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The Path to Personal Power


The 8 Principals of Being a Conscious Creator


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Align with Your Highest Truth to Live a Life of

Effortless Flow & Profoundly Impact the World

Align with Your Highest Truth to Live a Life of Effortless Flow & Profoundly Impact the World

with bestselling author

& success expert

and New York Times bestselling author & energy healer

Debra Poneman

with bestselling author

& success expert

Christy Whitman

& New York Times bestselling author & energy healer

Online, Self-Paced

8-Week Masterclass

16 Video Modules

+ 2 Recorded Mentoring Sessions

+ 9 Powerful Bonuses

Become a Humanity Stream+ Member and receive full access to this self-paced Masterclass, PLUS hundreds of other transformational education programs.

Are you ready to access the tremendous power you may not even realize you have that will transform your life and the lives of everyone around you?

Step into a place of confidence and purpose where you are truly making a difference in the world.

Throughout history, there have always been those who believed that having power over other people and things was a legitimate way to create a happy and successful life...

Unfortunately, it has never really worked, and that old model of power based on control over others has obviously become increasingly unsustainable in our ever-more awakened 21st century world.

You may have noticed that those who attempt to obtain and wield this type of power seem to live in constant fear of losing it, and are most often deeply unsettled and unhappy.

We now live in a time where the only way to create sustainable success, deep fulfillment, and genuine happiness is to develop the greatest power we have as humans, the power we hold within ourselves that is based on a deep sense of our true self-worth.

Once you learn how to live from this kind of power, there is nothing you can’t have or be or do, nothing you can’t create, and no heights to which you can’t soar...

And once you are airborne, you will no longer feel any compulsion to have power over the world around you, because you will feel at your core that you are a part of that world instead of “apart” from it.

Once you begin to live inside this profound connection to your inner power, you become unafraid to share that power with others, and can then build a life of deep mutual respect, influence and support with everyone around you.

While your traumas are obviously unique to your specific experiences, they all share two things in common with one another and with everyone else's traumas.

This also allows you to become clearer about what you truly want from life, without fear or shame, so you can move toward the fulfillment of those desires with confidence — unattached to outcomes, always having gratitude for what you do receive rather than fixating on what you don't.

When you live from this New Kind of Power, you will know that the Universe supports you and is always putting the perfect challenges and circumstances in front of you to help you become the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

You will live in alignment with your own highest truth and the highest truth of the Universe, able to develop deeper, more meaningful relationships, and create more fulfilling work and work environments.      You can also use it to open new opportunities for creative expression and spiritual experience, stimulating your growth and bringing greater meaning to all you do to improve your own life, the lives of those around you, and the wider world, in every way you feel inspired to.

Greater self-mastery of your individual consciousness is not only capable of affecting every aspect of your physical and psychological health and well-being… It will also allow you to live in a state of deeper flow and make it possible for you to affect the outcomes of your daily life in profoundly positive ways.

In this self-paced Online Masterclass, Debra Poneman and Christy Whitman are teaming up for the first time to teach you how to master this New Kind of Power.

Let them show you how to use it to transform your life!

In this self-paced Online Masterclass, you will discover…

  • A technique for tapping into infinite intelligence at will

  • What we need to do as light workers, and how our attention can infuse peace into the fabric of our planet

  • How you can be sure that you are truly living your dharma — and why no one else can do what you were put on Earth to do

  • Learn a simple method for using the power of your mind to manifest whatever you desire 

  • The one thing we need in order to move through our fears

  • A quick process to fill your energy body with the precise quality of energy required to magnetize any manifestation you desire

  • How to apply the technique of “feeling forward” to deliberately create whatever outcome you desire 

  • How to raise the frequency of your dominant thoughts and beliefs to the vibration of joyful expectancy

  • How to reside in the energy of having, even before there is any physical or tangible evidence of its existence

  • How finding sufficiency — or satisfaction — is the doorway through which greater love and abundance can flow

  • How to recognize when the absence of something you desire is actually guiding you toward something much greater

  • A quick process for aligning your non-physical energies prior to taking any physical action

  • How to use any situation you currently find yourself in as a jumping off point to what you’re committed to creating next 

