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Conscious Leadership

The Art of Leading From the Heart

An 8-Week Masterclass

WITH Evolutionary Pioneer


Steve Farrell

Conscious Leadership

The Art of Leading From the Heart

An 8-Week Masterclass

WITH Evolutionary Pioneer







Step into your natural leadership abilities, demonstrate your unbroken connection to the source of everything, and co-create a flourishing conscious world.

With Guest Faculty

Conscious Leadership Masterclass

Whether you realize it or not, you are on a conscious journey through your life…

And on that journey, your consciousness has been ever-evolving and expanding from the day you were born, right through to and including this very moment.

Everything you experience in your life changes you and contributes to who you are, how you show up in the world, and what you are capable of creating.

For a long time it has seemed as though there were only a handful of people on the Earth at any given period of history whose conscious journeys provided them with the vision and the capacity to step forward as deeply conscious spiritual leaders and guides and really have an impact in the lives of others…

But all of that has changed.

Did you choose to be on the planet at this time so that you could be one of these Conscious Leaders who are so badly needed in every field and arena throughout our society?

Conscious Leaders

While the path to this kind of leadership and impact used to be long and arduous, breakthroughs in both Science and Spirituality have increased our understanding of the nature of reality and our deeper connection to one another and to the whole of the Universe itself…

And with this understanding has come the ability for us all to follow time-tested paths that can help us answer for ourselves the question of why we are here, and allow us to be guides to others as we step into roles of greater leadership and influence in our families, our communities, and in the larger world.

The problem is that while you may have experienced varying degrees of progress and success on your own conscious journey, you may also feel…


  • Like you aren’t getting where you want to go nearly as fast as you’d like
  • Uncertain about how to navigate or overcome certain challenges that have arisen in your life or in the state of the world
  • Stalled on the path to achieving your dreams and goals
  • Unclear about how to get to the next level and keep those dreams from being pushed further and further into the future

If you’re experiencing any of those feelings in your daily life, then this self-paced Online Masterclass might be the perfect next step on your journey.

It was developed by evolutionary pioneer Steve Farrell, executive director and conscious leader of the Humanity’s Team non-profit organization that has been generating powerful and connective change in the world and making a profound difference in people’s lives for the past 25+ years. 

This 8-Week self-paced Online Masterclass includes an incredible roster of luminary guest faculty, including Dr. Jean Houston, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Gregg Braden, Lynn McTaggart, Dr. Bruce H. Lipton, Neale Donald Walsch, and Patricia Cota-Robles. 

They will each be sharing the unique insights and wisdom they’ve gleaned on their own paths to reach where they are now, where they are touching the lives of millions.

A Personal Message From Steve Farrell

Steve Farrell

Dear Friend,

I believe we were all born into the world at this time to play an important role in the planetary awakening.

Each of us was born with the capacity to be a conscious leader in our families, our professions, our communities, and even in the world at large, and we must embrace and embody our highest potentials for helping to create a better world for us all and for the countless generations to follow.

This is why I was called to create the Conscious Leadership Masterclass.

This program draws on my 30+ years of developing a tried and true leadership process, first in Silicon Valley (where I co-founded and led two high-tech startups), and then again in 2003 when I co-founded Humanity’s Team with Neale Donald Walsch. Since then, I’ve been working with an ever-expanding team that has seen our 501c3 non-profit grow into the innovative, ground-breaking, and far-reaching organization it is today.

During the 1990s, when I was based in Silicon Valley and led two companies to more than $75 million in revenue, I got a good long taste of the American Dream.

I attained financial wealth and participated in all the things that go along with it, such as travel in private jets, skiing at ultra-private resorts, trips with business icons to luxurious destinations, and more.

But I ultimately found that taste of the American Dream to be unfulfilling, as I saw how its mindset left so many behind and created a world of haves and have-nots that did not feel right or good to me at all, so in 2001 I chose to leave it all behind. I felt called to play a more active role in trying to create a new universal dream — a better world of equal benefit, opportunity, and flourishing for all of Life.

