Humanity is on the leading edge of conscious evolution, and that edge is being continually redrawn by a relatively small but highly important group of pioneers, who are exploring the boundaries of what is possible.
This is a rare chance to learn directly from one of the most influential of these pioneers — someone who wants you to become one of those adventurers yourself, and to personally evolve into The New Human you are destined to become.
We are here for a reason...
Life began as single-celled organisms and has evolved into human beings — fully conscious expressions of the Universe itself…
And the Universe is not only counting on us to keep evolving; it is ready to provide us with the whole array of its capacities and power to help us do exactly that.
All the Universe wants in return is for us to evolve ourselves more rapidly and work in harmon y with it to co-create the future.
The conscious evolutionary pioneer who discovered all of this through her own remarkable research and practice was bestselling author, acclaimed visionary, and consciousness researcher Barbara Marx Hubbard.
Barbara worked with the Universe in this way for many years, and at 88 years old, she found herself evolving so rapidly that she quite literally felt “newer” every single day...
She was determined to share all the “newness” that she discovered — including not only new facets of her being, but also more wonder and excitement and joy than you could ever imagine possible.
To teach you how to master the art of Deep Self-Evolution that makes this extraordinary experience of “newness” possible for anyone, Barbara joined forces with Humanity’s Team to create a self-paced 8-Week Masterclass that puts together, all in one place, the essential steps she took to reach this highly evolved and ever-evolving state.
Over the course of 8 weeks, you’ll be steeped in Barbara’s exhilarating, transformative techniques for tapping into your deepest evolutionary longings and weaving them into your life through the co-creative force of the Universe itself.
You’ll receive insights along the way that will allow every step of your journey to embody joy and power.
Absorbing Barbara’s words of wisdom, as you will during this program, you’ll begin to go about your life with an ever-expanding perspective and understanding of yourself, others, and the world around you, and it will alter the way your life unfolds.
You’ll become more aware of everything, more immersed in what is happening around you, and more open to the invitations that will arrive in your life from the Universe, to have enriching, inspiring, and socially co-creative experiences.
And you’ll know that this is far more than your own personal evolution, because you’ll have glimpsed your foundational connection to everyone and everything on the Earth and to the whole of the Universe.
You’ll start to see that every time you evolve, the Universe evolves with you.
Now that may seem like a big responsibility to carry around, but if you think you might be ready to accept this incredibly rewarding, transformative challenge, then we invite you to take this leap into a life of extraordinary creativity and possibility!
Barbara’s teachings can show you how...and the Universe is ready to give you everything you’ll need to be able to do it.
Legendary psychologist Abraham Maslow once wrote: “With a tree, all the growth takes place at the growing tips. Humanity is exactly the same. All the growth takes place in the growing tip: among that one percent of the population. It’s made up of pioneers, the beginners. That’s where the action is.”
If you’re ready to be a part of that evolutionary “tip”, to join those pioneers who get to experience all the growth in store for us, and be part of the first wave of us to walk the earth as the New Human…
Then get ready to change yourself and the world…
And get ready to say a big YES to all the Universe wants to give you!
In this self-paced Online Masterclass, you will discover how to...
In this self-paced Online Masterclass, you will discover how to...
Become a unique embodiment of the evolutionary impulse, giving you access to the whole self-organizing power of the Universe and aligning you with its desire
Communicate directly with the Universe, to ask questions and receive answers and guidance
Access your “deepest heart” where your greatest gift to evolution will be revealed
Accelerate your evolution, which simultaneously evolves the whole human species
Expand your genius and creativity through finding other kindred spirits and collaborating with them synergistically on common goals and projects
Allow your future self to reach back and quite literally pull you forward into the destiny that is coded within you
Live in “omni love,” which starts inside of the understanding that everything you do matters to the world, and that with every higher leap you make, you inspire and animate those around you
Project yourself into the future and celebrate the fact that both you and humanity as a whole were able to move into this world of greater compassion, connection, and creativity, overcoming the seemingly insurmountable challenges we as a species (and you personally) are faced with now
And so much more wisdom from Barbara!
A Personal Note from Barbara...
We live in what is called by some a Self-Organizing Universe. This means that the deepest personal impulses you and everyone are now experiencing are coming from the genius of the universal process that created everything that has been and will ever be.
This process has been organizing exquisite new forms of life for billions of years from within, by attracting particle to particle, atom to atom, cell to cell, and it is now attracting us to join together to find our own mysterious next steps in conscious evolution.
Evolution is evolving through each of us to become “more” of who we potentially are. If you feel within you such an impulse to activate and be guided by the growing power and purpose within, you are then saying YES to the mighty inner process of evolution within you, to the mightiest force on Earth.