In this self-paced Online Masterclass, you will discover…

A technique for tapping into infinite intelligence at will

What we need to do as light workers, and how our attention can infuse peace into the fabric of our planet

How you can be sure that you are truly living your dharma — and why no one else can do what you were put on Earth to do

Learn a simple method for using the power of your mind to manifest whatever you desire 

The one thing we need in order to move through our fears 

A quick process to fill your energy body with the precise quality of energy required to magnetize any manifestation you desire

How to apply the technique of “feeling forward” to deliberately create whatever outcome you desire 

How to raise the frequency of your dominant thoughts and beliefs to the vibration of joyful expectancy

How to reside in the energy of having, even before there is any physical or tangible evidence of its existence

How finding sufficiency — or satisfaction — is the doorway through which greater love and abundance can flow

How to recognize when the absence of something you desire is actually guiding you toward something much greater 

A quick process for aligning your non-physical energies prior to taking any physical action

How to use any situation you currently find yourself in as a jumping off point to what you’re committed to creating next 


Heres What You Will Receive With Your Registration:

  • 8 Video Modules from Debra Poneman

  • 8 Video Modules from Christy Whitman

  • 16 MP3 Audios of the Video Modules

  • 16 PDF Transcripts

  • 4 recorded Group Mentoring sessions, two with each instructor

  • 9 Additional Bonus Programs to provide you with supplemental teachings that will add valuable information, insights and inspiration to your journey. They are included with your registration at no additional cost ($846 value).

  • Exclusive Membership in Our Private Facebook Community and Conscious Social Network

All of this programming can be streamed or downloaded to watch on-the-go through your subscription to the Humanity Stream+ app.

Available on your Smart Phone, Tablet, TV, and Laptop with Humanity Stream+

During the self-paced 8-week Masterclass, you will receive:

  • 8 Video Modules from Debra Poneman

  • 8 Video Modules from Christy Whitman

  • 16 MP3 Audios of the Video Modules

  • 16 PDF Transcripts

  • 4 recorded Group Mentoring sessions, two with each instructor

  • 9 Additional Bonus Programs to provide you with supplemental teachings that will add valuable information, insights and inspiration to your journey. They are included with your registration at no additional cost ($846 value).

  • Exclusive Membership in Our Private Facebook Community and Conscious Social Network

All of this programming can be streamed or downloaded to watch on-the-go at your own pace through your subscription to the Humanity Stream+ app.

Available on your Smart Phone, Tablet, TV, and Laptop with Humanity Stream+


The Power of Living Aligned with Your Truth

Listening to your inner voice connects you to an energy that is greater than yourself, an energy that contains more knowledge than your limited reasoning mind, which can often lead you in the wrong direction. Your mind is filled with your accumulated life experiences and all the hurts and the false beliefs you were told by others that you ended up making your own. Living from a new kind of power demands we bypass our minds and live from higher truths.

In this module with Debra Poneman, you will discover...

  • A technique for tapping into infinite intelligence at will
  • The priceless reward for having the courage to trust the messages you receive
  • Why you can no longer put off fearlessly being you


The Power of Your Mind and What Debra’s Near-Death Experienced Revealed

It was the early 1980s. For Debra’s entire adult life she had been a full-time meditation teacher (with a brief stint at trying to make some money by selling tax shelters). One day, she accidentally happened upon the knowledge that just as there was a systematic formula to create inner silence, there was also a systematic formula for using the power of the mind to create outer success and abundance. In this module she’ll share that formula with you — a formula you can use to create a life you love — and which her near-death experience proved is infallible.

In this module with Debra, you will discover...

  • How, in the space between life and death, Debra saw the mechanics of manifestation
  • What a New Thought Spiritual Leader in 1935 said would guarantee your success, prosperity, and happiness that still works today
  • How a woman who was broke and homeless became a New York Times bestselling author and a world-renowned thought leader by doing this one thing


The Power of Opening Your Heart

The challenges of life can be overwhelming, but if you think that obtaining something on the outside is going to pull you out of your pain and lead to fulfillment or long-lasting joy, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. However, if you’re ready to heal every nook and cranny of your beautiful heart so that you live with unconditional love for yourself and others, a new kind of power will dawn and you will spontaneously be a healing light in the world.

