections about how others feel about you, and behave towards you. From this perspective, you’ll then unconsciously show up in ways that make it so, particularly when you feel emotionally vulnerable.

These dynamics feel like they’re just happening to you, again and again. Yet they’re actually happening through you, and in predictable ways that are easily transformed once seen clearly. In this session, Katherine teaches you how to notice these projections and nip them in the bud — to elevate the quality of our connections and realize the possibilities for true co-creative and mutual care.


Negotiating for Your Needs: Distinguishing Unhealthy Needs from Healthy Needs

Most of us loath to appear too needy or desperate for love and affection. When we’re needy, we’re overly identified with a younger part of us that’s emotionally stuck in a lie. Internally, we’ve become our inner 12-year-old again, filled with the shameful recognition that, somehow, we’re less than others.

To hide this, some of us have turned away from our needs entirely. Literally pretending we have no needs. Or we negate, dismiss or minimize our needs to ensure they don’t get in the way. Yet in doing so, we fail to recognize that most of our needs are actually healthy. In this session, Katherine shares that expecting others who are close to us to care about and respond to them is not only appropriate, but necessary to the growth of healthy, happy love.


The Art of Conscious Completion: The Keys to Letting Go with an Open, Light and Happy Heart

We’re designed to bond, not come apart. Yet many relationships will indeed end. While most aspire to amicable endings, many separations are filled with unresolved issues, bad feelings, and animosity. In spite of our best intentions, we can easily wind up behaving in ways we end up regretting, or festering with the unresolved residue of hurt feelings long after we’ve given the keys to the condo back. The good news is, we don’t necessarily need something from another person to feel clear and complete, and free to move forward with a light, open heart.

In this session, Katherine will share her gold standard for conscious endings, Conscious Uncoupling (that Gwyneth and Chris made famous). She’ll guide you through the most effective steps to put the past to bed — clearing the way for happier, healthier love in your future.


Clean Love: The 5 Golden Rules of Good Relational Hygiene

Relationships have changed more in the past 50 years than in the 5000 years before and we show no sign of slowing down. As we’re constantly updating our technology, our diets, and our child rearing practices, we also need to uplevel and grow our capacities to love and be loved. It’s no longer sufficient to simply know your issues. You must also know how to evolve beyond them. It’s no longer enough to just know what you want. You must also know how to create the conditions that will allow your relationships to realize their highest potentials.

In this session, Katherine shares that higher states of human connection will not just descend upon us. They must come through us, and through our conscious efforts to evolve love through us, as us.


Mapping Your Love Desires

In this session, Dr. Laura Berman teaches you the three types of Higher love. Conscious love is when we realize that our partner is our greatest teacher and that conflict offers us an opportunity to deepen our relationship and clarify our purpose here. Communicative love is a love that develops when we are open to new ideas and are able to access and express our feelings to our partner in a way that they can absorb. Connected love is when we are aware of our energy and invested in entraining our energy with our partner’s energy in a healthy way, and when we are able to do this both inside and outside the bedroom.

A love that is conscious is a love that is always evolving, a love that is based on each partner being willing to take 100% responsibility for the relationship and their role in creating it and nourishing it. 


Using Your Body's Energy to Create the Love You Want

In order to begin curating and creating the reality we desire, especially our romantic reality, we need to delve into the energy behind our emotions. In this video module, you will discover the different frequencies and intensities each emotion carries. By knowing the power of your own energy, and with the help of your partner as your greatest teacher, you can unlock and encounter a more evolved version of yourself.

In this session, with Dr. Berman’s guidance, you will identify your own “energy profile” so you can pinpoint where you are, and where you want to go. Then, you can harness this energy and build the optimum frequency and intensity to create the love you most desire.


Recognizing and Removing Roadblocks to Higher Love

The way we most want to feel when we are in love is always mirrored by how we may unconsciously feel in our shadow states where feelings like guilt, shame, isolation and fear exist. It’s important to realize that these emotional states are not “bad” or to be avoided. These are natural energetic states that can be very valuable to us and serve as a spotlight on our old wounds and blind spots that need caring and tenderness if we are to move into a state of wholeness.

In this session, Dr. Berman will help you discover how becoming friends with our shadow side and learning to see the divine within us, even when we are in a place of constriction, is key to unraveling and replacing our stories of unworthiness with ones that call in the love we most desire.


Your Partner is Your Greatest Teacher

The aspects of your partner’s personality that most challenge you or irritate you are actually part of the unconscious reason you fell in love with them in the first place. In these areas of conflict and imperfection, we find our own learning edges and our deepest areas for personal growth. 