I sold my interest in the companies I’d started, moved with my family to Boulder, Colorado (where we live today), and began the journey to further elevate my own consciousness, co-founding Humanity’s Team and becoming its Worldwide Executive Director.

During my time in Silicon Valley as CEO of the two companies I started, I experienced so much that has been invaluable to me as I’ve shifted gears into the Humanity’s Team mission to make conscious living pervasive worldwide by 2040.

From facing the challenges of rapid growth to a mini-recession that put the brakes on that growth and almost made us run out of money (and the attempted mutiny by a few employees who decided they wanted to take the company down), I led the way to the sale of the first company to a Japanese multinational, the raising of hundreds of millions of dollars in venture capital to fund the launch of the second company, the leasing of over 90,000 square feet of office space for our future growth, expansion into Europe and Japan, and so much more. 

During the 8 weeks of my Conscious Leadership Masterclass, I will take you “inside” all I’ve learned in that journey from Silicon Valley to Boulder, Colorado, as executive director of Humanity’s Team, so you can effectively gain all that invaluable experience, insight and wisdom without having to live through it yourself.

I will also share the process I developed for becoming fully conscious, aligning with the Divine, and stepping into your true power as a human being with access to the full creative power of the Universe, allowing you to manifest personal and professional success while joining with others to help elevate the collective experience of humanity and the Earth itself. 

Now is the time in our arc through history when we must step into alignment with the Divine, and from this awareness and responsibility manifest the power and the ability to uplift and transform our personal lives and the collective reality we all experience together. 

Now is the time for each of us to create a meaningful and masterful life. 

Everything in the Universe is deeply connected—an emanation of the One, the Divine—and we each have the ability to transform and transmute the energy and the vibration that are both within and all around us.

Now is the time in our arc through history when we must step into alignment with the Divine, and from this awareness and responsibility manifest the power and the ability to uplift and transform our personal lives and the collective reality we all experience together. 

If you are ready to open yourself fully to that power, and are ready to grow, don’t miss this opportunity to join me and learn all that I and my Conscious Leadership Guest Faculty are going to be sharing during this 8-Week Masterclass; it will prepare you to reach the true potential for your life that was present in you at the moment you were born.

The world needs more Conscious Leaders.  Let me help you become one of them.

In service,

In this self-paced Online Masterclass, you will discover how to…

  • Live a fulfilling life of caring and service to others and to humanity

  • Live in deep humility, understanding that your gifts and power flow through you, not from you

  • Evolve consciously toward the highest version of yourself

  • Show up in everything you do with a pure heart — not just professionally but in your personal relationships, and in the way you are seen by others

  • Master the art of intention such that you can visualize connecting with your goals at all times, increasing your ability to manifest them in your life and help others do the same

  • Step into your full conscious potential and capacities as a leader in your family, community, and workplace

  • Recruit and lead a team who are committed to a common mission

  • Access proven models for quickly taking focused and inspired action when situations arise suddenly that necessitate it

  • Live from the “inside out” where your inner felt experience of Presence actively creates and informs your outer expression

  • Make connections and form alliances more easily, opening the door to more fruitful collaboration opportunities

  • Become a better collaborator with others, using the unique gifts and talents that flow through you to enhance your shared vision and mission

  • Be recognized by those around you for living authentically and being the kind of conscious leader who touches people simply through your presence and moment-to-moment commitment to helping others

  • Think of your life as a work of art you are ever creating, and do everything you can to make each day a masterpiece

  • So many more teachings of leadership rooted in Truth!