In this module with Debra, you will discover...

  • The story of a woman whose husband and only son were murdered, and how she was able to forgive the man who killed them
  • A life-changing benefit from doing acts of kindness that you probably never thought of
  • What the great spiritual teacher Maharishi Mahesh Yogi told Debra about the power of letting love in, and how to do it


The Power of Relationship Capital, the Currency for Our New World

In this module Debra shares some of her own success story and how she was able to establish an international presence decades before the internet, disappear for 20 years, and return to start again right where she left off by utilizing one tool: Relationship Capital. This module will give you the tools to have relationship capital flow to you from every direction to help make your every dream come true. If used wisely, it is the only currency you need to harness this new kind of power in your life.

In this module with Debra, you will discover...

  • How Debra’s son used relationship capital to raise $50 million for his non-profit and get a major production company to finance his Emmy-nominated documentary
  • How relationship capital allowed Debra to be handed a guaranteed bestseller to write that combined the #1 TV show and the #1 non-fiction book series of all time
  • What a modern day Master says is the one thing that will negate the return you would receive from your investment in relationship capital


The Power of Living Your Dharma

There are many translations of the Sanskrit word “dharma,” but one thing on which all scholars agree is that when you’re living your dharma, you’re living your true purpose for being here on Earth. When you’re not living your dharma, there’s an emptiness in your life, and it creates chaos on the subtle levels of creation. When we use our God-given talents, and do what makes our heart sing, we are “in our dharma,” and this is one of the ways we can add coherence and joy to the fabric of creation.

In this module with Debra, you will discover...

  • How to know what your true dharma is, and have the courage to live it
  • Why no one else can do what you were put on earth to do
  • The story of how Debra gave up her exploding career at the height of her success when she realized she wasn’t living her dharma — and the miraculous results


The Power of Moving Through Your Greatest Fears

People who change the world don’t play it safe. People who change the world don’t compromise their truth to protect their image. People who change the world are afraid to speak up, but do it anyway. People who change the world are scared every day, and they change the world anyway.

In this module with Debra, you will discover...

  • The one thing we need in order to move through our fears (and it comes before courage)
  • The remarkable rewards of moving outside your comfort zone
  • How a man who owned one of the largest companies in the world shocked his audience of 5,000 by telling the truth about what his product was doing to the planet


The Power of Harnessing the Light of Grace

The light of Grace is everywhere, but it’s up to us to choose how much of it we let into our lives. The more we let the light of grace in, the more we become imbued with the light, and the obstacles to our happiness dissolve. Darkness cannot exist in the presence of such light.

In this module with Debra, you will discover...

  • What the ancient Kabbalistic Masters taught about how to let the light of grace illuminate our lives, and what most of us do to block it
  • Why we each have specific lessons to learn in this lifetime and how, if we face them and don’t run away, the results can be miraculous
  • That not only can you have your heart’s desire, you can experience Self-Realization in this lifetime, and exactly how to get there from where you are right now


You Have the Power to Change the World

Sometimes we look at the state of our planet ,and we feel completely helpless. As we continue to reel from the pandemics and politics, chaos and climate change, distrust and division, it’s clear that the type of power that has gotten us to this point will not get us out. You probably can’t imagine how one person can make a difference when our world is plagued with seemingly insurmountable problems, but the truth is that you are powerful beyond measure, and you (singular) can bring about world peace. We truly are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

In this module with Debra, you will discover...

  • What the great 19th century Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag demonstrated to his students about the effect on the world of every single act we perform
  • How Debra’s experience at age 13 of the interconnectedness of everything in creation made her commit to never harming another human for as long as she lives
  • What we need to do as light workers, and how our attention can infuse peace into the fabric of our planet


The Principle of Alignment

Alignment with source energy, with one’s own self, and with the viability of our hearts’ desires is the key to joyfully creating any outcome in life. The people in this world who are the happiest, who have energy, vitality, and clarity, who have plenty of money, creative self-expression, and loving and supportive relationships, aren’t accomplishing these things through hard work or effort alone. They are allowing them into their experience through their alignment.

In this module with Christy Whitman, you will discover...