I set off on my own path to Deep Self-Evolution in 1962 when I recognized that this evolutionary power within me was who I really was, and not just a slightly depressed housewife living in Lakeville, Connecticut, loving my husband and our 5 children. When I embraced this inner impulse as being deeply personal to me, rather than simply global or even cosmic, my life transformed.
Looking back 45 years later, the process of realizing my evolutionary potential has been an exciting and wonderful journey, and I couldn’t wish anything bigger than for the same to be true for you as you look back at your life many years from today.
When you join Humanity’s Team and me on this journey of discovery in my Deep Self-Evolution Masters Program, you’ll discover how to tap into the deepest source of your own being, and you will be empowered to fulfill your role in the greatest shift of self and social evolution ever experienced consciously by humanity. And you’ll find out how to allow the Self-Organizing Universe — the Divine source of creation — to guide you, every step of the way.
With Evolutionary Love,
This note was written by Barbara for Deep Self-Evolution, which serves as an enduring capstone for Barbara’s long career.
While she isn’t physically with us anymore, her words (and her teachings!) still ring with every bit of power she channeled from the Universe. We are excited to be able to offer you Barbara’s teachings and her joyful spirit, along with a host of other resources that will ensure your transformation in this program is deep and fulfilling.
Here’s What You Will Receive With Your Registration:
All of this programming can be streamed or downloaded to watch on-the-go through your subscription to the Humanity Stream+ app.
During the self-paced 8-week Masterclass, you will receive:
All of this programming can be streamed or downloaded to watch on-the-go at your own pace through your subscription to the Humanity Stream+ app.
Tap into the Power of the Primal Evolutionary Impulse
In this fun first session, Barbara sets intentions for the program, leads participants through a connective exercise, and answers questions about the Deep Self-Evolution journey ahead.
Uncover and Develop Your Hidden Skills for Living Life as the Evolving Universe
In this module, you will discover how to communicate directly with the Universe, to ask questions and receive answers and guidance. You will learn techniques that allow you to attune yourself to its energy flow to help you emotionally test out decisions, choose a direction, or overcome reflexive resistance to challenges. You will also find out why every action taken with intention carries either evolving or devolving energy, and you’ll learn a technique for instantly knowing which kind of energy any action you are considering carries.
Discover Your Ever-Growing Deepest Heart’s Desire
In this module, you will discover how to access your “deepest heart” where your greatest gift to evolution will be revealed — the thing you are here to do that no one else can and that will truly fulfill you and give you continuous opportunity for self-evolution. Your alignment with the Universe’s desire will awaken a realization in you at the growing edge of your attraction that will inspire you to create more than you ever have before. You will also learn how to read your body’s responses to intention, and allow those responses to guide you, moment to moment, in the direction you need to go to have the greatest possibility for transformation. This will further unlock your unique genius code, and carry you into the next stage of your life.
Deeply Engage in the Process of Accelerating Your Own Evolution
In this module, you will discover how to take everything you’ve learned in the other modules and begin to use it to accelerate your own evolution and simultaneously evolve the whole human species and the Universe itself. You will learn how to live always on the threshold of transformation, allowing the desires of Evolution’s impulse to be fulfilled through you, and become a part of the ever-emerging story of Evolution itself. You will also learn to make leaps and bounds by springboarding off the evolutionary impulse as you say a big YES to the Quantum shift and become an instrument of evolution — a process that may not make you younger, but will absolutely make you newer!
Finding Your Evolutionary Partners and Engaging in Transformative Co-Creation
In this module, you will discover how to deliberately expand your genius and creativity through finding others in your community or elsewhere who are kindred creative spirits and collaborating with them synergistically on common goals and projects. You will discover how to fully harness the powerful energy that is co-created by the unique “friction” that comes from working with others in this engaged and synergistic way. You will also learn how to deeply and effectively “join genius” with your creative partners, allowing you to create far more together than you ever could have if you were each working alone.
Raise Your Vibration and Step into Your Universal Self
In this module, you will discover how to allow your future self to reach back and quite literally begin to pull you steadily forward into the destiny that is coded within you and that will emerge from this process. You will learn how to fully become the New Human (homo universalis) with extended capabilities, deeply motivated by love and the evolutionary impulse rather than self-interest. You will will also learn how to quickly and easily connect again to the singularity from which you and the rest of the Universe were born, and you’ll become profoundly aware that everything you do is part of your higher destiny and that the more you accept this reality, the more rapidly you will evolve.
