If not, it’s probably because you’re holding on to an outdated and limited view of leadership. Families, neighborhoods, communities, schools, sole proprietorships, businesses, companies, organizations (both for and non-profit) involve leadership at some level.
In these days of unrest and division, as well as health-related concerns, conscious leadership is needed more than ever in every arena of life.
If you’d like your life to be more fulfilling and meaningful…
If you’d like to tap into your unrealized potential and capacities…
And if you’d like to have a more profound and positive impact on others and the world around you…
Then guess what?
You aspire to be a Conscious Leader.
Conscious leadership is about creating flourishing in how we live our lives, how we treat one another, how we work together, how we stretch together and how we go out and get new opportunities and create “fruit” by delivering nurturing outcomes at every level of society.
To train others in the art of being conscious leaders—and to model listening to and acting on your soul’s highest purpose instead of being seduced by materiality—Steve Farrell, the visionary co-founder and Executive Director of the Humanity’s Team non-profit organization (and co-founder of two for-profits that grew to over $75 million in revenue) has created a Free Video Program Series where he shares all his behind-the-scenes secrets to building conscious personal and professional cultures.
Steve Farrell is co-founder and Worldwide Executive Director of Humanity's Team, a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit organization based in Boulder, Colorado. The organization is focused on helping people throughout the world awaken to their deeper Self and the interconnectedness of everything in the Universe.
In the 1990s, years before Steve became involved with Humanity's Team, he co-founded and led two high-growth technology companies based in Silicon Valley that were featured in the INC 500 and spanned the United States and Europe. During this period of his life, he was an officer in the Young Entrepreneurs' Organization and the Young Presidents’ Organization.
By all accounts, Steve was living the "good life." But when he felt a calling to play an active role in creating a consciousness movement that could help people across the globe connect more deeply with the Divine Truth of Oneness, and also consciously participate in creating a flourishing and awakened world, Steve followed his heart and left the "American Dream" behind.
What he found is the story of Humanity's Team. Steve is a member of the Evolutionary Leadership Council and lives in Boulder, Colorado, with his wife Stephanie, their two young adult children, and their dog Sadie.
Steve recently published his acclaimed memoir A New Universal Dream: My Journey from Silicon Valley to a Life in Service to Humanity, an inspiring story of finding his true life’s calling and the lessons he gathered along the way.
Before Steve Farrell co-founded Humanity’s Team with bestselling author Neale Donald Walsch, he co-founded and led two high-growth technology companies based in Silicon Valley in the 1990s that spanned across both the United States and Europe, were featured on the INC 500 list, and were each operating at more than $75 million in revenue.
By that time, Steve was also an officer in both the Young Entrepreneurs’ Organization and the Young President’s Organization, but he walked away from all of it when he felt a calling to instead play an active role in creating a movement that could help people across the globe connect more deeply with the Oneness of all of Life and the Divine energy of the Universe.
Steve is the Worldwide Executive Director of the Humanity’s Team non-profit organization and a member of the Evolutionary Leadership Council. He lives with his wife Stephanie and his two children in Boulder, Colorado.
In this FREE online video program with Steve, you'll learn how to:
Walk away from “American Dream” ideologies and open yourself to your highest calling as a Conscious Leader
Accept the Invitation to wake up and develop a loving relationship with the Divine in yourself, in others, and in the world
Face the existential crisis affecting the entire world and allow your behavior to change from efficiency to a deeply loving state of communion, care, and love, thereby instilling Conscious Awareness into every aspect of your life
Live in the Oneness of planetary awakening and unity of all of life while creating flourishing in yourself, your home, community and workplace, and in the world
Experience the Boomerang Effect, as your service to the world comes back to you, your family, and co-workers as Divine blessings and prosperity
In this FREE online video program with Steve, you'll learn how to:
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