  • How you are, above all else, an energy broadcaster and receiver, and how to harmonize your personal energy frequency with the energies you wish to receive
  • How to access, strengthen, and draw upon your Divine source for guidance
  • A quick process to fill your energy body with the precise quality of energy required to magnetize any manifestation you desire


The Principle of Focus

Once we’ve identified a new desire, there are only two fundamental attitudes we can take in relation to it. We can focus on its absence and therefore continue to hold it apart from us, or we can apply the power of our focus to ponder, imagine, and delight in its eventual becoming, and more rapidly magnetize it into our experience. Choosing the path of focus is the first important step in becoming a deliberate creator. 

In this module with Christy, you will discover...

  • How to utilize your emotions as your guide for focusing specifically or more generally on what you desire 
  • The secret to shifting your focus from of lack and insufficiency to abundance 
  • How to apply the technique of “feeling forward” to deliberately create whatever outcome you desire


The Principle of Joyful Expectancy

Our emotions — both good-feeling and bad — serve a very important purpose. They provide moment-by-moment information about whether we are energetically aligned with, or opposing, the outcomes we desire. The better we feel, the more allowing, receptive and expectant we are of our desires unfolding naturally. The worse we feel, the more resistance we’re offering and the harder those desires will be to attain. Regardless of circumstance, we always have the power to shift our emotions — and therefore, shift the outcomes we create.

In this module with Christy, you will discover...

  • How to understand the vibrational frequency of your most habitual emotional states
  • The role expectation plays in the outcomes you create 
  • How to raise the frequency of your dominant thoughts and beliefs to the vibration of joyful expectancy


The Principle of Having

The vibration of wanting, yearning or needing can block the effortless manifestation of our desires. For example, a heartbroken or lonely person is not a vibrational match to the love they desire to attract. Likewise, we can’t get to financial solvency from an emotional stance of feeling broke. To change the quality of experiences we’re attracting, we must change the vibration we are broadcasting. When we accept that what we desire already exists — as a possibility that we can tap into at any moment — we begin to magnetize it into our experience.

In this module with Christy, you will discover...

  • That desire in its purest form is not attached to need or lack of any kind; it’s the engine that drives our never-ending process of becoming 
  • A process for connecting with the feeling essence of any outcome you desire to create
  • How to reside in the energy of having, even before there is any physical or tangible evidence of its existence


The Principle of Loving

Love is one of the most magnetic, creative forces in all the universe. When we love something — whether it’s another person, a cause, or an outcome we’d like to create — there is no separation between us and the object of our love. The Principle of Loving teaches us that we already have a relationship with the outcomes we desire, and by consciously, playfully, and lovingly flowing our energy toward them, we strengthen the quality of that relationship.

In this module with Christy, you will discover...

  • How to strengthen the love affair between you and any outcome you desire
  • A quick process for shifting into a state of appreciation, regardless of the circumstance you’re in
  • How finding sufficiency — or satisfaction — is the doorway through which greater love and abundance can flow


The Principle of Surrender

Taking action toward the fulfillment of our desires is an important part of the manifestation process: Clarifying what is wanted and formulating a plan for getting there helps direct the positive flow of our energies. But in every manifestation, there comes a point of diminishing return. Our manifestations unfold more seamlessly when we can recognize when to surrender and allow, rather than continue to push forward. The Principle of Surrender enables us to withdraw our focus from the external objective we want to create, and to focus first on our vibrational readiness.

In this module with Christy, you will discover...

  • How to bring yourself internally up to speed with the vibration of any desire, so it can manifest and remain a part of your outer reality 
  • A process for softening resistance when something you desire is taking longer to manifest than you’d like it to
  • How to recognize when the absence of something you desire is actually guiding you toward something much greater


The Principle of Action

Each of the six principles that have come before — those of alignment, focus, joyful expectancy, having, loving, and surrender — help to guide us into a state of receptivity. They support us in being open to the universal intelligence that is, in every moment, guiding us toward the fulfillment of our desires. In an inspired and receptive state, we can easily distinguish between actions that are motivated from a place of fear, insecurity, or overcompensation, and those that are inspired from the Divine.

In this module with Christy, you will discover...