Become Part of the Leading-Edge of Evolution
In this module, you will discover how to live in “omni love,” which starts inside of the deep understanding that everything you do matters, and that with every higher leap you make in your life, you’ll inspire and animate those around you, and — on an even deeper level — lift all of humanity and the whole of the Universe up with you. You will learn how to take full responsibility for furthering the development of your own consciousness and truly become a master of conscious evolution in the process. You will also discover how to allow omni love to be your invaluable companion on your mission to live within the evolutionary impulse of creation, moving always toward greater expanses of consciousness, freedom, and order… both in yourself and in the world.
Celebrate the Victory of Becoming the New Human
In this module, you will learn how to powerfully project yourself into the future, where you’ll celebrate the fact that both you and humanity as a whole were finally able to move into a world of greater compassion, connection and creativity, overcoming the seemingly insurmountable challenges we as a species (and you personally) are faced with now. You will learn how to walk around inside the birth of this new stage of evolution, this whole new species we are becoming. You will also learn how to use an Evolutionary Chakra Meditation that will infuse all of your chakras and your entire being with the evolutionary direction of your creativity and your deepest heart’s desire, and keep you on course to fulfill your highest destiny as the New Human you have become.
Plus Receive These 4 Additional Powerful Bonuses:
Plus Receive These 8 Additional Powerful Bonuses:
Inner-Circle, “Leap into Evolution” Fireside Chat with Barbara Marx Hubbard and Steve Farrell
In this In this archived recording, the late Barbara Marx Hubbard—esteemed futurist and author on the subject of social, scientific, and spiritual evolution—introduces Humanity’s Team viewers to her Deep Self Evolution Masterclass through the medium of an interactive “Fireside Chat.”
In a unique collaborative format, Barbara connects with viewers all over the world to share ideas on the requirements for achieving the next level of human evolution; covering subjects like “radical forgiveness,” “radical gratitude,” and other steps required to achieve “radical breakthroughs” that will transform today’s “radical breakdowns” in the areas of politics, communication, and environmental stewardship.
“Evolve Yourself: Transforming the Separated/Fear Self to an Aligned Frequency of the Universal Self” with Barbara Marx Hubbard and Howard Martin
One of the most important of the 52 Codes for Conscious Evolution is Code 8: “Evolve Yourself: Transforming the Separated/Fear Self to an Aligned Frequency of the Universal Self.” This powerful Bonus Video Seminar features HeartMath Vice-President Howard Martin and Barbara exploring this code in enlightening depth. Barbara will also take you through an inspiring guided meditation called “Animating Eros.”
During this 90-Minute Video Seminar, you will discover…
“The Intention Experiment” with Barbara Marx Hubbard & Lynne McTaggart
Lynne McTaggart’s “Power of Eight” intention experiments are famous for revealing the ability of focused group thoughts to have an effect on events and outcomes outside themselves. In this enlightening Video Seminar, Lynne and Barbara will explore the incredible discoveries that came out of those experiments.
During this 90-Minute Video Seminar, you will discover…
“Infinitely Small and Infinitely Large Systems and Our Place in Them” with Barbara Marx Hubbard and Nassim Haramein
Since you are deeply connected to the whole of creation, it is within your power to see yourself from other perspectives than the “I” perspective, and then share information with the Universe. During this insight-filled Video Seminar, physicist Nassim Haramein joins Barbara in a lively, intense, and fascinating exploration of the nature of infinitely small and the infinitely large systems in the Universe, and the powerful place we humans occupy within them.
During this 90-Minute Video Seminar, you will discover…
Recorded Mentoring Sessions
During the eight weeks of the “Deep Self Evolution” Masterclass, you will receive access to eight special Recorded Mentoring Sessions with Barbara. These intimate sessions are filled with commonly asked questions that get right to the heart of the material and how to integrate it into every aspect of your life.
Barbara Marx Hubbard is a futurist, speaker, spiritual teacher, and bestselling author who has been called “The voice for conscious evolution of our time,” by Deepak Chopra and is the subject of Neale Donald Walsch’s book,
The Mother of Invention . A prolific writer, visionary, social innovator, evolutionary thinker and educator, she is co-founder and president of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution. Her own books include
Conscious Evolution: Awakening the Power of Our Social Potential ,
Emergence: The Shift from Ego to Essence , and
The Evolutionary Journey .
What Others Have to Say About Barbara...
The future of Transformational Education is Humanity Stream+
If you’d like to commit even more fully to your conscious journey, for not much more than the tuition for this single Masterclass, we want to offer you unlimited access to hundreds of transformational education programs, including all our other Masterclasses, through our Humanity Stream+ online platform.