  • And so much more…

Live a fulfilling life of caring and service to others and to humanity

Live in deep humility, understanding that your gifts and power flow through you, not from you

Evolve consciously toward the highest version of yourself

Show up in everything you do with a pure heart — not just professionally but in your personal relationships, and in the way you are seen by others

Master the art of intention such that you can visualize connecting with your goals at all times, increasing your ability to manifest them in your life and help others do the same

Step into your full conscious potential and capacities as a leader in your family, community, and workplace

Recruit and lead a team who are committed to a common mission

Access proven models for quickly taking focused and inspired action when situations arise suddenly that necessitate it

Live from the “inside out” where your inner felt experience of Presence actively creates and informs your outer expression

Make connections and form alliances more easily, opening the door to more fruitful collaboration opportunities

Become a better collaborator with others, using the unique gifts and talents that flow through you to enhance your shared vision and mission

Be recognized by those around you for living authentically and being the kind of conscious leader who touches people simply through your presence and moment-to-moment commitment to helping others

Think of your life as a work of art you are ever creating, and do everything you can to make each day a masterpiece

So many more teachings of leadership rooted in Truth!

And so much more… 


Here’s What You Will Receive With Your Registration:

  • 8 two hour+ Video Training Modules with Steve Farrell, including recorded mentoring & Q&A sessions
  • 12 Additional Guest Faculty Videos
  • 8 MP3 Audios from the Video Module Sessions
  • 8 PDF Transcripts of the Video Module Sessions
  • 6 Powerful Bonuses, at no additional charge with the purchase of the course

All of this programming can be streamed or downloaded to watch on-the-go through your subscription to the Humanity Stream+ app.

Available on your Smartphone, Tablet, TV, and Laptop with Humanity Stream+

During the self-paced 8-week Masterclass, you will receive:

  • 8 two hour+ Video Training Modules with Steve Farrell, including recorded mentoring & Q&A sessions
  • 12 Additional Guest Faculty Videos
  • 8 MP3 Audios from the Video Module Sessions
  • 8 PDF Transcripts of the Video Module Sessions
  • 6 Powerful Bonuses, at no additional charge with the purchase of the course

All of this programming can be streamed or downloaded to watch on-the-go at your own pace through your subscription to the Humanity Stream+ app.

Available on your Smartphone, Tablet, TV, and Laptop with Humanity Stream+


Hear & Answer the Call – The Way of the Wayshower

When you hear the call from within you to step into a leadership role in any aspect of your life, you are hearing the call to become a “Wayshower.” Wayshowers are teachers and guides who help show others the way to deeper states of consciousness and empowerment. They show us how to be better than we are and help us to see what we are not yet able to see on our own.

In this module, Steve Farrell will help you explore how to respond to the wayshower calling by accessing a road-less-traveled, overcoming the reflexive fears that may arise, visualizing the journey ahead, and opening yourself to miracles during your journey. You will learn what it takes to become a wayshower and why they are so important to human evolution, and you’ll discover how to listen more deeply so you can begin co-creating with the Divine energy of the Universe to fulfill your mission. You’ll also receive tools that will help you to live more consciously and play a role in creating flourishing communities around you, and you’ll learn about the power of the “boomerang effect,” and how it can serve you, your family, and everyone whose lives you touch.

There are no Guest Faculty Videos for this Module.


Core Conscious Concepts

When we talk about Consciousness, we are talking about what is most important in our lives, because consciousness spans every aspect of our existence: our personal life, our relationships, our professional life, and our ability to uplift humanity and the Earth. This brings in awareness, sensing, connection, and elevated capacities. In Core Conscious Concepts, we lay the foundation for our work. These principles and concepts are extremely important and undergird everything you’ll be doing in the rest of the program.

This module explores the most important, substantial, and even urgent things that define what it is to be fully conscious in the world today. The content of this module is largely sourced from the ten bestselling Conversations with God books by Neale Donald Walsch. Today we know that the material in that series is largely corroborated by classical, historical and science-based researchers. 

Neale Donald Walsch also joins Steve in a Guest Faculty Video to discuss important insights about the core conscious concepts, the creation process, the Be/Do/Have paradigm, and the process for evolution of the soul.