  • The difference between forced action and inspired action
  • How to distinguish your “hell yesses” from your “hell no’s” – so your actions are in line with your Desire Factor
  • A quick process for aligning your non-physical energies prior to taking any physical action


The Principle of Energy Mastery

Energy mastery requires determination of focus and a commitment to keeping our Desire Factor foremost in our minds, even before evidence of its eventual manifestation reveals itself. It’s the practice of deliberately aligning our personal energy fields with the energy stream that creates and sources all things. We can tap into this stream of inspiration at any moment by asking questions such as: What if I was already the type of person I am aspiring to be? What if I had already created the result I’ve been striving toward? And what are the actions that are naturally aligned with my result?

In this module with Christy, you will discover...

  • The 3 areas to focus on in order to nourish your energy body
  • How to use any situation you currently find yourself in as a jumping off point to what you’re committed to creating next
  • A daily practice for achieving energetic alignment with the essence of your desire

Plus Receive These 9 Additional Powerful Bonuses:


Watch Your Words: Change Your Language, Change Your Life

Words start the creation process. The words we choose either leave us feeling good or bad, expansive or constrictive, creative or destructive. This 30-day video program with Christy Whitman, which takes less than 4 minutes per day, will make you aware of the words and phrases that need to be changed, why they need to be shifted, and what words to choose instead so that you can feel good, and expansive, and create what you do want.  Break the language patterns that are keeping you from reaching your potential, and develop new speech habits that will set you up for success every time!


Living a Paradigm of Success: Fulfilling Relationships in Our New World with Katherine Woodward-Thomas

In this 30-minute video hosted by Debra Poneman, you will learn how to...

  • Adapt to the way relationships have had to pivot during this time of social distancing
  • Take your wounds and most broken parts and not only use them as a catalyst for your own development but as a catalyst to change the world
  • Deconstruct core beliefs that are disempowering and untrue
  • Navigate being a powerful woman


Living a Paradigm of Success: How to Live with Deep Self-Love and Passion with Janet Attwood

In this 30-minute video hosted by Debra Poneman, you will learn how to...

  • Utilize practices so that will bring you home to yourself
  • Open yourself to the truth of who you are
  • Use a powerful practice for stopping your inner critic
  • Why it's so important for each of us to treat ourselves kindly


Living a Paradigm of Success: Creating True Happiness and Real Success with Marci Shimoff

In this 30-minute video hosted by Debra Poneman, you will learn how to...

  • Understand why the traditional kind of success does not in any way actually lead to happiness
  • Use a simple exercise to connect with your heart 
  • Realize that your own happiness affects the collective consciousness
  • Allow your success to benefit others


Living a Paradigm of Success: Clearing Up the “Burdens” We Carry Through Ancestral Clearing with John Newton

In this 30-minute video hosted by Debra Poneman, you will learn how to...

  • Embrace the importance of reflecting the fullness of who you are 
  • Why you need to unload the baggage you’ve been carrying and how it impacts your success
  • Access a simple way to lead, knowing that you are enough
  • Experience a powerful Ancestral clearing around success


Living a Paradigm of Success: How Success Can No Longer Be About “Me" with Marianne Williamson

In this 30-minute video hosted by Debra Poneman, you will learn how to...

  • Do your part to help humanity thrive as a collective
  • Embrace group consciousness as a key to the success of the world
  • Use your individual power to move the collective in a positive direction
  • Use the same principles of transformation that you apply in your personal life to help heal the world


Living a Paradigm of Success: How Fear Holds Us Back with Margaret Lynch

In this 30-minute video hosted by Debra Poneman, you will learn how to...

  • Understand the way your chakras correlate with your success
  • Avoid the damage fear does to our bodies
  • Use tapping to raise your energy 
  • Use a powerful tapping technique to clear blocks for success


Living a Paradigm of Success: A New Perspective on Life Following a Near-Death Experience with astronaut Jose Hernandez

In this 30-minute video hosted by Debra Poneman, you will learn how to...

  • Use what Jose discovered during his near death experience to improve your own life
  • Understand the biggest message Jose received during his experience on the other side
  • Truly love who you are, and why it is so important for success
  • Harness the capability we all have to heal our lives


Living a Paradigm of Success: What is True Success and How to be “Unsinkable" with Sonia Ricotti

In this 30-minute video hosted by Debra Poneman, you will learn how to...

