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Conscious Business Change Agent Certification for

Julie Fraser

Julie Fraser

As a change agent, Julie creates a world where all people can flourish - at home, at play and at work. She creates safe spaces for people to become more aware and compassionate for self and others. Julie is the founder of two companies. Iyno Advisors teams with manufacturing software clients to deliver strategic and content-rich marketing. Present Source facilitates experiential learning of mindfulness and performance coaching skills to deal with today's fast-changing business world. These companies build bridges of understanding that make people happier and more successful in their workplaces. She is also a Certified Yoga Teacher and meditation teacher, Certified facilitator for both Coach2Lead and The Emergence Process, and a certified Conscious Business Change Agent. Fraser is also an active volunteer member of MESA International as well as The Conscious Business Initiative, in the Community of Practice and the CoP Services team.


Contact Information:


Julie Fraser

Present Source  
P: +1 508-362-3480     
M: +1 508-737-2128
julie @

Conscious Business Change Agent (CBCA) Project Description:

Giving More "Presents" of Workplace Mindfulness & Coaching

Project Description:

This project moved my young conscious business, Present Source, from solopreneur opportunistic to growth-ready, strategy-driven and sustainable. The business needed to make this move to serve as many people as possible; the work we do is foundational for creating conscious business environments where people flourish. This plan created a business plan, marketing plan, and created a 6-session and a 10-session mindfulness series, in addition to the 1, 3, and 4 session introductory offerings already in place. 

The conversations with leaders about this project led me to understand the benefits of being local to the client, and of creating right-sized durations for various workplace styles. It also re-energized my commitment to offer Coach2Lead as a pragmatic skill set for anyone in a position to lead. It also raised a question of what the pain points are for successful leaders to commit to new skills for themselves and their teams
Value Proposition:

This project helps counteract the stress and burn out many people suffer from in today's volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) world. Present Source is now in a position to help people form new habits both for self-care and for nurturing others to do their best. Beyond introducing people to mindfulness and performance coaching, we can now offer sustained experiential learning so participants have the opportunity to practice over several months and make these new skills habits. Our pragmatic approach also encourages people to take micro-breaks and provide constant support for self and others.


Target Audience:


Businesses in New England and Southwest Florida that hope to be in the "Best Companies to Work For" lists in their region. Those who care about the culture of the company and wellbeing of employees.

If you have questions about the Conscious Business Initiative, Declaration, Training and Certification, or Community of Practice, please e-mail us at [email protected].
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