Follow Your Calling

Each of us in our lives experiences a deep calling to become more than we are and to accomplish something of profound importance. You can think of this as your destiny or simply as the job you have the unique passion and capacity to do that helps yourself, others and the Earth.

In this module, you will discover how to tap into the Divine within you through a guided process that will also lead you deeper into your passion and gifts. You will be given tools to help you follow the Divine breadcrumbs that will lead you to the next step on your earthly journey. You will also identify the specific areas where you feel called to serve in leadership, allowing you to explore more deeply what is already emerging in you.

This module’s Guest Faculty Video features late spiritual teacher Barbara Marx Hubbard’s sister, Patricia Ellsberg, and Barbara’s daughter, Suzanne Hubbard. They join Steve in exploring humanity’s evolution into our next level, which Barbara called “Homo Universalis.” They also discuss the concepts Barbara created to address aspects of following your calling and grouping with others during that conscious evolutionary journey: the Wheel of Co-Creation, Vocational Arousal, Regenopause, and Supra-Sex.


Live in Presence

When you live in Presence, deeply connected to and in service to the Divine energy of the Universe, miraculous things will begin to happen in your life. Things will often fall perfectly into place to allow you to take advantage of the kinds of rare opportunities that lead to uncommon and interesting experiences. Not only that, but every action of your life is an act of self-definition, and using your actions to express love in a significant way is one of the greatest gifts we are allowed to experience in life.

In this module, You will learn how to use immersive spiritual practices like confirming prayer, meditation, yoga, nature, stillness, community, and conscious action to nurture and maintain a “being state,” where good and fortuitous things will simply happen to you on a regular basis. You’ll also discover how to love yourself fully just as you are and love others just as they are.

For this module’s Guest Faculty Videos, spiritual teachers Michael Bernard Beckwith and Patricia Cota-Robles join Steve to share their unique processes for living in Presence and reaching out to others to inspire them to more fully embrace the act of Presence in their lives, too. Patricia talks about the powerful magnetic shifts occurring in our world right now that support and accelerate this process, and Michael talks about his own “Life Visioning” approach and shares tips on how to bring Presence into the workplace.


Lead with Intention, Heart Coherence & Inspiration

There are three specific elements to being a good conscious leader that all work together in synergy: Intention, Heart Coherence, and Inspiration. When all of these elements are present in you at the same time, your ability to lead with greater connection, confidence and creativity increases exponentially. 

In this module, you will learn how to act and lead from a place of deep, passionate, pure intention that will inspire others to trust you and want to help you fulfill your personal mission. You’ll discover how to bring your head and your heart into balance and to lead with Inspiration, not motivation. You’ll also learn how to use a powerful self-healing visualization technique involving all five of your senses that you can use for the rest of your life and share with others. 

This module’s Guest Faculty Videos feature luminaries Gregg Braden, Lynne McTaggart, and Lance Secretan, who join Steve to discuss their own development into being conscious leaders. They explore the important process of intention setting, as well as “heart coherence,” and the surprising research into employee dissatisfaction in the workplace, including companies that are models for inspiring workplaces.


Make Each Day a Masterpiece

Every day of your life is like a blank canvas or a piece of clay or an instrument, and it is your job to paint or sculpt or compose something worthy of presenting to the Source to show it what you did with the immense gift it placed in your hands. There are countless ways to do this, but you must first make the shift to looking at your life as a work of art you are creating in each and every moment. 

In this module, you will discover how to make each day a powerful and fulfilling expression of who you are, gracefully and with style. You’ll learn how to recognize opportunities to creatively express your gifts throughout each and every day. You’ll also learn the nuts and bolts of living for optimum health, creativity, and enjoyment, which will unleash your passion and inspire you to accomplishments you can’t yet imagine. 