  • Avoid the kind of perfectionism that can block success
  • Take advantage of the present moment and not waiting for “perfect” timing
  • Use a powerful exercise to release negative emotions
  • Access simple techniques for recovering quickly after setbacks


Debra Poneman

     Debra Poneman is an award-winning success expert, bestselling author, seminar leader, speaker, and media guest. Her clients have included corporate executives, celebrities, and New York Times bestselling authors. In early 1981, she founded Yes to Success Seminars, Inc., dedicated to teaching enlightened, timeless principles of success and prosperity, coupled with new solutions. By 1984 she had reps teaching her ever-growing body of knowledge in over a dozen major U.S. cities and seven countries on four continents.

     Her client list included Mattel Toys, McDonnell Douglas, Shaklee, Xerox Management Group, International Trade Management, Women in Management, Women in Banking, Business and Professional Women, and the Young Presidents Organization, and she soon became a favorite talk show guest and appeared on radio, TV, and in print from coast to coast.

     Debra is a member of Jack Canfield’s Transformational Leadership Council and the Southern California Association of Transformational Leaders, and she is also a certified meditation teacher through both the Art of Living Foundation and the Transcendental Meditation Organization and has taught meditation to thousands of individuals and in companies throughout the world.

     Christy Whitman is the channel for The Council, spiritual mentors here to spread the message of Quantum Energy Mastery. Christy and The Council teach classes and meditations and provide private sessions to help clients feel more aligned with their Divine Design of well-being, abundance, success, and loving and supportive relationships.

     For over fifteen years and before channeling The Council, Christy was a Transformational Leader, Celebrity Coach, and Law of Attraction expert, as well as the two-time  New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Having It All and Taming Your Alpha Bitch.

     Christy has appeared on The Today Show, The Morning Show, Ted X, and The Hallmark Channel, and her work has been featured in numerous publications, including Goalcast, People Magazine, Seventeen, Woman’s Day, Hollywood Life, and Teen Vogue.

Christy Whitman


What Others have to say about Debra & Christy

The future of Transformational Education is Humanity Stream+

If you’d like to commit even more fully to your conscious journey, for not much more than the tuition for this single Masterclass, we want to offer you unlimited access to hundreds of transformational education programs, including all our other Masterclasses, through our Humanity Stream+ online platform.

Whether you seek to deepen your understanding of human potential, heal from past traumas, or discover your soul's true purpose, with our annual subscription you'll have unlimited access to transformative content from some of the most inspirational leaders, visionaries, authors and teachers of our time, including:

Gregg Braden, Bruce H. Lipton, Lynne McTaggart, Michael Beckwith, Neale Donald Walsch, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Thomas Hübl, Joan Borysenko, Nassim Haramein, Katherine Woodward Thomas, Dr. Laura Berman, Mark Nepo, Kris Carr, Matthew Fox, Patricia Cota-Robles, Sister Jenna, and so many more!

Over the past couple of years, many in our community have shared with us how serious they are about their spiritual and personal development, and they’ve expressed their wish that there was a single place they could go to access inspiring training and content, and where they might also connect directly with others to have conversations that are not fueled and gaslit by the daily newscycle.

To fill this need, we created our Humanity Stream+ subscription service with its access to extensive streaming content and a private online community where members are already engaging in deep discussions around conscious evolution and the planetary awakening we are all collectively working toward.

You'll also have access to BRAND-NEW Masterclasses as they are released, LIVE and recorded mentoring programs with faculty, free upgrades, VIP programs, virtual forums, and so much more!

Humanity’s Team’s ENTIRE curriculum for personal evolution and conscious living is all available to you during your yearly subscription, and you’ll receive a Certificate of Completion for every Masterclasses you decide to explore.

As a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization dedicated to making conscious living pervasive worldwide by 2040, we are always looking for new ways to get our life-changing transformative content into the hands of those who might never have access to it otherwise. When you subscribe to Humanity Stream+, your purchase provides one subscription to an underprivileged and under-served individual, providing tools, hope, and support.

All of Humanity's Team Masterclasses + Hundreds of Additional Transformational Education Programming

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Here's what your path to higher consciousness could look like...

