Heiko Veit
In my work I help my customers to go from change projects to really evolutionary development within organizations and of course the people themselves. I help as mountain guide, pattern breaker and shake up, if needed.
From my background I'm based within the IT, a quite analytical and brainfocused area. Quite early I experienced, that technological issues are only complicated and definitely solveable, the key to success is within the people and their cooperation, communication and cocreation.
So I've learned a lot in many different trainings, regarding Coaching and Psychotherapy (Transactional Analysis, Ego-Development, Hypno-systemic work , Integral Organisation and personal constellation, Integral Conduct, EDxTM and applied kinesiology, body therapy, psychodynamic ), Meditation (ZEN, Diamond Approach, integral Meditation) and organisational development (integral, systemic, Transactional Analysis), each at least 180 h of training and a lot of smaller courses, self experience and development workshops. I didn't only learn that stuff, I understood that the way of gaining consciousness is endless and everyone is on the way... and we have to start exactly where we are.
Contact Information:
Heiko Veit
website: www.heiko-veit.de
e-Mail: hvt @heiko-veit.de
Conscious Business Change Agent (CBCA) Project Description:
Project Description:
The project combined a course in awareness, the offering of daily guided meditation and some hands-on meeting rules for quite important projects.
This combination should help the people to deal better with stress and to raise the performance within key projects, by adding awareness into everyday conduct.
Value Proposition:
With the combination of a training on a personal, inner level and giving some formal processes, rules, practices into the projects, we achieved quite interesting results. The evaluation survey of the 50 participant had a response quote of 95%, so a lot of people wanted to give something back. After only 2 months we had the following results: 36 people stated that the personal wellbeing arose, 25 People were quite more aware of their inner state and could better decide how to react in difficult situations, 36 stated to be more focused on relevant work, 37 said they became more effective.
Target Audience:
This project is only one example, how the consciousness in a company could be raised. It always depends upon the status of the organization, the stage of the company and the people within.