Whether you seek to deepen your understanding of human potential, heal from past traumas, or discover your soul's true purpose, with our annual subscription you'll have unlimited access to transformative content from some of the most inspirational leaders, visionaries, authors and teachers of our time, including:
Gregg Braden, Bruce H. Lipton, Lynne McTaggart, Michael Beckwith, Neale Donald Walsch, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Thomas Hübl, Joan Borysenko, Nassim Haramein, Katherine Woodward Thomas, Dr. Laura Berman, Mark Nepo, Kris Carr, Matthew Fox, Patricia Cota-Robles, Sister Jenna, and so many more!
Over the past couple of years, many in our community have shared with us how serious they are about their spiritual and personal development, and they’ve expressed their wish that there was a single place they could go to access inspiring training and content, and where they might also connect directly with others to have conversations that are not fueled and gaslit by the daily newscycle.
To fill this need, we created our Humanity Stream+ subscription service with its access to extensive streaming content and a private online community where members are already engaging in deep discussions around conscious evolution and the planetary awakening we are all collectively working toward.
You'll also have access to BRAND-NEW Masterclasses as they are released, LIVE and recorded mentoring programs with faculty, free upgrades, VIP programs, virtual forums, and so much more!
Humanity’s Team’s ENTIRE curriculum for personal evolution and conscious living is all available to you during your yearly subscription, and you’ll receive a Certificate of Completion for every Masterclasses you decide to explore.
As a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization dedicated to making conscious living pervasive worldwide by 2040, we are always looking for new ways to get our life-changing transformative content into the hands of those who might never have access to it otherwise. When you subscribe to Humanity Stream+, your purchase provides one subscription to an underprivileged and under-served individual, providing tools, hope, and support.
All of Humanity's Team Masterclasses + Hundreds of Additional Transformational Education Programming
With our ONE-FOR-ONE Program, your subscription provides one subscription to an under-privileged and under-served individual
LIVE Watch Parties so you can interact with others in the class and share ideas
The ability to Stream or Download to watch on-the-go on ANY device
Here's what your path to higher consciousness could look like...
Get ready to rediscover who you were truly meant to be in this collection of powerful self-empowerment programming on Humanity Stream+
First Up...
First Up...
In this 8-Week Masterclass, Barbara Marx Hubbard will show you how to reach a highly evolved and ever-evolving state by becoming more aware of and immersed in everything happening around you and within you, and more open to the invitations that will arrive in your life from the Universe, to have enriching, inspiring, and socially co-creative experiences so you can be part of the first wave of us to walk the Earth as the New Human.
In this 8-week Masterclass with bestselling author Neale Donald Walsch, he will show you how to develop a relationship with the Divine that fills the “hole” in your life that can cause feelings of sadness, loneliness and uncertainty. This deeper sense of connection with the Divine will provide you with the kind of comfort and guidance that will allow you to face every challenge your life or the world presents to you with calm confidence and a profound spiritual joy.
In this 8-Week Masterclass with bestselling authors Debra Ponemen and Christy Whitman, they will show you how to live in alignment with your own highest truth and the highest truth of the Universe, allowing you to create deeper, more meaningful relationships and experience sustainable success, deep fulfillment, genuine happiness, and bring greater meaning to all you do to improve your own life, the lives of those around you, and the wider world, in every way you feel inspired to.
In this 8-Week Masterclass, Barbara Marx Hubbard will show you how to reach a highly evolved and ever-evolving state by becoming more aware of and immersed in everything happening around you and within you, and more open to the invitations that will arrive in your life from the Universe, to have enriching, inspiring, and socially co-creative experiences so you can be part of the first wave of us to walk the Earth as the New Human.
In this 8-Week Masterclass with bestselling author Neale Donald Walsch, he will show you how to develop a relationship with the Divine that fills the “hole” in your life that can cause feelings of sadness, loneliness and uncertainty. This deeper sense of connection with the Divine will provide you with the kind of comfort and guidance that will allow you to face every challenge your life or the world presents to you with calm confidence and a profound spiritual joy.
In this 8-Week Masterclass with bestselling authors Debra Ponemen and Christy Whitman, they will show you how to live in alignment with your own highest truth and the highest truth of the Universe, allowing you to create deeper, more meaningful relationships and experience sustainable success, deep fulfillment, genuine happiness, and bring greater meaning to all you do to improve your own life, the lives of those around you, and the wider world, in every way you feel inspired to.
Pair your learning with hundreds of additional transformational education programs with world-renowned instructors, on content spanning everything from meditation and psychic mediumship, to conscious business practices, to sound healing and acupressure, and more!
Pair your learning with hundreds of additional transformational education programs with world-renowned instructors, on content spanning everything from meditation and psychic mediumship, to conscious business practices, to sound healing and acupressure, and more!