Get ready to rediscover who you were truly meant to be in this collection of powerful self-empowerment programming on Humanity Stream+

First Up...



In this 8-Week Masterclass with bestselling authors Debra Ponemen and Christy Whitman, they will show you how to live in alignment with your own highest truth and the highest truth of the Universe, allowing you to create deeper, more meaningful relationships and experience sustainable success, deep fulfillment, genuine happiness, and bring greater meaning to all you do to improve your own life, the lives of those around you, and the wider world, in every way you feel inspired to.

In this 8-Week Masterclass, Mark Nepo and Kris Carr will teach you how to engage in daily practices that will help you live more openly and fully from your heart so you can become a better, more effective, creative, inspired and fulfilled human, better able to process the challenging thoughts and emotions that can arise as you navigate the twists and turns of your day-to-day life.

In this 8-week Masterclass, Katherine Woodward Thomas and Dr. Laura Berman will provide you with insights, tools and techniques that will not only improve your love life but every aspect of your life in remarkable ways and allow you to experience the kind of wildly joyful levels of love, intimacy and sex that will make your day-to-day experience truly exciting, fulfilling and worthwhile.



Pair your learning with hundreds of additional transformational education programs with world-renowned instructors, on content spanning everything from meditation and psychic mediumship, to conscious business practices, to sound healing and acupressure, and more!

Pair your learning with hundreds of additional transformational education programs with world-renowned instructors, on content spanning everything from meditation and psychic mediumship, to conscious business practices, to sound healing and acupressure, and more!

Choose from one of our Categories below

Choose from one of our Categories below

One for One

We are pleased to give you the opportunity to serve an audience that would typically never have access to Conscious Living material. "One-for-One" is our way of offering a full Stream+ scholarship for every paid subscription to an underprivileged and under-served individual, providing tools, hope, and support.

One for One

We are pleased to give you the opportunity to serve an audience that would typically never have access to Conscious Living material. "One-for-One" is our way of offering a full Stream+ scholarship for every paid subscription to an underprivileged and under-served individual, providing tools, hope, and support.

Here's what our Stream+ Members have to say...

Here's what our Stream+ Members have to say...

Become a Humanity Stream+ Member today and join a global movement to elevate consciousness

What's included with your Humanity Stream+ annual subscription:

  • Immediate access to all the modules and materials in this Masterclass as well as to our entire library of Transformational Educational Masterclasses and programs presented by the top leaders in Science, Spirituality, Healing, and more, so you can become a change agent for yourself, your loved ones, your community, and the planet.
  • Automatic enrollment in every new masterclass and program we offer.
  • Exclusive invitations and VIP access to our weekly Live Events, Watch Parties, and Special Events.
  • Regular live sessions on everything from meditation and sound healing to intentionality and community leadership.
  • Complete recordings of sessions from the past 10 Global Oneness Summits, as well as access to recordings from upcoming Summits as they happen.
  • Watch from any device, 24/7, via Apple, Google, Amazon Fire, and Roku platforms.
  • Finding your Conscious Global Tribe and joining our community of people all over the world working to help humanity survive, evolve, and thrive, so we can all enjoy the abundance this planet and the Universe have to offer.

Plus You Get These 3 Exclusive Bonuses:

  • An invitation to your exclusive New Members Welcome Party and ongoing technical support – Value $149
  • Free Certificates of Completion for every Masterclass and program you take – Value $50 per program
  • VIP Access to our annual Global Oneness Summit and FREE Upgrade to our Global Oneness Summit Collections – Value $247

Immediate access to all the modules and materials in this Masterclass as well as to our entire library of Transformational Educational Masterclasses and programs presented by the top leaders in Science, Spirituality, Healing, and more, so you can become a change agent for yourself, your loved ones, your community, and the planet.

Automatic enrollment in every new Masterclass and program we offer.

Exclusive invitations and VIP access to our weekly Live Events, Watch Parties, and Special Events.

Regular live sessions on everything from meditation and sound healing to intentionality and community leadership.

Complete recordings of sessions from the past 10 Global Oneness Summits, as well as access to recordings from upcoming Summits as they happen.