In this module, Dr. Berman will illustrate how your partner is ultimately a mirror of how you feel about yourself, and how your relationship issues are actually an invitation for you to get into integrity with earlier wounds and thought/behavior patterns that require your attention and intention. In this way, your partner is your greatest teacher and your heart’s best training ground.


Moving with the Masculine and Feminine in Love and in Sex

There is a yin and yang to masculine and feminine energy that is part societal, part biological, and part energetic. The intertwining of this energy is the way to achieve real intimacy — the creative and sexual force of the universe. Getting clear about whether your energy is feminine or masculine and how that reacts to your partner’s energy, and vice versa, is very important when you are trying to create the passionate sex life you desire.

In this session, Dr. Berman will break down the difference between divine feminine and divine masculine energies, and help you get into harmony with your desired energetic state.


Fueling the Energy of Desire

As with other states of emotion, your desire has a specific frequency and energetic intensity. The roots of your desire can be found in what is known as a “lovemap,” a map of attraction that stems from your childhood and helps to explain why you are drawn to certain mates and certain types of energy. 

In this session, Dr. Berman will break down desire and its chemical, hormonal, emotional, and physical components, as well as the common roadblocks people often stumble upon on their journey to sexual passion.


Quantum Sex Core Techniques

Quantum Sex, like Quantum Love, exists in the highest frequency. Your conscious and unconscious intentions for sex and the reason why you’re having it sets the frequency with which you’re entering into it.

In this session, Dr. Berman will break down the different types of sex we have (ego, body, connection, and quantum), and how we can use our energy to manifest each type of intimacy. You will also learn how you can lean into your sexual power and build “fire” in your relationship on an ongoing, self-sustaining basis.


Quantum Sex Advanced Techniques

Sex can be a sacred place in which you can experience the highest level of entrainment with your partner. In your sexual relationship with your partner, you have an invitation to move into an open hearted, trusting, and playful awareness of your body, your mate, and your shared energy field. There is more to Higher Love than just clearing, balancing, and transforming your energy just on an intellectual or emotional level. You can also learn to engage with your life-force energy in the physical as well.

In this session, Dr. Berman offers several exercises which will help you to tap into your body’s frequency and work with it to enhance sexual sensation, pleasure and connection with a partner.


Plus, Receive These 4 Additional Bonuses:

Plus Receive These 4 Additional Powerful Bonuses:


Detoxify Your Relationships: Discover How to Relate to Toxic People Without Becoming Toxic Yourself

In this 60-minute workshop, Katherine Woodward Thomas will share how to relate to unhealthy people in healthy ways. She will provide concrete practices to help you strengthen your emotional and energetic boundaries and protect your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health. These tools for dealing with difficult people will help you elevate the quality of all your connections to greater levels of health and wellbeing every day for the rest of your life. 


Unlocking Your Intimacy Potential

Despite your best intentions, throughout your journey to creating Higher Love, you will find that you are faced with shadows of the past that threaten to keep you locked in old behavior and thought patterns that no longer serve you. This is part of the growth process and not a sign that you are doing something “wrong.” Rather, these old patterns often hold an invitation for us to journey deeper and to more closely examine the parts of our hearts that most need attention and healing. In this ebook, Dr. Laura Berman will help you do exactly that and begin to further unlock the higher potentials of intimacy in your life!


10 Secrets to Creating a Mindblowing Sex Life

For the past three decades, Dr. Laura has dedicated her life to helping people learn to love and be loved better. In this exciting ebook, she has collected the 10 most powerful ways to create sexual healing and experience the kind of fun, joyful, nurturing and incredibly exciting sexual relationship with your partner you’ve always wanted and deeply desire and deserve!


Love Out Loud: Simple Truths for Creating Extraordinary Relationships

In this downloadable ebook, you’ll find 21 simple but powerful messages that will provide you with daily inspiration, wisdom and guidance addressing the essential skills you need to have to experience happy, healthy love. From self-soothing, to distinguishing healthy needs from unhealthy needs, to turning grievances into gratitude, Katherine shares easy-to-do practices for loving yourself and your life every single day!


Detoxify Your Relationships: Discover How to Relate to Toxic People Without Becoming Toxic Yourself

In this 60-minute workshop, Katherine Woodward Thomas will share how to relate to unhealthy people in healthy ways. She will provide concrete practices to help you strengthen your emotional and energetic boundaries and protect your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health. These tools for dealing with difficult people will help you elevate the quality of all your connections to greater levels of health and wellbeing every day for the rest of your life. 


