Special Pricing at the Hilton Fort Collins with May 8th arrival
425 W Prospect Rd
Fort Collins, CO 80526
Reserve by Phone at 800-768-0605. Request the Humanity's Team - Sacred Awakening block rate of $124.00 per room, per night, single/double occupancy, for a standard room with one king or two double beds. Parking is available for $5.00. The room rate, room block, and parking will be available until Sunday, May 11, 2025, or until it is sold out, whichever happens first.
Reserve Online at Humanity's Team - Sacred Awakening
Special Pricing at the Marriott Fort Collins, May 8-10
350 E Horsetooth Road
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Sacred Awakening block rate of $129.00 per room, per night. Available to book until April 15, 2025.
Reserve Online at Marriott Reservations for the Sacred Awakening Event
Armstrong Hotel (near CSU)
259 S College Ave
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Elizabeth Hotel (near CSU)
111 Chestnut St
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Near the Drake locations
Cuppy's Coffee: https://www.cuppyscoffeefc.com
Starbucks: https://www.starbucks.com
LaMar's Donuts: https://www.lamars.com
Sit Down Restaurant:
Inca Mexican Restaurant: https://www.incamexican.com/fort-collins/
Pho Duy: https://www.phoduy902.net
Simmer: https://www.simmerfc.com
Simply Thai: https://www.simplythaifc.com
Totally 80's Pizza: https://www.totally80spizza.com
Pitchers Brewery: https://www.pitchersbrewery.com
Mt. Everest Cafe: https://www.mteverestcafefortcollins.com
Fast Casual Restaurant (South Shields locations):
Gibs Bagels: https://www.gibsbagels.com
Qdoba: https://www.qdoba.com
Jimmy John's: https://www.jimmyjohns.com
Tokyo Joe's: https://www.tokyojoes.com
Subway: https://www.subway.com
Pulcinella Pizzeria: https://www.pulcinellapizzeria.com
MOD Pizza: https://www.modpizza.com
Near the Hilton Hotel Locations
Arboretum Coffee: https://www.arboretumcoffee.org
Spring Creek Cafe: in hotel
Sit Down Restaurant:
Paninos Italian restaurant: https://www.fortcollinspaninos.com
Sushi Izumi: https://www.sushiizumifoco.com
Biwarchi Biryani Point: https://www.bawarchifortcollins.com
Tanqueria Los Comales: https://www.tanqueriafortcollins.com
Spring Creek Bar & Grill: in hotel
Cafe Vino: https://www.cafevino.com
Nick's Restaurant & Bar: https://www.nicksfc.com
Fast Casual Restaurant:
Subway Center Location: https://www.subway.com
Music City Hot Chicken: https://www.mchcco.com
Prost Brewing Company (light snacks and beer): https://www.prostbrewing.com
Saigon Grill: https://www.saigongrill3.com
Near the Mariott Hotel Locations
Sit Down Restaurant:
Agave Underground: https://www.agaveundergroundcocina.com
Bad Daddy's: https://www.baddaddysburgerbar.com
Copper Creek Restaurant: in hotel
Fast Casual Restaurant:
Gilded Goat Brewery (foodtrucks on Fri & Sat): https://www.gildedgoatbrewing.com
Torchy's Tacos: https://www.torchystacos.com
Modern Market Eatery: https://www.modernmarket.com
Nekter Juice Bar: https://www.nekterjuicebar.com
CAVA: https://www.cava.com
Smok BBQ: https://www.denversmok.com
Other restaurant resources:
Visit Fort Collins: https://www.visitftcollins.com/restaurants/
Downtown Fort Collins: https://downtownfortcollins.com/dine/all-food-and-drink