Watch from any device, 24/7, via Apple, Google, Amazon Fire, and Roku platforms.

Finding your Conscious Global Tribe and joining our community of people all over the world working to help humanity survive, evolve, and thrive, so we can all enjoy the abundance this planet and the Universe have to offer.

Plus You Get These 3 Exclusive Bonuses:

An invitation to your exclusive New Members Welcome Party and ongoing technical support – Value $149

Free Certificates of Completion for every Masterclass and program you take – Value $50 per program

VIP Access to our annual Global Oneness Summit and FREE Upgrade to our Global Oneness Summit Collections – Value $247

Single Masterclass

Get self-paced access to only

A New Kind Of Power

  • 8 Video Modules from Christy Whitman

  • 16 MP3 Audios of the Video Modules

  • 16 PDF Transcripts

  • 4 recorded Group Mentoring sessions, two with each instructor

  • 9 Additional Bonus Programs to provide you with supplemental teachings that will add valuable information, insights and inspiration to your journey. They are included with your registration at no additional cost ($846 value).

  • Exclusive Membership in Our Private Facebook Community

Your Cost: $397

Enroll In The Program

Humanity Stream+

12-Month Membership - Monthly Payment Plan

Get full, self-paced access to this program and everything else on Humanity Stream+ for 12 months using this optional monthly payment plan of $29.99/month (contract is not cancellable until the end of the 12th month, at the end of a full year).

In the check-out, enter your debit or credit card information. Your first payment is charged when the order is processed, and the remaining 11 installments are automatically charged every month. Contract will auto-renew after two emailed notifications beginning at 2 weeks from the end of the agreement. 

I understand this is a non-cancellable annual contract with a monthly payment of $29.99/month, not cancellable

until the end of the 12th month.

Total Value: $21,044

Original Cost: $39.99/month

Now: $29.99/month for 12 months

Join Humanity Stream+ Payment Plan Offer

Humanity Stream+

12-Month Membership (100+ Programs)

Get access to this Program and full access to everything else on Humanity Stream+.  The entire streaming platform is yours for less than $1/day.

Total Value: $21,044

Your Cost: $499/year

Now: $299/year

Join Humanity Stream+

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!

Our Cancellation Policy

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE this Masterclass, simply contact our Support Team within 14 days of the Masterclass start date, and we will gladly issue you a full refund.

Common Questions:

  • Can you tell me more about the Private Facebook Community Group?

    We have a private Facebook community group for all program participants that will provide you the opportunity to make connections with others, share insights, participate in discussions and exchange information about events and other activities that will complement your metamorphic journey. You’ll have the capacity to contribute your intentions, wisdom, experiences, projects, and growth there throughout the program.

  • Are the modules live teachings?

    The 16 modules are recorded videos and available to watch at your convenience.

  • What is the program schedule?

    We share three modules per week. After the first two weeks you can access the other modules as quickly as you like.

  • When are the mentoring sessions and will they be recorded?

    There are no recorded mentoring sessions for this Masterclass.

  • What is your refund policy?

    We are so confident that this program will be enriching, rewarding and lots of fun that we offer a full (100%) refund if for any reason you choose to withdraw from the program within the first 10 days of the purchase date. Your refund will be processed unconditionally, and we’ll send you an email confirming your refund. If you do not hear from us after you send your request, please write to us again.

    If you have any questions about our refund policy or wish to withdraw and request a refund, please notify our Support Team by email at [email protected]. To request a refund, please include “Higher Love Refund Please” in the Subject Line. We also hope you’ll share with us your reasons for wishing to withdraw.

    Optimally we would love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first, so if there is something we can assist you with, please email us at [email protected], and we’ll be happy to help.

    No refund requests can be accepted 1) more than 10 days after the purchase date, or 2) for scholarship awards.

  • How can I reach Customer Support?

    Please write to [email protected]

  • What is the certificate of completion?

    This is a document you can print, showing that you have completed the course. It is something you can share to illustrate your understanding of this masterclass's teachings. It may help to include on a resume, or to include in your own personal "Teacher Portfolio" to highlight a specific area of expertise." to highlight a specific area of expertise.

Any Questions?

Send us a message and our support staff will get back to you shortly

Contact Us

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