Unlocking Your Intimacy Potential

Despite your best intentions, throughout your journey to creating Higher Love, you will find that you are faced with shadows of the past that threaten to keep you locked in old behavior and thought patterns that no longer serve you. This is part of the growth process and not a sign that you are doing something “wrong.” Rather, these old patterns often hold an invitation for us to journey deeper and to more closely examine the parts of our hearts that most need attention and healing. In this ebook, Dr. Laura Berman will help you do exactly that and begin to further unlock the higher potentials of intimacy in your life!


10 Secrets to Creating a Mindblowing Sex Life

For the past three decades, Dr. Laura has dedicated her life to helping people learn to love and be loved better. In this exciting ebook, she has collected the 10 most powerful ways to create sexual healing and experience the kind of fun, joyful, nurturing and incredibly exciting sexual relationship with your partner you’ve always wanted and deeply desire and deserve!


Love Out Loud: Simple Truths for Creating Extraordinary Relationships

In this downloadable ebook, you’ll find 21 simple but powerful messages that will provide you with daily inspiration, wisdom and guidance addressing the essential skills you need to have to experience happy, healthy love. From self-soothing, to distinguishing healthy needs from unhealthy needs, to turning grievances into gratitude, Katherine shares easy-to-do practices for loving yourself and your life every single day!


Katherine Woodward Thomas

     Katherine Woodward Thomas is the New York Times bestselling author of Conscious Uncoupling: 5 Steps to Living Happily Even After and Calling in “The One”: 7 Weeks to Attracting the Love of Your Life, as well as being an award-winning licensed marriage and family therapist. She’s the creator of the Conscious Uncoupling process brought to wider attention by Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin that introduced a more conscious, creative and respectful way to transition out of a primary love relationship.

    Katherine has appeared multiple times on The Today Show, been written about in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, The London Times, and many other media outlets, as well as a featured guest on Maria Shriver’s Architects of Change series. In her spare time, she loves to sing, play the flute and write song lyrics. She’s a Billboard charting, #1 iTunes jazz artist with her CD, Lucky in Love, which was co-written and co-produced with The Brothers Koren.

     Dr. Laura Berman is a leading expert in the field of sex and relationship therapy. She is a New York Times bestselling author of many books, including her latest, Quantum Love. She is an award-winning radio host and has her own podcast “The Language of Love.”
     Dr. Berman previously hosted her own program “In the Bedroom with Dr. Laura Berman” on Oprah’s OWN Network, and she is a popular television personality who makes regular appearances on daytime television shows like “The Rachael Ray Show,” “The Dr. Oz Show,” “TODAY,” and “Good Morning America.” She is a frequent contributor to women’s magazines like
Cosmopolitan, Glamour, and many others.

Dr. Laura Berman

     Katherine Woodward Thomas is the New York Times bestselling author of Conscious Uncoupling: 5 Steps to Living Happily Even After and Calling in “The One”: 7 Weeks to Attracting the Love of Your Life, as well as being an award-winning licensed marriage and family therapist. She’s the creator of the Conscious Uncoupling process brought to wider attention by Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin that introduced a more conscious, creative and respectful way to transition out of a primary love relationship.

    Katherine has appeared multiple times on The Today Show, been written about in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, The London Times, and many other media outlets, as well as a featured guest on Maria Shriver’s Architects of Change series. In her spare time, she loves to sing, play the flute and write song lyrics. She’s a Billboard charting, #1 iTunes jazz artist with her CD, Lucky in Love, which was co-written and co-produced with The Brothers Koren.

     Dr. Laura Berman is a leading expert in the field of sex and relationship therapy. She is a New York Times bestselling author of many books, including her latest, Quantum Love. She is an award-winning radio host and has her own podcast “The Language of Love.”
     Dr. Berman previously hosted her own program “In the Bedroom with Dr. Laura Berman” on Oprah’s OWN Network, and she is a popular television personality who makes regular appearances on daytime television shows like “The Rachael Ray Show,” “The Dr. Oz Show,” “TODAY,” and “Good Morning America.” She is a frequent contributor to women’s magazines like
Cosmopolitan, Glamour, and many others.

What Others Have to Say About Katherine & Laura

When you register for the “Higher Love” Masterclass,

you’ll also receive access to our entire Humanity Stream+ service featuring hundreds of other transformational programs with the most respected scientists, spiritual teachers, and healers in the world, all at no additional cost to you.

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to making conscious living prevalent by 2040, we want to support you at every stage of your personal journey, and including this yearlong subscription to Humanity Stream+ with your registration for Iyanla’s Masterclass is our way of doing exactly that.