Dr. Jean Houston joins Steve in a Guest Faculty Video for this module. Jean is one of the foremost visionary thinkers and doers of our time and one of the principal founders of the Human Potential Movement. In the video, she and Steve explore Jean’s personal process for organizing her day to accomplish a tremendous number of things across a wide spectrum of projects, including book writing, teaching, giving speeches, implementing outreach programs for the United Nations around the globe, and developing new ways for people to accelerate their evolution.


Build a Conscious Team

No matter which of your visions you decide to try to realize in the months and years ahead, it will be important to find others to join your team who are also committed to living consciously and who have goals that are in harmony with yours. Only then will you be able to create a thriving culture of presence and support in every aspect of your organization. 

In this module, you will learn proven methods for finding and recruiting qualified and kindred others as collaborators in your mission. You’ll discover how to share your vision with others with crystal clarity and create internal and external transparency as a means of maintaining strong mutual trust and respect. You’ll also learn how to bring unity and presence into your organization (regardless of its size), especially in the area of decision-making. 

When you achieve a truly conscious team, magical things happen. There is a synergy and there are synchronicities that are truly astounding. We know there are “conscious” companies that prioritize implementing a diversified, impartial, and all-inclusive work environment. Humanity’s Team has taken it a step further where we’ve co-created an environment of conscious fun and output that is truly extraordinary! I take you into this and more during this module.

There are no Guest Faculty Videos for this Module.


Contribute to the Conscious Evolution Movement

One of the most important things we are here to do as human beings is everything we can help to further the evolutionary development of our species. As a conscious leader, it is both your privilege and your responsibility to find ways of advancing yourself and those around you, ever expanding the reach of your consciousness and your imagination. 

In this module, you will discover how to be the best person you can be, so that you can truly have an impact that makes the world a better place in some way for those who are here now, and for future generations. You’ll learn how to let your Divine connection guide your actions at every decision point, allowing you to bring your best to every situation that arises. You’ll also discover how to step into your true self and enter into powerful collaborations with others to achieve bigger, more important goals. 

This module’s Guest Faculty Videos feature world-renowned luminaries Dr. Bruce Lipton, Lynne McTaggart, and Patricia Cota-Robles. They will address the existential crisis confronting humanity right now, and the “decision point” moment we find ourselves in, between regression and conscious evolution. With Steve, they explore how the New Science allows us to transform our challenges into opportunities to evolve. They also discuss things we can do individually and collectively to create positive change, elevate the consciousness of the masses, and “close the gap” between where we are and the future we envision.

Plus Receive These 6 Additional Powerful Bonuses:



30-Minute Audio Seminar Featuring Panache Desai & Steve Farrell

Everything in your body vibrates with energy. Learning how to work with that energy can allow you to release emotional and psychological blocks that may be holding you back from reaching your potential.


Opening Ceremony

15-Minute Audio Seminar with Michael Bernard Beckwith & Steve Farrell

Welcome to the Opening Ceremony to Global Oneness Day 2016! This is the 7th Annual Global Oneness Day TeleSummit. Michael Bernard Beckwith will be joining Humanity’s Team Worldwide Executive Director Steve Farrell for the opening of the day program.


New Thought & Ancient Wisdom

30-Minute Audio Seminar with Iyanla Vanzant & Steve Farrell

Remarkably, both New Thought and Ancient Wisdom are changing lives around the world every single day, often even working together to affect deeper levels of transformation. Join Iyanla and Steve as they explore the exciting possibilities of combining these powerful and authentic paths that lead to the same ultimate goal.


Visioning & Launching

a Conscious Organization

Training Video with Steve Farrell

Creating a conscious business requires intention, clarity, and courage, along with some “nuts and bolts” know-how. In this training video, Steve explores the process of developing those three critical elements and gives you tips and tricks that will help you as you develop your own conscious business.


Essential Role of a

Conscious Leadership Team

Training Video with Steve Farrell

In the development of a conscious business’s products and services, it’s important to have a “big agenda” focus. This includes understanding how the leadership team embodies the consciousness of its values and holds the intention of expanding consciousness as the business grows.


