Vanesa Weyrauch
Vanesa is committed to the emergence of a new leadership paradigm, by creating spaces for integral leaders to get inspired and co-create conscious organizations. She is the co-founder of Politics & Ideas, a think net focused in the interaction between research and policy, and intuit/liderazgo integral, a space for leaders who want to integrate internal and external worlds, the heart and the mind and the femenine and masculine. She has worked in the policy and research field for the past 12 years, especially with think tanks in Latin America, but also in Asia, Africa and East and Central Europe, with clients as GDN, IDRC, OSI, Hewlett Foundation. Save the Children and others. She has also created several online courses and has helped craft different capacity building programs, with an emphasis on online learning. She holds a BA in Social Communications from Universidad Austral (Argentina) and a Certificate of Special Studies in Management and Administration from Harvard University.
Contact Information:
Vanesa Weyrauch
[email protected]
Conscious Business Change Agent (CBCA) Project Description:
Leaders Who Dare: Millennials for an Emerging Integral Leadership
Project Description:
Intuit/liderazgo integral , a space created by myself and Berenice Bardin, offers a platform to co-create clusters of agents of change who can find in each other the source of inspiration and action to enable the emergence of a new integral leadership paradigm.
We will build on our two existing organizations to offer two programs that can help Millenials in business, civil society organizations and government together nurture a larger global movement towards conscious organizations by becoming integral leaders who unite the heart and the mind, the feminine and the masculine and the internal and the external.
We believe Millenials can become leaders who dare to become more integral leaders. However, the traditional approaches to supporting leaders (mainly capacity building through structured courses and workshops) are not working well with part of them.
Our two programs which will be funded by corporate foundations and by private companies, will offer them an opportunity to learn about emerging and evolving approaches (many drawn from the Conscious Business Initiative) and also apply new ideas to co-develop concrete projects, product and services that benefit their organizations and communities. This will be done by applying a mix of human centered design and Theory U through workshops and meetings.
Value Proposition:
By taking a non-traditional capacity development approach (no structured frameworks on how the new leaders need to be but sound and profound ideas on what could happen if we unite external and internal, mind and heart and feminine and masculine, plus a space where they will get a chance to co-listen and co-sense the future that is trying to emerge from them), we believe we can bring a very concrete way of helping these leaders take organizations into their next level of evolution.
Target Audience:
Millenials taking leadership positions at businesses, governments and civil society organizations.