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Your Humanity Stream+ membership gives you access to BRAND-NEW Masterclasses as they are released, LIVE and recorded mentoring programs with faculty, and VIP programs!

In addition, Humanity’s Team’s ENTIRE transformational education library is available to as long as you remain a member and you’ll receive a Certificate of Completion for every Masterclass you decide to explore.

Here's what your path to higher consciousness could look like...

Get ready to rediscover who you were truly meant to be in this collection of powerful conscious creativity programming on Humanity Stream+

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In this 8-week Masterclass, Katherine Woodward Thomas and Dr. Laura Berman will provide you with insights, tools and techniques that will not only improve your love life but every aspect of your life in remarkable ways and allow you to experience the kind of wildly joyful levels of love, intimacy and sex that will make your day-to-day experience truly exciting, fulfilling and worthwhile.

In this 8-Week Masterclass with bestselling authors Debra Ponemen and Christy Whitman, they will show you how to live in alignment with your own highest truth and the highest truth of the Universe, allowing you to create deeper, more meaningful relationships and experience sustainable success, deep fulfillment, genuine happiness, and bring greater meaning to all you do to improve your own life, the lives of those around you, and the wider world, in every way you feel inspired to.

In this 8-week Masterclass, Mark Nepo and Kris Carr will teach you how to engage in daily practices that will help you live more openly and fully from your heart so you can become a better, more effective, creative, inspired and fulfilled human, better able to process the challenging thoughts and emotions that can arise as you navigate the twists and turns of your day-to-day life.


Explore hundreds of transformational education programs with world-renowned instructors, on content spanning everything from SCIENCE and PSYCHIC MEDIUMSHIP, TO CONSCIOUS LIVING, HEALTH & WELNESS, SOUND HEALING, and more!

One for One

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to making conscious living pervasive worldwide by 2040, our ONE FOR ONE Program ensures your paid subscription also provides a one-year subscription to an underprivileged or under-served individual somewhere in the world.

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Immediate access to all the modules and materials in this Masterclass as well as to our entire library of Transformational Educational Masterclasses and programs presented by the top leaders in Science, Spirituality, Healing, and more, so you can become a change agent for yourself, your loved ones, your community, and the planet.

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Complete recordings of sessions from the past 10 Global Oneness Summits, as well as access to recordings from upcoming Summits as they happen.

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Common Questions:

  • Can you tell me more about the Facebook Private Community Group?

    We have a private Facebook community group for all program participants that provides an opportunity for you to make connections with others, share insights, participate in discussions, and exchange information to support your conscious journey. 

  • Are the modules live teachings?

    Yes, with this new launch the modules are live sessions with Iyanla that will be recorded and made available to Stream+ members. 

  • What is your refund policy?

    We know that once you delve into everything Humanity Stream+ has to offer, you’ll absolutely love it and never want to give it up.

    But to make sure you have a chance to explore our revolutionary streaming platform and find out for yourself, we offer a 14-Day Money Back Guarantee. If you’re not completely satisfied within the first 14 days, we’ll give you a full refund, no questions asked.

  • How can I reach Customer Support?

    Contact Customer Support at [email protected]

  • What is the certificate of completion?

    The Certificate of Completion is a printable certificate that documents your completion of a course. You may wish to include it in a personal "Teacher Portfolio" to highlight your specific areas of study.

  • Do you offer any financial aid?

    Yes, if you are facing financial stress at this time, please reach out to [email protected] and we will see how we can help you.

Here's what your path to higher consciousness could look like...

Get ready to rediscover who you were truly meant to be in this collection of powerful conscious creativity programming on Humanity Stream+

First Up...

In this 8-week Masterclass, Katherine Woodward Thomas and Dr. Laura Berman will provide you with insights, tools and techniques that will not only improve your love life but every aspect of your life in remarkable ways and allow you to experience the kind of wildly joyful levels of love, intimacy and sex that will make your day-to-day experience truly exciting, fulfilling and worthwhile.


In this 8-Week Masterclass with bestselling authors Debra Ponemen and Christy Whitman, they will show you how to live in alignment with your own highest truth and the highest truth of the Universe, allowing you to create deeper, more meaningful relationships and experience sustainable success, deep fulfillment, genuine happiness, and bring greater meaning to all you do to improve your own life, the lives of those around you, and the wider world, in every way you feel inspired to.


In this 8-week Masterclass, Mark Nepo and Kris Carr will teach you how to engage in daily practices that will help you live more openly and fully from your heart so you can become a better, more effective, creative, inspired and fulfilled human, better able to process the challenging thoughts and emotions that can arise as you navigate the twists and turns of your day-to-day life.

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