Conscious Business Meditation Package

6 Powerful & Effective 12-Minute Videos to Improve Your Business & Life

These brief but inspiring meditations are led by Conscious Business Trainer Stephen Dynako and will support you to develop the mental, emotional, and spiritual fortitude you’ll need as you do the work of a conscious leader.

Recorded Mentoring Sessions

During the eight weeks of the “Conscious Leadership” Masterclass, you will receive access to previously recorded Mentoring Sessions. These intimate sessions are filled with commonly asked questions that get right to the heart of the material and how to integrate it into every aspect of your life.


Steve Farrell

About Steve Farrell

Steve Farrell is co-founder and Worldwide Executive Director of Humanity's Team, a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit organization based in Boulder, Colorado. The organization is focused on helping people throughout the world awaken to their deeper Self and the interconnectedness of everything in the Universe. 


In the 1990s, years before Steve became involved with Humanity's Team, he co-founded and led two high-growth technology companies based in Silicon Valley that were featured in the INC 500 and spanned the United States and Europe. During this period of his life, he was an officer in the Young Entrepreneurs' Organization and the Young Presidents’ Organization.


By all accounts, Steve was living the "good life." But when he felt a calling to play an active role in creating a consciousness movement that could help people across the globe connect more deeply with the Divine Truth of Oneness, and also consciously participate in creating a flourishing and awakened world, Steve followed his heart and left the "American Dream" behind.


What he found is the story of Humanity's Team. Steve is a member of the Evolutionary Leadership Council and lives in Boulder, Colorado, with his wife Stephanie, their two young adult children, and their dog Sadie.

Steve recently published his acclaimed memoir A New Universal Dream: My Journey from Silicon Valley to a Life in Service to Humanity, an inspiring story of finding his true life’s calling and the lessons he gathered along the way.

What others are saying about Steve

The Future of Transformational Education is Humanity Stream+

If you’d like to commit even more fully to your conscious journey, for not much more than the tuition for this single Masterclass, we want to offer you unlimited access to hundreds of transformational education programs, including all our other Masterclasses, through our Humanity Stream+ online platform.

Whether you seek to deepen your understanding of human potential, heal from past traumas, or discover your soul's true purpose, with our annual subscription you'll have unlimited access to transformative content from some of the most inspirational leaders, visionaries, authors and teachers of our time, including:

Gregg Braden, Bruce H. Lipton, Lynne McTaggart, Michael Beckwith, Neale Donald Walsch, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Thomas Hübl, Joan Borysenko, Nassim Haramein, Katherine Woodward Thomas, Dr. Laura Berman, Mark Nepo, Kris Carr, Matthew Fox, Patricia Cota-Robles, Sister Jenna, and so many more!

Over the past couple of years, many in our community have shared with us how serious they are about their spiritual and personal development, and they’ve expressed their wish that there was a single place they could go to access inspiring training and content, and where they might also connect directly with others to have conversations that are not fueled and gaslit by the daily newscycle.

To fill this need, we created our Humanity Stream+ subscription service with its access to extensive streaming content and a private online community where members are already engaging in deep discussions around conscious evolution and the planetary awakening we are all collectively working toward.

You'll also have access to BRAND-NEW Masterclasses as they are released, LIVE and recorded mentoring programs with faculty, free upgrades, VIP programs, virtual forums, and so much more!

Humanity’s Team’s ENTIRE curriculum for personal evolution and conscious living is all available to you during your yearly subscription, and you’ll receive a Certificate of Completion for every Masterclasses you decide to explore.

As a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization dedicated to making conscious living pervasive worldwide by 2040, we are always looking for new ways to get our life-changing transformative content into the hands of those who might never have access to it otherwise. When you subscribe to Humanity Stream+, your purchase provides one subscription to an underprivileged and under-served individual, providing tools, hope, and support.