Choose from one of our Categories below
Choose from one of our Categories below
One for One
We are pleased to give you the opportunity to serve an audience that would typically never have access to Conscious Living material. "One-for-One" is our way of offering a full Stream+ scholarship for every paid subscription to an underprivileged and under-served individual, providing tools, hope, and support.
One for One
We are pleased to give you the opportunity to serve an audience that would typically never have access to Conscious Living material. "One-for-One" is our way of offering a full Stream+ scholarship for every paid subscription to an underprivileged and under-served individual, providing tools, hope, and support.
Here's what our Stream+ Members have to say...
Here's what our Stream+ Members have to say...
Become a Humanity Stream+ Member today and join a global movement to elevate consciousness
What's included with your Humanity Stream+ annual subscription:
Plus You Get These 3 Exclusive Bonuses:
Immediate access to all the modules and materials in this Masterclass as well as to our entire library of Transformational Educational Masterclasses and programs presented by the top leaders in Science, Spirituality, Healing, and more, so you can become a change agent for yourself, your loved ones, your community, and the planet.
Automatic enrollment in every new Masterclass and program we offer.
Exclusive invitations and VIP access to our weekly Live Events, Watch Parties, and Special Events.
Regular live sessions on everything from meditation and sound healing to intentionality and community leadership.
Complete recordings of sessions from the past 10 Global Oneness Summits, as well as access to recordings from upcoming Summits as they happen.
Watch from any device, 24/7, via Apple, Google, Amazon Fire, and Roku platforms.
Finding your Conscious Global Tribe and joining our community of people all over the world working to help humanity survive, evolve, and thrive, so we can all enjoy the abundance this planet and the Universe have to offer.
Plus You Get These 3 Exclusive Bonuses:
An invitation to your exclusive New Members Welcome Party and ongoing technical support – Value $149
Free Certificates of Completion for every Masterclass and program you take – Value $50 per program
VIP Access to our annual Global Oneness Summit and FREE Upgrade to our Global Oneness Summit Collections – Value $247
Single Masterclass
Get self-paced access to only
Deep Self-Evolution
Your Cost: $397
Humanity Stream+
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Get full, self-paced access to this program and everything else on Humanity Stream+ for 12 months using this optional monthly payment plan of $29.99/month (contract is not cancellable until the end of the 12th month, at the end of a full year).
In the check-out, enter your debit or credit card information. Your first payment is charged when the order is processed, and the remaining 11 installments are automatically charged every month. Contract will auto-renew after two emailed notifications beginning at 2 weeks from the end of the agreement.
I understand this is a non-cancellable annual contract with a monthly payment of $29.99/month, not cancellable
until the end of the 12th month.
Total Value: $21,044
Original Cost: $39.99/month
Now: $29.99/month for 12 months
Humanity Stream+
12-Month Membership
(100+ Programs)
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Total Value: $21,044
Your Cost: $499/year
Now: $299/year
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Our Cancellation Policy
Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE this Masterclass, simply contact our Support Team within 14 days of the Masterclass start date, and we will gladly issue you a full refund.
Common Questions:
We have a private Facebook community group for all program participants that will provide you the opportunity to make connections with others, share insights, participate in discussions and exchange information about events and other activities that will complement your metamorphic journey. You’ll have the capacity to contribute your intentions, wisdom, experiences, projects, and growth there throughout the program.
The 16 modules are recorded videos and available to watch at your convenience.
We share three modules per week. After the first two weeks you can access the other modules as quickly as you like.
There are no recorded mentoring sessions for this Masterclass.
We are so confident that this program will be enriching, rewarding and lots of fun that we offer a full (100%) refund if for any reason you choose to withdraw from the program within the first 10 days of the purchase date. Your refund will be processed unconditionally, and we’ll send you an email confirming your refund. If you do not hear from us after you send your request, please write to us again.
If you have any questions about our refund policy or wish to withdraw and request a refund, please notify our Support Team by email at [email protected]. To request a refund, please include “Higher Love Refund Please” in the Subject Line. We also hope you’ll share with us your reasons for wishing to withdraw.
Optimally we would love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first, so if there is something we can assist you with, please email us at [email protected], and we’ll be happy to help.
No refund requests can be accepted 1) more than 10 days after the purchase date, or 2) for scholarship awards.
Please write to [email protected]
This is a document you can print, showing that you have completed the course. It is something you can share to illustrate your understanding of this masterclass's teachings. It may help to include on a resume, or to include in your own personal "Teacher Portfolio" to highlight a specific area of expertise." to highlight a specific area of expertise.
Send us a message and our support staff will get back to you shortly