All of Humanity's Team Masterclasses + Hundreds of Additional Transformational Education Programming

With our ONE-FOR-ONE Program, your subscription provides one subscription to an underprivileged and under-served individual

LIVE Watch Parties so you can interact with others in the class and share ideas

The ability to Stream or Download to watch on-the-go on ANY device

Here's what your path to higher consciousness could look like...

Get ready to rediscover who you were truly meant to be in this collection of powerful spiritual programming with Steve Farrell & others on Humanity Stream+

First Up...



In this 8-Week Masterclass, evolutionary pioneer Steve Farrell, along with an incredible roster of luminary guests, will share the unique insights and wisdom they’ve gleaned on their own journeys to reach where they are now. They will also guide you towards an increased understanding of the deeper nature of reality and our connection to one another, allowing you to become a guide to others as you step into roles of greater leadership and influence in your family, your community, and in the larger world.

With Steve Farrell, Lee Ann Fortunato-Heltzel, Lance Secretan, Ozioma Egwuonwu, Gina Mazza, and Stephen Dynako.

In this 8-Week Masterclass, Barbara Marx Hubbard will show you how to reach a highly evolved and ever-evolving state by becoming more aware of and immersed in everything happening around you and within you, and more open to the invitations that will arrive in your life from the Universe, to have enriching, inspiring, and socially co-creative experiences so you can be part of the first wave of us to walk the Earth as the New Human.



Pair your learning with hundreds of additional transformational education programs with world-renowned instructors, on content spanning everything from meditation and psychic mediumship, to conscious business practices, to sound healing and acupressure, and more!

Pair your learning with hundreds of additional transformational education programs with world-renowned instructors, on content spanning everything from meditation and psychic mediumship, to conscious business practices, to sound healing and acupressure, and more!

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One for One

We are pleased to give you the opportunity to serve an audience that would typically never have access to Conscious Living material. "One-for-One" is our way of offering a full Stream+ scholarship for every paid subscription to an underprivileged and under-served individual, providing tools, hope, and support.

One for One

We are pleased to give you the opportunity to serve an audience that would typically never have access to Conscious Living material. "One-for-One" is our way of offering a full Stream+ scholarship for every paid subscription to an underprivileged and under-served individual, providing tools, hope, and support.

Here's what our Stream+ Members have to say...

Here's what our Stream+ Members have to say...

Become a Humanity Stream+ Member today and join a global movement to elevate consciousness

What's included with your Humanity Stream+ annual subscription:

Immediate access to all the modules and materials in this Masterclass as well as to our entire library of Transformational Educational Masterclasses and programs presented by the top leaders in Science, Spirituality, Healing, and more, so you can become a change agent for yourself, your loved ones, your community, and the planet.

Automatic enrollment in every new Masterclass and program we offer.

Exclusive invitations and VIP access to our weekly Live Events, Watch Parties, and Special Events.

Regular live sessions on everything from meditation and sound healing to intentionality and community leadership.

Complete recordings of sessions from the past 10 Global Oneness Summits, as well as access to recordings from upcoming Summits as they happen.

Watch from any device, 24/7, via Apple, Google, Amazon Fire, and Roku platforms.

Finding your Conscious Global Tribe and joining our community of people all over the world working to help humanity survive, evolve, and thrive, so we can all enjoy the abundance this planet and the Universe have to offer.

Plus You Get These 3 Exclusive Bonuses:

An invitation to your exclusive New Members Welcome Party and ongoing technical support – Value $149

Free Certificates of Completion for every Masterclass and program you take – Value $50 per program

VIP Access to our annual Global Oneness Summit and FREE Upgrade to our Global Oneness Summit Collections – Value $247

What's included with your Humanity Stream+ annual subscription:

  • Immediate access to all the modules and materials in this Masterclass as well as to our entire library of Transformational Educational Masterclasses and programs presented by the top leaders in Science, Spirituality, Healing, and more, so you can become a change agent for yourself, your loved ones, your community, and the planet.
  • Automatic enrollment in every new masterclass and program we offer.
  • Exclusive invitations and VIP access to our weekly Live Events, Watch Parties, and Special Events.
  • Regular live sessions on everything from meditation and sound healing to intentionality and community leadership.
  • Complete recordings of sessions from the past 10 Global Oneness Summits, as well as access to recordings from upcoming Summits as they happen.
  • Watch from any device, 24/7, via Apple, Google, Amazon Fire, and Roku platforms.
  • Finding your Conscious Global Tribe and joining our community of people all over the world working to help humanity survive, evolve, and thrive, so we can all enjoy the abundance this planet and the Universe have to offer.

Plus You Get These 3 Exclusive Bonuses:

  • An invitation to your exclusive New Members Welcome Party and ongoing technical support – Value $149
  • Free Certificates of Completion for every Masterclass and program you take – Value $50 per program
  • VIP Access to our annual Global Oneness Summit and FREE Upgrade to our Global Oneness Summit Collections – Value $247

Single Masterclass

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Conscious Leadership

  • 8 Video Modules from Katherine Woodward Thomas

  • 8 Video Modules from Dr. Laura Berman

  • 16 MP3 Audios of the Video Modules

  • Exclusive Membership in Our Private Facebook Community

Your Cost: $397

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Total Value: $21,044

Original Cost: $39.99/month

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Our Cancellation Policy

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE this Masterclass, simply contact our Support Team within 14 days of your purchase date, and we will gladly issue you a full refund.

Common Questions:

  • Can I still get benefits from the program if I miss the Live Sessions?

    Yes, you can play back the videos, audios or download the audio recordings of both the Program Sessions and the recorded mentoring sessions, and you’ll still receive the full benefit from the teachings. And you can engage with your fellow students anytime on our private Facebook page and conscious social network to discuss any aspect of what has been shared in the sessions.

  • Can you tell me more about the Facebook Private Community Group?

    We have a private Facebook community group for all program participants that will provide you the opportunity to make connections with others, share insights, participate in discussions and exchange information about events and other activities that will complement your conscious journey. You’ll have the capacity to contribute your intentions, wisdom, experiences, projects, and growth there throughout the program.

  • When are the mentoring sessions and will they be recorded?

    Two previously recorded mentoring sessions are available to program subscribers.

  • Are the modules live teachings?

    The 16 modules are recorded videos and available to watch at your convenience.

  • What is the program schedule?

    You will receive 2 recorded modules per week for 8 weeks.

  • What is your refund policy?

    We are so confident that this program will be enriching, rewarding and lots of fun that we offer a full (100%) refund if for any reason you choose to withdraw from the program within  10 days from the Masterclass purchase date. Your refund will be processed unconditionally, and we’ll send you an email confirming your refund. If you do not hear from us after you send your request, please write to us again.

    If you have any questions about our refund policy or wish to withdraw and request a refund, please notify Ephraim on our Support Team by email at [email protected]. To request a refund, please include “A 5-Year Guide to Your Future Refund Please” in the Subject Line. We also hope you’ll share with us your reasons for wishing to withdraw.

    Optimally we would love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first, so if there is something we can assist you with, please email us at [email protected], and we’ll be happy to help.

    No refund requests can be accepted more than 10 days after the subscription purchase date.

  • How can I reach Customer Support?

    Please write to [email protected]

  • What is the certificate of completion?

    This is a document you can print after completing the course. It is something you can share to illustrate your understanding of this masterclass's teachings. It may help to include on a resume, or to include in your own personal "Teacher Portfolio" to highlight a specific area of expertise.

  • Are there scholarships available?

    We award a limited set of half-scholarships for this program. 

    To apply, please fill out this form.

Any Questions?

Send us a message and our support staff will get back to you shortly

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